
Wayland Taxpayers Paying For Teachers To Attend “Teaching While White” Seminar For $625 Each Taught By Non-Profit Affiliated With Black Panthers


Here’s an email that was sent out to teachers in the Wayland Public Schools recently.

Three words – Racism Industrial Complex.

The mere fact that taxpayers in Wayland pay for the salary of someone whose job title is “Diversity and Equity Coordinator” should be criminal in and of itself. But this is what the racism industrial complex does – gives jobs to people who have no real life skills, so they can lecture talented people about how racist they are.

There is nothing these hucksters fear more than a world without racism. Racism is their currency. Without it none of them would be able to make up jobs like this. They exist to sell diversity trainings where they lecture at workplaces about how you’re actually racist but realize it, while sprinkling in generic SJW buzzwords like, “implicit bias,” “structural racism,” and “white privilege.” These people deal entirely in concepts and avoid facts like the plague.

METCO is a program that buses kids from Boston into the surrounding suburban schools. It gives city kids the option to take classes in much less diverse but more affluent communities. I’m not opposed to METCO, but Wayland’s METCO program has been in the news, and it’s not good news.

METCO director Mabel Reid-Wallace is stepping down after 19 years on the job, and no reason was given in an email sent Wednesday by Superintendent Arthur Unobskey to parents and staff. State inspectors in 2016 investigated Reid-Wallace’s relationship with the Boston Parent Council. The Inspector General’s Office said the relationship raised “troubling” questions about whether Reid-Wallace used the organization to circumvent financial controls and divert funds from the Wayland Public Schools.

While state inspectors found no “conclusive evidence” of wrongdoing, they identified several “internal control and oversight lapses” in Wayland that previously created “significant opportunities” for employees to commit fraud, waste and abuse with METCO funds.

The agency’s investigation followed an audit by the firm Powers & Sullivan that identified several concerns with the district’s METCO account, including the fact that Reid-Wallace had used more than $20,000 worth of program funds to pay her personal credit card bill – money Reid-Wallace said was a reimbursement for METCO expenses.

So basically this woman got a job by climbing the ladder of the racism-industrial complex and ended up “diverting” (stealing) money from the taxpayers to pay off her credit card bills. Somehow she wasn’t arrested for larceny and was allowed to resign from her job, and I’m sure she’ll land on her feet with another job in the public sector or for a non-profit, because that’s all people in the racism-industrial complex know how to do.

Here’s the seminar that teachers are being urged to go to.

Workshops include one called “Teaching While White: Now What.” White teachers will be brainwashed with propaganda by people who have never taught a day in their life about what it “means to be white.” Because everyone knows that every single white person on earth has the exact same experiences. Oh, and being “color blind” when assessing students is racist.

“…how we can be more conscious of our own biases in the classroom.”

There it is. That’s what these people do. They can’t come out and say these teachers are racist, because a) they’re not, and b) they can’t point to any evidence that suggests this. That’s why they have to make up words like “unconscious bias,” so they can soak the white guilt out of gullible, easily manipulated wypipo, by teaching them about the little racist inside of them that they didn’t realize was there.

They also have a class on microaggressions (nice things you say that butthurts choose to take offensively), “white guilt” (yes that’s actually a thing they’re teaching), and implicit bias.

This woman is the co-founder of Teaching White White.

Jenna Chandler-Wood is a white woman with a hyphenated last name from Cambridge who makes money lecturing other white people about how racist they are. It simply doesn’t get more caucasian than that.

She works in non-profits and specializes in “professional development for educators on issues of whiteness.”

One of my biggest beefs with teaching was how badly professional development days were wasted. There’s a plethora of ways teachers can use these days to develop better lesson plans to help kids learn the subject matter, but instead it’s wasted on bullshit seminars conducted by white women with hyphenated last names.

How much does it cost to attend this event?

$150 – $625. Don’t worry though, the taxpayers are footing the bill for that one. This is what the racism-industrial complex is all about. A “non-profit” infiltrates a government institution by saying the right buzzwords, then they sell diversity trainings so white women with hyphenated last names from Cambridge can have a job.

This woman flies around the country doing this too.

And she seems to believes that we shouldn’t have resource officers in schools, while simultaneously pretending to give a shit when school shootings happen.

Oh, and did I mention that her organization has a “senior consultant” who’s a member of the black panthers?

That’s normal.

Anyway, the whole concept of this is insane. Are black and brown teachers allowed to attend a conference called “teaching while white?” Seems discriminatory. Either way it’s extremely racist, but as we’ve seen over time there is NOTHING more racist than a white suburban liberal looking to prove that they are one of the “good ones.” The rest of us honkies just live our lives NOT being racist, so we don’t feel the need to constantly prove that we’re not.


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