Law and Order

Barnstable Police Confirm Sandwich Woman Was Lying In Viral Facebook Post About Sex Offender Trying To Kidnap Girls At Cape Cod Mall


This is Karianne Tosca from Sandwich.

This morning she posted an ominous warning on a community Facebook page, alerting the public about a sex offender who was following little girls around the Cape Cod Mall and plotting to kidnap them.

As you can imagine, this post ended up getting hundreds of shares and 99.9% of the comments were people blindly believing what they said, because we live in a society where idiots see a stranger say something on Facebook and automatically believe it to be true. It doesn’t matter how many times we’ve mocked the Pumpkin Spice Mafia for doing this, every single time it happens people still fall for it. These people want to believe that sex trafficking happens everywhere you go because they enjoy living perpetually in fear.

Meanwhile, she provided no police reports, no names, and there was nothing from police. You would think that a sex offender being arrested for stalking girls he was trying to kidnap, while driving a car that showed he was “prepared to take someone,” would elicit a response from police. But no one thinks critically anymore so they believed a hysterical mother posting gossip on Facebook instead.

Then this afternoon Barnstable Police issued this press release:

Turns out there was no sex offender, nobody’s car was searched, there was no verifiable plot to kidnap kids, and it appears as if some guy got trespassed from the mall for the crime of walking around and looking sketchy to teenage girls.

Now I don’t know if this guy is actually shady or if it’s just an overreaction, but what I do know is this girl’s mother lied for absolutely no reason, and then spread misinformation on Facebook that everyone believed. Now men who walk around public areas by themselves will be suspected for the crime of existing, and for that Karianne Tosca deserves to be publicly shamed.


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