Andover High School Principal Tweets Racist School Lunch For Black History Month Including Fried Chicken, Cornbread, Collard Greens

Yesterday we published a blog on Andover High School Principal Phil Conrad’s refusal to discipline his students after they stole a jacket from Tewksbury School Committee member Keith Sullivan at a basketball game, and then had Sullivan arrested when he refused to move his seat. This morning he woke up and decided he would redeem himself by tweeting out one of the most racially insensitive things you can possibly tweet out, using the school’s account.
I don’t know if you can get more racist than announcing that you will be celebrating black history month by serving children the most stereotypical food that racist people associate with African-Americans. I mean, fried chicken, mac and cheese, corn bread, and collard greens. It doesn’t get more tone deaf than that. Did he forget that this combination of food is the exact same meal that Fuzzy Zoeller was admonished for using while mocking Tiger Woods in 1997?
What on earth was this man thinking?
I reject PC ideology and avoid using the race card to make legitimate points, but this is just indefensible. You would think that someone who has been featured on Turtleboy so many times, including yesterday, would be a little more careful on the Internet.
How is he planning on celebrating #BlackHistoryMonth2020 next week? A live performance of Amos and Andy in blackface? Special motivational speaker Riley Cooper? Class field trip to pick cotton? Fun with trees? That’s the level of tone deafness we are dealing with here.
This is what happens when you are a white person in an almost exclusively white town, who desperately wants to prove that you care about black people. You try way too hard, and end up showing your own true racism. It goes without saying that not all black people eat fried chicken, collard greens, and cornbread at home. He would know that if he actually interacted with black people. Little known fact that city kids like myself learned after immersing ourselves in the world of diversity growing up – black and brown people are just like regular people. Some of them like fried chicken, and some of them don’t. Crazy, right?
He took the tweet down after a couple people noticed it and called him out on the obvious racism. But it’s still up on the school district’s website:
Oh good, they’re having a chicken and waffles day too. No word on whether hot sauce will be provided, so you’ll have to be like Hillary and put some in your purse just in case. One could assume based on their complete lack of self-awareness that the “assorted fruit” will likely mean watermelon, and more watermelon.
Here’s a link to the Andover School Committee that protects corrupt Superintendent Shelley Berman. You can find their emails in there if you’d like to share your thoughts on cornbread night at Andover High School. Or you can send a respectfully worded email to Principal Conrad at [email protected].
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