Boston City Councilor Julie Mejia Celebrates St. Patrick’s Day By Honoring Traitorous Irish Group Who Deserted To Mexico And Killed Americans

Editor’s Note – Julia Mejia is suing me because I write blogs like this exposing her. If you’d like to support our legal defense fund and help us defeat this moronic communist in court, you can click here to donate. t’s unprecedented for a City Councilor of a major American city to sue a journalist for writing about him, and the First Amendment is on the line.
Boston City Councilor Julia Mejia, who is suing me for defamation because I reported that she made her Twitter account private after being asked questions about her alleged involvement in a DUI coverup, celebrated St. Patrick’s Day by commemorating a foreign country that attacked the United States.
This woman is so racist that she simply could not allow white people to celebrate a holiday whose origins come from Europe. Her slogan is “all means all,” but what she really means is “all means everyone except white people, and sometimes Asians.” She is incapable of allowing a holiday to exist where white people celebrate their heritage. There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, she can’t turn into a celebration of non-white people.
There is no way this very, very dumb woman knew this fact off the top of her head. This is a woman who barely graduated from high school, and would likely come in last place in a Meth Mile Spelling Bee. There are people with PhD’s in History who had no idea what Los San Patricios. She must’ve Googled “Irish people who attacked America,” because in her mind those are the type of Irish people who best represent their heritage.
In reality Los San Patricios were a bunch of deserters and traitors. Most of them had recently immigrated to the country and joined the army for the free meals. Once the fighting started they were convinced to join the enemy and kill Americans because the Mexican government offered them 320 acres of land in exchange for treason. During one battle in 1847 the Irish fighting alongside the Mexican army were outnumbered and surrounded, and a Mexican officer attempted several times to surrender. The Irish didn’t like this because unlike the Mexican soldiers who would be treated as prisoners of war, the Irish deserters knew they would be executed for treason. According to witnesses, members of Los San Patricios shot Mexicans who attempted to surrender.
American Private Ballentine reported that when the Mexicans attempted to raise the white flag two more times, members of the San Patricios shot and killed them
This is who a Boston City Councilor chose to honor on St. Patrick’s Day. A bunch of lazy traitors who would fight for which ever country gave them the most free stuff, and ended up killing people on both sides of the battle for their own self preservation. Literally the worst and most disgraceful Irish people who ever lived. But she likes them because they killed white Americans.
To her, they are heroes for doing so. Even if they killed Mexicans too.
I look forward to her Veteran’s Day tweet honoring northern men who deserted during the Civil war to join the Confederate Army and kill American soldiers at Gettysburg. On Memorial Day we can celebrate a brave group of traitors who left the US army to join the Vietcong because they were offering free opium and hookers. And then on President’s Day she can educate us about the bravery of John Wilkes Booth and the CIA, who bravely assassinated American Presidents when it was unpopular to do so.
As for the lawsuit, my lawyer has requested that I not post about recent discovery filings we’ve filed, but thanks to her lawsuit she may be required to hand over very personal things she wouldn’t have to if she didn’t file this lawsuit.