Poor Behavior

21 Year Old Westfield Man Posts About Love For His 16 Year Old Runaway Girlfriend On 10 Month Anniversary, Other Women Come Forward Alleging Grooming


Sam Hawley is a 21 year old Northampton man originally from Westfield.

As you can see he is a ginger and proudly rocks a neckbeard so he has no soul. He also appears to be a raging alcoholic and frequently posts videos of himself being white girl drunk on Facebook.

I remember my first beer too.

He’s also a very important person. Much more important than you.

Some day we will look back at the time we called certain people essential and other people not essential and realize that we all we must never empower ratchets again.

Sam recently posted on Facebook about his 10 month anniversary with his girlfriend.

Except there’s just a few problems – he’s 21, she’s 16, they’ve been dating him since she was 15, grooming her since she was 14, she frequently runs away to his grandmother’s house, she’s currently in lockup because of him, and her parents saw the post.

She’s also not the first underage girl he’s tried to take to hook up with and as soon as she got locked up he immediately started hitting up women (many of who are strangers) on Facebook.

As you can see on his wide open Facebook page everyone is crapping all over this chomo sapien. Yet he’s posting away about his Honda and whining that people are bullying him for being a Chester.

Hondas have become the flat brimmed Bulls hats for motor heads. I’m considering pushing my CRV off a cliff just to cleanse my soul.

He’s also a fan of meth.

He care not what any says about him because “imma do me no cap.”

And by “Ima do me” he means, “finger blast minors.”

This was my personal favorite post of his.

Nothing ironic about that.

Despite the fact that he’s openly dating a vulnerable, damaged child, he has no problem shamelessly promoting his “contracting” and “landscaping” business on community Facebook pages.



If you’re willing to give away 10 free jobs it’s because no one is interested in hiring you. Just sayin.

Last October he was arrested in Chicopee after trying to stop the police from arresting his 15 year girlfriend, who refused to go with them and assaulted a cop when they were attempting to return her home.

Nevertheless he’s keeping his page public and responding to her classmates who are calling him out for being a predator.

Yea, totally wasn’t because of you. She just ran to you and you provided her with shelter. Besides that you have nothing to do with it gingerpube man.

But it’s cool because she’s “mature,” and there’s only 4 years difference between them (because he also sucks at basic math).

He loves her so much that immediately after she was arrested he began hitting up other women and then pulled the “I messaged the wrong side chick” card when he was called out on it.

“It wasn’t me.”

This dude’s not even old enough to know Shaggy either. Someone might want to tell him that one never worked, and he should probably date women his own age. If only that were possible.


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