
Biden-Trump Debate Live Blog And YouTube Show Round 1


I will be live streaming the debate tonight on YouTube while simultaneously tweeting and live blogging. I plan on jumping on a little before 9 for a pregame chat. If you wanna watch along with me then click here to subscribe to our YouTube channel. I will be updating this blog constantly throughout the debate, so just refresh the page to read updates. This debate is gonna be awesome, so you’re gonna wanna watch it with one of the top political commenters in the media. Click here to follow me on Twitter (@RealUncleTB) to keep up with the tweet game.


10:43 – I give Trump a C+ for that debate. Started off strong, but then just rambled. He’ll be better next time.


10:39 – The entire Democratic platform is “vote, vote, vote.” They don’t run on anything. Just vote for them.


10:33 –



10:31 – Trump was killing it for the first 10 minutes, then he fell for the trap and it’s been 2 grump men yelling over each other for an hour.


10:29 – The people who still haven’t accepted the Hillary loss are here to tell you that Trump won’t accept a loss.


10:26 – Joe Biden has it all figured out – just tell China and India to “come along” with our green new deal. How could that possibly fail?






10:20 – If Trump was a regular guy who did his own grocery shopping he would know that plastic bags are a winning issue. But unfortunately he probably has no idea that grocery stores are banning them.





10:12 – Blown away that Biden said that Antifa isn’t a real thing, it’s just an idea. I confronted a wall of them last week. I assure you they are real.








10:06 – Joe Biden wants psychologists to show up at every call with the police. More of that please Joe.





9:58 – “The people of this country want law and order, and you’re afraid to say it.” – Donald Trump

Best line of the night.




9:55 – Why does the media let Joe Biden and others lie about the discredited “very fine people” hoax?











9:43 – Trump is right – he brought Big 10 football back and wants to reopen schools. Joe Biden doesn’t want either.





9:37 – If Trump could stay on task and focus on how he wants to reopen the economy, instead of bragging about crowd sizes, that would be great.






9:33 – Joe Biden’s plan for COVID is…..I don’t have a plan. And vote early. Because, 200,000!!!





9:21 – The answer is, no, Joe Biden will not pack the Supreme Court. He can’t answer that because it will upset his base. Trump needs to keep pushing this divide in the left.


9:18 – Trump is in his HEAD!





9:14 – Trump must’ve taken his pills tonight. Ten minutes in and this is already slaughter.





9:08 – Joe Biden just made a great point. The people should vote for Senators to confirm a SCOTUS nominee. Luckily they did that in 2018 and the good guys won. Thanks Joe!


9:04 – Show time. I admittedly do not have full confidence in Trump to dominate this debate like he should. He had a slow start vs Hillary in the first debate, but she was a little sharper than him. We will see.











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