Revere Crackhead Who Had Love Child With City Councillor Before He Died Is Now Stealing Amazon Packages With Rapper Billy Baggz While Living In A Tent


A few weeks ago a woman in Revere posted a video on her Facebook page of two people stealing packages containing Christmas gifts from a porch at 3:47 AM. The junkies took out the gifts and dumped the empty boxes at the end of the street.

It would be pretty hard to identify pink pants from that video alone though. Luckily the guy she was with is extremely well known to Turtleboy and shortly after they tried to ruin Christmas for kids he posted a video of them on YouTube. Who remembers this degenerate?

William Bangera, AKA Billy Baggz, is a homeless Revere rapper who we blogged about a bunch of times in 2018-19 until we got bored with him and moved on. He caught our attention when he started a GoFundMe for his rap career so he could go on the road, promote his music, and abandon his family.

An hour after that house was robbed Billy posted a video on his YouTube channel of him and a woman he calls Jenae, ripping butts in a Dunkin Donuts parking lot before retiring to their tent for a long night of drug fueled raw dog. Her pants look familiar.

Billy was also so kind as to tag her on Facebook.

Thanks to this legendary GoFundMe rapper, his latest slampig Jenae DeSantis picked up her first charge for larceny in Chelsea District Court.

She has a long, long way to go to catch up with Billy though.

The name Jenae DeSantis sounded very familiar to me, so I searched for her on Facebook. Lo and behold, we were Facebook friends and had messaged before about a story idea. In January she was posting all over Facebook about a Revere City Councillor named George Rotondo, who she alleged had abused her. People had been tagging us in her posts, which included allegations that he choked her, and a copy of the restraining order she was granted against him in January.


In 2017 one of our former bloggers North Shore Turtlebabe wrote a story about George Rotondo after he defended his hoodbunny daughter Amanda after she got into a fight, got her ass beat, and then cried to Daddy about it.

So I was interested in Jenae’s story and reached out to her to see if she had some sort of evidence to back up her claims that a Revere City Councillor we previously blogged about had assaulted her. I quickly realized I had made a horrible mistake.



She sent me a bunch of documents I couldn’t read because she took them with her phone and didn’t wait for the camera to focus.

She also sent me a video she secretly recorded of George while he allegedly had kidnapped her and brought her to New York. In the video George says he’s gonna beat up some guy named Bob, who sounds like he did drugs with her, and he accuses Jenae of calling the cops on him over something.

Perfectly normal relationship for a City Councillor to have.

Then came the Revere-English sentagraphs, in which she ranted about something related to George being a sex fiend who stalked her, made her give $20 blowjobs while she was pregnant, and something about strangling her in front of her baby.

And yes, for some reason a Revere City Councillor had a love child with a local crackhead who was now attempting to weaponize Turtleboy against him, and most of her pictures with the baby appeared to be in the DCF waiting room.

I still thought it was an interesting story if a man in position of power was preying on drug addicted women for sex. The problem was that Jenae writes like John Fetterman talks, and she doesn’t follow directions very well. I just wanted her to show me a better picture of the documents before we attempted to wade through the word salad sentagraph she sent me. She responded with something about the Russians hacking her, and then sent me more screenshots of text messages without explaining what they were. .

It ended there and we haven’t spoken since.

In September George Rotondo died, and although their love child is listed in the obituary, Jenae is not. Nevertheless she’s been posting about him relentlessly about how much she loved and misses him since then.

So what do you do when your allegedly abusive sugar daddy City Councillor dies and leaves you unable to obtain crack money and visit your daughter in the DCF visitor’s room? Start dating Billy Baggz, robbing porches, sleeping in tents, and ending up on Turtleboy.

In all honesty, I wish I had written about this back in January because George Rotondo seems like a real asshole. He was a well respected elected official who sought out a weak an vulnerable woman for sex because it was easy to control her. He made her think that someday they would be together, but he knew that at the end of the day she was nothing more than something he could use to get off with. He thought so little of her that her child was mentioned in his obituary, but she wasn’t. It’s actually pretty sad to her posts calling him her protector, and reading about her life living in vans and tents now, while seeing her daughter on supervised visits once a week.

“We were supposed to hav decades of memories together.”

I’m sure he told her that to string her along, but he knew it was a lie. At the end of the day he was just lying to her and had no intention of leaving her with any money, or making any attempt to see that the mother of his baby daughter was taken care of. It takes a real lowlife to do prey on a woman like this, but that’s George left this earth.

But yea, I just couldn’t understand a word she was saying. Unfortunately I get messages like this a lot and don’t have hours to try to interpret what the ratchet is trying to tell me. Still, she’s a grown woman with countless resources at her disposal to try to get her life together if she wants to see her daughter again. Instead she’s robbing porches with Billy Baggz to feed her habits. That’s not George’s fault, it’s on her.



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