Canton Cover-Up Part 182: Charging Documents For Witness Intimidation Against Award Winning Journalist Consist Mostly Of Out Of Context YouTube Quotes

Donate to the Turtleboy Legal defense fund
Attention turtle riders – I need your help. I’ve been charged with 8 felony counts of witness intimidation, 4 misdemeanor accounts of picketing, and 1 count of conspiracy to commit witness intimidation as a result of my reporting into the coverup of John O’Keefe’s murder. We’ve raised $53K for the legal defense fund, which is a great start. But I anticipate this case going on for a long time, and I will need multiple attorneys to handle the case load. The Commonwealth has unlimited resources, and we’ve all seen what they’ve done to Karen Read financially. I would graciously appreciate any donations you would like to make on our fundraiser here.
The people who charged and arrested me are the same people I’ve accused in several blogs of being corrupt, including Lt. Brian Tully, Sgt. Yuri Bukhenik, and Lt. John Fanning, all of whom were present at the raid at my house on Wednesday, October 11. The people who I have been ordered to have no contact with are all subjects of my reporting for the last 6 months.
It’s notable that not a single Holden Police Officer was there when I was arrested, nor were they even alerted about the presence of the MSP Fugitive Unit in town. If they truly believed I was a hardened criminal the local police would have been alerted and present. But the fact of the matter is that the MSP is ashamed of their actions, and they know that no respectable police department would want to assist them. Members of HPD, and a plethora of other police departments have expressed to me off the record their disgust with police actions in the Karen Read case. They arrested me in front of a school bus full of children and across the street from a daycare bus stop in order to confuse them, and get other children to make comments to my children. They were successful in that regard.
I have been interviewing potential attorneys for the last few days and will know shortly who I’m going with moving forward. The witness intimidation statute is extremely broad and open to interpretation. It states that it’s illegal to threaten a potential witness, officer, judge, or juror, with the intent to impede, obstruct, delay, prevent, or otherwise interfere with” a criminal or judicial proceeding.
I have made it clear that my reporting, question asking, and activism are not done to impede, obstruct, delay, or interfere with the investigation into John O’Keefe’s death. I’ve stated many times that my intent is the opposite. I ask people relevant questions about their actions the night of John O’Keefe’s death. I WANT them to testify. I want them to speak their truth. This is the opposite of witness intimidation.
The more I think about this case and review the facts and evidence the more outrageous it becomes. No one has seen the charging documents, so I am publishing them for the first time.
Aidan-Kearney-Statement-of-Facts (1)They are 70 pages long, and 90% of the “evidence” are quotes from the Turtleboy Live show on YouTube and Rumble. It would’ve taken them hundreds of hours to watch every minute of video, which they clearly did. Keep in mind that on August 10 Canton DPW plow driver Lucky Loughran was interviewed by Trooper Proctor and Sgt. Bukhenik, and he told them that he saw a Ford Edge parked where John O’Keefe’s body would be discovered 3 hours later. He told them that there was no body on the lawn at 2:30 AM, just 30 minutes prior. Whoever was driving that Ford Edge either participated in the murder of a Boston Police Officer, or knows who dragged his body out of 34 Fairview Road and planted him there to die.
It has been 67 days since the lead investigators in John O’Keefe’s murder found out about the Ford Edge used in the murder of a police officer, and they have done exactly NOTHING to find out who was driving it. But they’ve had plenty of time to listen to over 100 hours of my YouTube show. These are the priorities of the people we pay to protect and serve our community.
Most of the case against me so far consists of out of context quotes from my show, designed to make it look like I’m “harassing” or “intimidating” witnesses in the Karen Read trial. In reality I’ve been investigating the Karen Read case and trying to interview and ask questions of people who many believe (including Karen Read’s attorneys) should be considered suspects, not witnesses, due to their suspicious behavior. I’ve also been leading peaceful protests in Canton on public sidewalks, public streets, and inside public buildings. All of these actions are sacrosanct under the First Amendment.
