Boston Looter Identified As Mattapan Resident Quinten Freeman, Mother Is Friends With Marty Walsh And Chief Gross
We asked for your help in identifying one of the “peaceful protesters” who was seen driving a getaway vehicle for looters in Boston last night.
People like this deserve to be named and shamed. They pretended to be upset about a dead guy they never met, and used his death as a smokescreen to loot stores, burn private property, and cause destruction. They should have their addresses put out there too, since they feel so free to break into other people’s property and steal things. Meet Quinten Freeman of 72 Woodruff Way, Mattapan.
Quinten doesn’t have Facebook, but his mother does.
It’s not a flat brimmed Bulls hat, but the Blackhawks play in the same building as the Bulls so the douchebag factor still applies.
Mom is good friends with Mayor Marty Walsh and Police Chief Willie Gross.
I would imagine that she’s not going to be happy to find out that her son’s a looter.
There’s no such thing as a “peaceful protester” when the protest you show up for is guaranteed to spiral into anarchy. You don’t get to blame it on a few bad apples when you provided the bad apples with cover. There are plenty of people in Charlottesville who didn’t kill anyone or chant, “The Jews will not defeat us” while carrying tiki torches, but they were all rightfully lumped in together. These riots are the left’s Charlottesville. Everyone knew there would be looting and rioting at the end of this, so if you joined that mob then you were part of the problem. I know you probably meant well, and you feel good about yourself for fighting back against racism, or something, but ultimately all you did was contribute to a riot. Nothing will change and your protest will not inspire legislation. And the great irony is that 99.9% of the people in that mob were team lockdown, and they suddenly realized that you’re not going to kill Grandma if they get together with 50,000 strangers to loot, riot, and burn the city down.
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