Canton Cover-Up Part 81: Woman Who Threw Egg At 5 Year Old Boy Outside CPD During Peaceful Protest Identified As Real Estate VP Diana White


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During the rolling rally peaceful protest in Canton on Saturday the wonderful demonstration was marred at the end by a previously unidentified individual who threw an egg that landed next to a 5 year old boy. At the 1 minute mark of this video you can see a BMW go by me while I was giving an interview for Canton TV. Then you hear someone yell “f*** you man,” before hearing an egg cracking.

I had the chance to meet the little boy afterwards, and he was visibly shaken by the incident (luckily a turtle rider gave him $5 because they felt so badly for him). You can see the boy walking with me in this video, which also shows Tim Albert filming protesters from the side of his bedsheet curtains.

Multiple witnesses reported seeing the egg come out of the sun roof of the car that had a blonde woman driving with what appeared to be a teenage girl in the passenger seat.

The car is registered to Diana White, the Vice President of Better Living Real Estate, LLC.

Like pretty much everyone we’ve profiled in this story, Diana was born and raised in Canton, graduated from Canton High School in the 90’s, and is close friends with the Albert and McCabe families.

She has deactivated her personal Facebook page, but her company’s Facebook page has their reviews wide open.

Like the Alberts and the McCabes, Diana White is a generational Cantonite, piggy backing off of her family whose real estate company she miraculously rose to the top of with a high school degree. She lives at 62 Kings Road, two streets over from 34 Fairview Road with her husband Michael and daughter Tori.

Canton residents describe her as a “sloppy drunk,” a “fupasaurus,” and a “NASTY fat Albert wannabe,” who is currently day drinking at the Canton Town Club as I write this story (we see you Diana). Here she is during one of her recent benders, bringing great shame to her family, her community, and her town, by shaking her 3 ton pooper during karaoke.

You may also recognize her from Part 12 of the Canton Cover-up series, as she was sitting in the front row with Bernie and Julie Albert at a Select Board meeting, making faces while town resident Angela Chan O’Donnell was voicing her displeasure about the fact that a murder was covered up in her town.

During a Live Show I apparently referred to her as Julie and Chris’ body guard, due to the fact that she looks like the kind of lady who threw the shot put in high school and will break several of your bones if you eat the last Ho-Ho. Multiple people have told me that she has had it out for me since then, so she targeted our peaceful rolling rally and decided she would egg us. Instead of targeting me or any of the adults, she chose a 5 year old boy, because that’s the kind of individual who still supports the Alberts and McCabes after all this.

To make matters worse my sources tell me that her star athlete daughter Tori was the one who actually threw the egg, but only because her mother made her.

I have alerted the mother of the 5 year old boy who tells me she is contacting the Canton Police Department to file a report. If Diana White isn’t charged with a crime immediately then the Canton Police can expect to see me in their lobby demanding to know why. This happened directly in front of their police station as their officers hid from us. Under no circumstances should a town police department not have police watching over that many people on the busiest street in town, after going door to door protesting murderers.

P.S. Julie Nagel’s neighbors LOVED us.

Double P.S. Brian and Nicole Albert were reportedly inside Jen McCabe’s home when we protested there. Since Jen is in Maine she wanted someone to house sit for her in case her property was vandalized.

Triple P.S. There’s Brian Albert (on the left) two weeks ago drinking at Marina Bay in Quincy.




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