The challenge I face now is time, which is where turtle riders come in. I am trying to assemble of team of volunteers to read the charging documents, and analyze the quotes that are being used against me, but in their actual context. For instance, a YouTube show called Making Law Simple, hosted by a Michigan attorney, analyzed a few of the quotes mentioned by prosecutors in court, including this one:
“These people think that I’m fucking around, you haven’t seen the last of me.”
The DA’s Office claims that I made this comment “regarding witnesses.” The time stamp they give is 1:19:00. However, if you watch the video starting at 1:14:30 you will see that these comments are actually made in regard to DPW employees who were giving me the run around about questions I was asking them. I wanted to know if Lucky Loughran plowed Fairview Road the night John O’Keefe was killed, which DPW director Michael Trotta claims never happened. Trotta refused to meet with me, so I vowed to return, thus the comment “you haven’t seen the last of me.”
Making Law Simple analyzed it at the 22:30 mark.
The Commonwealth and State Police did this with all of the comments being used against me.
What I need from turtle riders to analyze all of the quotes listed in the charging documents, and listen to them in their real context. See if the DA’s Office ommited words. Also, I know for a fact that I’ve said dozens of times statements to the effect of, “I mean you no harm,” “I’m not here to threaten you,” “that’s not a threat,” “I just have a few questions,” etc. Please help me find as many of these quotes as possible in all of my live shows. I do not have the time to do this all on my own.
We will need to organize this project to get it done efficiently. I am looking to assign 6 team leaders who will be in charge of listening to 3 sets of quotes. There are 18 quotes total, so the first team will will do quotes 1-3, then 4-6, etc. Team leaders would then transcribe statements (with time stamps )I made that prove the quotes the Commonwealth are using were taken out of context. If you’re interested in helping please email me at [email protected], or message my new Facebook page Aidan Kearney here. I cannot gain access to the Clarence Woods Emerson account, as the two step verification process requires me to use the phones the police confiscated to confirm it’s me signing into a new device. I do not have the time to respond to every person who messages, which is why I’m going to assign 6 team leaders and have turtle riders report to them.
Here are the rest of the quotes being used against me.
Quote 1
Two women confronted by Albert family member outside Waterfall Bar in Canton after being sexually harassed inside for wearing “Free Karen Read” shirts. (19 and 24 minute marks)
Quote 2
“I don’t want this to go to trial.” (17 minute mark)
In a free country you’re allowed to express your opinion that you don’t want to see an unjust person prosecuted and being forced to go through an unjust trial for a crime they clearly didn’t commit.
Quote 3
“It’s really important for people in Norfolk County to know about this story because that is where the jury pool would be chosen from.”
This quote is from a blog, not a video. In a free country citizens and journalists are allowed to talk about how they approve of billboards that inform the public of factual things regarding police coverups and the framing of innocent people for murder.
Quote 4
Voicemail to lead detective. Episode 590, unknown time.
During the show I had no idea who this phone number belonged to. We were reading the phone numbers off of a “witness” call log list that was in a publicly accessible court document, and I was cold calling them and asking for comment. One of them happened to be the lead investigator, which shocked me when I heard his name on the voicemail. How did the “witness” have the lead investigator’s personal cell phone number if she had never met him before?
Quote 5
“Threats” to “witness” (wife of lead investigator), from Canton Coverup blog part 28, and episode #580 (1:06 mark).
If you’ll recall, the “victim” in this case was harassing people at their workplaces, trying to get them fired, for making negative comments about her husband on Facebook. I contacted her employer to see if they were aware of that, and I contacted her to ask why she was doing that.
Quote 6
Turtleboy “ran the plates” of car parked outside home of lead investigator. This has led to a conspiracy to commit witness intimidation charge. The problem is that no witnesses were intimidated as a result of the post. Rather, the inquiry was conducted to prove that one of the “witnesses” in the Karen Read case was a personal friend of the lead investigator. If anything it’s “conspiracy to report the truth.” This “witness” claimed that she never met the lead investigator prior to her car being seen at his house, and that she was there because they were bonding as victims. It’s inappropriate for a witness in a murder trial to become personal friends with the lead investigator while an investigation is still active. However, a January 29, 2022 police report shows that the lead investigator met with the “witness” that day. (Episode 617 at 9 minute mark)
Quote 7
Quotes made during the July 22 rolling rally in Canton, specifically at one witnesses’ home. In the quotes used by the Commonwealth I repeatedly state that I believe that all witnesses in the case should tell the truth. Urging people to tell the truth does not satisfy the witness intimidation statute. Urging people to lie would satisfy the statute.
