
Boston Teacher’s Union Sends Email Urging Teachers To Canvas For RBG, Joe Biden, And Sarah Gideon Despite Being Too Afraid Of COVID To Reopen Schools


This is Johnny McInnis and Roberto Jiminez, an elementary school music teacher and Chelsea School Committee member respectively, who act as the “political organizers” for the Boston Teacher’s Union.

The BTU is refusing to go back to work “until it’s safe” as thousands of at risk kids in the city are denied essential services, and the achievement gap grows.

They won’t even return to the buildings without students because everyone in the teacher’s union is an HVAC expert now.

Yet here’s an email the BTU sent out this weekend, urging members to get out and canvas for Sarah Gideon and Joe Biden in Maine and New Hampshire, despite allegedly being too afraid of the virus to return to school.

In case you haven’t noticed yet, none of these people has ever been afraid of the virus. They’re just committed to making it seem like Donald Trump has lost control of the country by mishandling the virus, and they enjoy not having a commute.  Not a single teacher who cares about the well being of children would ever push for remote learning.

For what it’s worth, Susan Collins already came out and said she won’t vote for whoever Trump nominates, which shows you exactly why you should never try to please these people. They won’t be impressed, they don’t want to get along with you, and whatever you do will never be enough. I get why she would do this and I’m not mad at her for it because I’ll never forget what she did for Brett Kavanaugh. That was one of the ballsiest speeches in American history.

But the fact of the matter is she’s from a blue state, she’s facing a tough challenge, and she can afford to vote no because the Republicans have a 53 member majority. Like I said on the Gerry Callahan podcast today, they’re going to get 51 votes, including Mitt Romney. Mitt just has beef with Trump and wanted to mess with him by voting for impeachment. He has no beef with Amy Comey Barrett. At the end of the day he represents a socially conservative red state that would skewer him if he voted against the nominee. They can forgive him for being a pandering toolbag and marching with BLM because people in Utah don’t really care for Trump as much as other red states, but there’s no reason for him not to vote for the nominee. Democrats would do it in a heartbeat if they could, and after Kavanaugh there are no more rules or norms.

Regardless, parents should stop putting up with this and demand that their schools reopen immediately because the teacher’s union is playing us all.


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