TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 142: Free Karen Read BillBoard Goes Up On Route 1 Outside Gillette Stadium In Foxborough, Two More To Follow


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Thanks to the generous donations from turtle riders, this Free Karen Read billboard on Route 1 in Foxborough will now be seen by hundreds of thousands, if not millions of motorists who travel by Gillette stadium for the next month.

The Patriots play the Dolphins at home Sunday night, and every person who goes to that stadium will see this. Billboards will also be going up soon on Route 3 in Weymouth and I-93 in Boston.

Thank you to Nick and Jenna Rocco, who organized the fundraiser for these billboards (which I believe cost $15K) in a matter of days. They are admins in the official Justice for John O’Keefe and Karen Read Facebook group. If you joined the previous group, we had to abandon that one because of a power hungry admin who wouldn’t allow the Roccos to raise money for these billboards. Please join the new group by clicking here.

Thank you to everyone who donated as well. Although millions of people know about the injustice that is happening in Norfolk County, I would bet that over half the population of Norfolk County has never heard of Karen Read before. That will change because of this 3-pronged billboard blitz. It’s really important for people in Norfolk County to know about this story because that is where the jury pool would be chosen from.

Meanwhile I’ve been continuing to use my platform and networking to spread the truth about this case, which is necessary due to the misinformation being spread by liars like Jennifer Coffindaffer on Court TV. Last night I was on the Chrissie Mayr Podcast, and the day before I went on with Larry Forman “The DUI Guy” (a defense attorney from Kentucky). They both have large platforms and knew the basics of the case, but not all the relevant details that make this story so important.

I will never stop doing what I’m doing until Karen Read is free, and the people who killed John O’Keefe and covered up his murder are held responsible. I will be on the steps of Norfolk Superior Courthouse at 7:30 AM on Friday to lead a peaceful protest before Karen’s hearing, and I hope you will join me.

If you’d like to donate to the Karen Read defense fund please click here. Karen Read’s fight is OUR fight. If they can do this to her they can do this to anyone.


Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonetization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the Donation button above if you'd like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy:  Qries


  1. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
    Forecast for Canton: lots of sun with a high pressure front of justice moving into the region!

  2. This is going to push Lunchbox and Jabba The DA right over the edge. It will be interesting to see what Linchbox looks like Friday. What are the odds he tries to postpone Friday due to illness?

  3. There is an “Albert Street” in Canton. What an embarrassment to the unfortunate residents who live there. Obviously that name has to be changed at once.

    After that, one of the main thoroughfares through town ought to be renamed, “Karen Read Boulevard.” Then the junction of Washington and Sherman in front of Town Hall can be rededicated, “Turtleboy Plaza.”

    1. Why not name the Pine Street Transfer Station after Kenny Berkowitz? After all, he dumped taillight fragments on the lawn at 34 Fairview Road.

  4. Is it democrat, is it black, will you see this in Black neighborhoods, Italian, duh dah duh…. tough day for you yesterday, buddy. Hopefully today you’ll be medicated.

      1. Typical Democrat logic, spin tactic, Flemmi. I wrote that with the intention, knowing it would be disliked because I spewed the nonsense that you were spewing all day yesterday. What I just said above was your dialogue, your talking points. There is always one clown that drags racism into everything, that clown is you. Well played, smack ass

        1. Ok Boomer. Keep wearing your sportsball jersey with another man’s name on it.

          Facts don’t care about your feelings. Facts can’t be racist. Nothing I wrote was disliked yesterday, unless you went around all last night, erasing your browser history or using multiple devices to 👎 my FAKS.

          Just worry about helping Karen Read be free of this injustice and less about blaming George Soros and Open Society when it rains on your birthday. Remember, Karen Read? The subject of this news post? You know what a subject is? Usually embedded in the title?

          “Typical Democrat logic” – Mitt Romney called, he wants his DRRR back. 😆😅🤦 You’re so triggered you started a new thread and call foul when I point out how incoherent it is. Lack of self awareness.

  5. I saw this billboard while I was drunk-driving backwards at 45 mph, mowing down gentleman callers and besmirching Dunkin’ Donuts shit-water coffee.

    It changed my life.

  6. Nicely done TB. Somewhere in a basement in Newton Chef Mike is thanking his lucky stars for this case and the lying POS Proctor. Without Proctor we’d still be reading about the buffoonery of that lying fraud Chef Mike. Maybe Chef Mike can donate some of his “food” and services to the Canton PD.

  7. I watched clips on your performance on other shows. You do a great job. My only suggestion would be to start slowly and work on a five minute summary of the case. You seem to jump right into the latest details but for some this might be the first time hearing about the case so I think a quick 5 minute level set would be very helpful to new listeners of the case. Otherwise great job keep up the great work and keep grinding.

  8. Every time I read the updates all I can think about is the thousands of people who are railroaded like this, without the notoriety and resources, they just take the plea deal.

    I’m not anti-cop, but most investigations happen this way, they decide who’s going down for the crime, over charge, and count on the fact most poor bastards can’t afford a decent legal team and will plead. Seen it happen to a couple of guys I know.

