After What Happened In Braintree And Worcester Today I Never Want To Hear Another Word About Defunding The Police Or Banning The Thin Blue Line Flag

It was a horrible day for law enforcement in Massachusetts as Worcester Police Officer Manny Familia drowned trying to save the lives of drowning teenagers, and two Braintree police officers were shot and a K9 killed by a shooter who ambushed them.
This is heartbreaking to watch. Massachusetts police stand and salute their K9 colleague killed by a suspect in Friday's shooting in Braintree.
— WCVB-TV Boston (@WCVB) June 4, 2021
Manny Familia was a 2001 graduate of Doherty High School. They were our arch-rival in everything at South, and Manny was an excellent basketball player. Although I did not know him personally, Worcester is a small town and those who did know him say he was well respected, loved, and a caring father of a 13 year old boy who recently celebrated his birthday.
On Facebook Manny commemorated the deaths of fallen officers Michael Chesna and Sean Gannon when they were murdered in 2018.
Manny was a big promoter of the thin blue line, which has become under attack by mostly white liberals in wealthy towns, who have branded it as a symbol of racism and hate.
He didn’t shy away from it either. He appeared front and center at a back the blue rally at the Statehouse with Rayla Campbell.
Look at all those white supremacists down in front.
Manny was not white, but proudly flew that flag anyway. He knew what it represented, and that flag now symbolizes him and the sacrifice he made on Friday. He gave his life trying to save children who were drowning. Children he didn’t know. It was another day at work, he responded to a call, and within minutes his life was over.
I don’t know the details of how he drowned. I know that the pond is part of Green Hill golf course, and I’ve never, ever in my 39 years of living in and around Worcester ever heard of anyone swimming in it. I assume that water is filthy, filled with muck, gunk, golf balls, and various forms of life. Drowning victims flail their arms and legs and will do anything to survive, including drowning the person who is trying to save them.
It was 1:35 PM when it happened. The 14 year old who drowned was not a Worcester Public School student (this took place right near Worcester Tech High School), so why wasn’t he in school? Why were 3 kids swimming in this disgusting pond if they didn’t know how to swim? These are questions that deserve to be answered.
All I know is I never want to hear another word about defunding the police, or how the thin blue line flag is a symbol of hate. Defend it at all costs, because those who seek to ban it are disrespecting the sacrifices made my heroes like Manny Familia.
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