Canton Ratchet Madness 2024 Sweet 16: Red Solo Cup Region


Sweet 16 is completed in the Tail Light Region of Ratchet Madness 2024 and we now know which two ratchets will square off for a chance to go to the Final 4.

Horse face is straight smoking people this tournament. I haven’t seen dominance like this since Monica Cannon-Grant’s run back in 2021. I voted for Julie Albert and Ken Mello, but I guess the people disagree with me, as we’ll have a 1-2 matchup next week.

Onto the Red Solo Cup Region where you will have 24 hours to pick the next two ratchets to advance to the Elite 8.


1. Chris Albert vs. 5. Auntie Bev

1. Chris Albert – Once killed a man, plethora of court judgments for nonpayment of bills and tax liens, enjoys getting cuckholded by wife and tongue lashed by middle aged women at meetings

5. Auntie Bev – Most incompetent judge ever who clearly would rather be getting drunk than overseeing murder trial she insists on being a part of



2. Bukkake vs. 3. Brian Tully

2. Bukkake – Corrupt State Police Sergeant who covers up murders for his day job while fan girling Dave Pornoy and doing drunken strip teases at weddings on the weekends

3. Brian Tully – Corrupt State Police Lieutenant who covered for Michael Proctor and considers scored DCF single Moms to be valuable sources in case against Turtleboy


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