
Alleged Serial Sexual Abuser Max Landis Is Staying At McLean’s Hospital In Lincoln, Making Female Staffers Scared, Neighbors Unaware


This is screenwriter and filmmaker Max Landis.

He is the wealthy son of director John Landis, and he’s been all over the news lately since at least 8 women have come forward and alleged sexual misconduct against him.

Landis’ alleged malicious conduct ranges from social bullying to psychological abuse to physical abuse to rape. 

Read all about it and you’ll realize what a danger this guy is to women.

Whenever wealthy people get caught doing something like this they use their money to disappear for a while. And according to our sources Max Landis has ended up in Lincoln MA, at a residential home owned by McLean’s Hospital. McLean’s provides treatment to people suffering from mental illness, and when this particular home opened up in 2016 it was cause for concern in the very wealthy town of Lincoln.

Bypass Road residents, including a member of the town’s Board of Health, are furious about a proposal by McLean Hospital to open a residential facility for teens and young adults in their neighborhood, saying they were given no opportunity to comment before Lincoln’s town counsel issued an opinion saying that the facility was exempt from the town’s zoning regulations.

“I’m certainly not against mental health, but this is something where we don’t know who these people are,” Kanner said. “Are they male or female? How do we know they’re not dangerous? These are disturbed adolescents who have been highly depressed and may have been violent.” If one of them escaped, he added, “there’s nothing to stop them from being in someone else’s yard within 90 seconds.”

McLean’s told the town that they should be exempt from zoning restrictions because of the programs they provided.

In the April 22 letter, McLean attorney Diane Tillotson made the case that McLean was entitled to an exemption from zoning restrictions as provided under state law for educational and religious organizations. The Bypass Road facility would be a “transitional living program providing psychoeducational support for young adults struggling with mood disorders, anxiety and depression” with a “curriculum integrating behavioral and cognitive skill building experiences,” she wrote.

Max Landis suffers from bipolar, but he’s also an alleged serial abuser, and the residents of the residential neighborhood have no idea that he’s living there. Although they serve the mentally ill, they are not supposed to be housing anyone considered dangerous, yet they just took in an alleged sexual predator because he can afford to pay the $1,000 a night out of pocket. The facility is not locked, and patients can come and go whenever they want.

This particular program is not designed for patients like Max Landis. Yet it’s used by people like him who want to avoid a hospital setting while enjoying the comforts of living in a huge house, while maintaining anonymity and keeping a low profile during a scandal like this. It’s also the same place that former State Senate President Stan Rosenberg’s husband Bryon Hefner laid low after he was accused of sexual misconduct by several men. Hefner would later plead guilty to prank calling the hospital over 50 times.

Patients in this facility include people who are suffering from severe anxiety, severe depression, OCD and other types of mental illnesses, but who are not a danger to anyone else. Max Landis is certainly a danger, and this program is not meant for people like him, yet he’s been there since this story broke on Monday.

Most of the staff at this hospital are young women in their 20’s, which is the target demographic of most of his alleged victims. After 4:00 PM there are only two staff people there, and most of the time it’s two young women. If one has to take a guest to an appointment than the other is alone for prolonged periods of time with Max Landis. Sources tell us that the women who work there are uncomfortable and scared, especially since he brought a Viagara prescription with him. But they dare not speak up because McLean’s exists under a cloud of secrecy.

I tried reaching out to McLean’s tonight for comment but they told me that their media relations person isn’t in until Monday. They refused to deny or confirm if Max Landis was there, but our sources are adamant. The people of Lincoln have a right to know who is living in their town, and that this hospital is not living up to its purported mission.


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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries


  1. Non story. Dudes seeking help? Big fucking deal . Screw those yuppies in Lincoln. They’re medical professionals sounds like You’re looking forHIPPA VIOLATIONs. Get a grip. It’s up to the person to register where they are not the people in the hospital

  2. You should see there beautiful house they have on Mt wachusett. 30,000.00 a month. One of the Olson twins was there for treatment and a lot of other famous fucked up people.

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