  9. The Vigilante Man is a man who brings criminals to justice by any means necessary, even if it means killing the criminals outright. Although he is breaking the law, he is presented as the good guy. If the police are after him, expect them to secretly sympathize with his goals. Occasionally, one officer is determined to catch the Vigilante Man, but you can be sure that his fellow officers aren’t working very hard to help him. The “good” Vigilante Man refuses to fight the police, and if confronted, will either surrender or die before harming them, and may even try to keep killing to zero whenever possible. The “bad” Vigilante Man is willing to kill anyone who tries to stop him. (In such cases, compare with the Cowboy Cop.)

    The people the Vigilante Man is after are always guilty — or at least, they are in his mind, especially if he’s the villain.

    Most Vigilantes will (try to) not hurt an Innocent Bystander; he will often go out of his way to avoid killing them, if possible. In the rare times they do, it is only to provide some angst as the Vigilante Man wonders if he is doing the right thing. Expect a Finger in the Mail to show up and convince the Vigilante Man that his job of catching the Ax-Crazy Psychopathic Manchild and saving the child held captive makes it worth it.

    The Vigilante Man’s favorite method of execution is (obviously) the Vigilante Execution. If he’s also a police officer, this makes him a vigilante-driven version of the Killer Cop. If he’s got an (uneasy, usually unofficial) alliance with the police, then Cops Need the Vigilante. A cop whose method towards disposing criminals is just as final but who does operate within the law goes under Judge, Jury, and Executioner. The legal version is The Executioner.

    “Urban vigilante” protagonists were a staple of action movies roughly between the 1970s and the very early 1990s mainly as rising crime rates and increasing police corruption (and racism in the case of blaxploitation films) led people to lose faith in the long arm of the law and act for themselves instead. Concerns about justice by one’s own hand eventually led to a more negative view of vigilantes, and modern straight examples are often frowned upon.

    A subtrope of the Anti-Hero and Well-Intentioned Extremist. May be Neutral Good, True Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, or even Chaotic Evil, depending on the setting. If he stops discriminating between innocents and bad guys, he might end up Jumping Off the Slippery Slope and become that which he despises. Sometimes he can be a Reformed, but Not Tamed character. Vigilante Injustice does come into play when the vigilante man is clearly counterproductive and problematic for the law enforcers.

    If several vigilante men assemble into a team, you’ve got a Vigilante Militia. See also Serial-Killer Killer. The Asshole Victim is often this guy’s target, as is someone who (deservedly or not) is Convicted by Public Opinion.

    1. There is a menace in our community. They may look like us, but they are not us. And they lurk among us, just waiting for their chance to do us harm. Anybody you know could be one of them: your neighbor, your coworker, your friend, even a member of your family. But don’t be fooled— they’re only pretending to be your loved one. In reality, they are a witch/vampire/werebeast/alien/child molester/Communist/devil worshipper/serial killer/male sexual predator/cannibal/gay man/racist/anarchist/conservative/Christian/shape-shifter! We must root out this menace and destroy them, no matter what steps we may have to take. After all, the safety of the community is far more important than such niceties as civil rights, the First Amendment, the presumption of innocence, and due process, right?

      Welcome to the Witch Hunt.

      A community believes that some of its members are secretly enemies in disguise, and attempts to find out which. Hysteria rises, often amplified by one or more people trying to take advantage of the fear to satisfy personal grudges, or advance themselves socially and/or politically. Inevitably, innocent people are accused and promptly Convicted by Public Opinion, if not literally convicted by a Kangaroo Court, often dying or having their lives ruined. All of which ultimately turns the community into All of the Other Reindeer, often including a Torches and Pitchforks scene, and when the target is actual “witches” can lead to the so-called witch getting burned at the stake.

      A frequent “twist” is that the person doing the most to urge on the Witch Hunt is actually one of the enemy group, be it knowingly (in which case he’ll be conducting it to get rid of his rivals, or to spread chaos among the populace, or just to divert suspicion away from himself, regardless of how well this last strategy holds up to Fridge Logic) or otherwise (Tomato in the Mirror). Of course, this twist relies on the enemy group actually existing in the first place.

      While this trope really came into its own in The ’50s as a metaphor for paranoia about Communists in the United States, today the Witch Hunt has become synonymous with any wild, unfounded hunt for a nebulous ‘enemy’, in which actual, fact-based evidence—should such even exist in the first place—is scarce or exaggerated. Indeed, when played straight, the entire point of this trope is that the supposed “enemy” is either completely nonexistent or nothing like the social menace it is mistakenly believed to be, and that the fear which leads a community to abandon its principles of justice is itself more dangerous than any enemy that might exploit those principles; a hunt against an actual covert enemy who is genuinely dangerous is generally different type of story.

      Compare Ten Little Murder Victims, Van Helsing Hate Crimes, and Hero with Bad Publicity. An organized system of Training the Gift of Magic may be instituted to reduce the risk of witch hunts. Not to be confused with The Witch Hunter, who hunts actual witches; a Witch Hunt can be organized against any kind of enemy.

      A No Recent Examples rule applies to Real Life examples of this trope. Real life examples shouldn’t be added until 50 years after the witch hunt ended.

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