Quote 8
Statement I made on the Riss Flex show on August 20, stating that I want the world to know what happened to John O’Keefe. I cannot find the link to this video currently. But it seems odd that the Commonwealth sent men with guns to my house, and seized my personal property, because I want to inform the public about unreported facts involving the murder of a Boston Police Officer.
Quote 9
Statements I allegedly made urging turtle riders to order food from D&E Pizza and not pay for it. I don’t recall ever saying that. I do remember peacefully protesting outside of the pizza shop, urging citizens to recall an elected official for his alleged involvement in the coverup of John O’Keefe’s murder.
Quote 10
“You (Chicken Parm Charlie) don’t have the right to live peacefully, dude. It’s not a thing.”
I believe I made this statement in response to something he said in court while trying and failing to obtain a restraining order.
Quote 11
June 19 I allegedly left a voicemail for a “victim.” However, there is no Live Show video from that date. I fail to see where the threatening part is here, but if you can find this video let me know.
Quote 12
Episode 598, I allegedly urge turtle riders to “keep this up” in regards to confronting an elected official in public. I believe this happened after the Waterfall incident in July, in which two women were sexually harassed by the elected official in the parking lot.
Quote 13
Episode 590 (35 minute mark) I call a “witness” and leave a voicemail asking her about her family’s involvement in the murder of John O’Keefe, and their close relationship with the lead investigator.
Quote 14
Rolling rally protest quotes outside home of lead investigator. State Police apparently set up surveillance cameras in response to the peaceful protest, where women, children and the elderly stood on public sidewalks and public roads and voiced their opposition to a murder.
Quote 15
Comments about “running plates” at the 19 minute mark of Episode 617.
Quote 16
In episode 596 at the 2:23:00 mark I leave a voicemail for one of the “witnesses.” I do a satirical voice where I mock him for videos he posted on social media, threatening to kill a rival group called the “Advantage Boys.” I then transition to a more serious tone, and ask him relevant questions about his actions and whereabouts on the night John O’Keefe was murdered.
Quote 17
“Witness” says I “made him sad” and that he “fears physical harm from strangers,” as a result of my reporting on John O’Keefe’s murder. On episode 616 (2:31:00 mark) I describe my surprise that Jill Daniels appears to have a crush on me considering that my activism and reporting is revealing information that could very likely end up with her nephew in jail.
Quote 18
Turtleboy “misidentifies children” of witness in picture with lead investigator, putting her children in fear. Essentially this “witness” has officially gone on record denying the existence of 2 of her children in order to deny a personal relationship with the lead investigator who never treated her as a suspect.
They also seized my phones to find evidence of “wiretapping” based off of a 12 second video I posted on Twitter of me in the Norfolk County Courthouse bathroom, which only shows me at a urinal talking to what they claim is Sgt. Bukhenik. Buhkenik is not seen or heard at all in the video, and thus the video cannot be wiretapped. I do not need any help with this one as I haven’t been charged with anything yet.
Let’s also keep in mind that the “witness” who is allegedly intimidated by my reporting smiled and threatened my camera man after physically assaulting me with a door at a public meeting.
I also knocked on the door of one of the “witnesses” while attempting to ask her why she Googled “how long to die in cold.” If knocking on doors and asking questions was against the law then every reporter in the country would be guilty of witness intimidation. There were not any no trespassing signs in the yard at the time, and this same individual was denied a harassment prevention order by a Judge in Stoughton District Court who told her that my actions were covered by the First Amendment. She specifically asked the judge if there was anything he could do to get me to stop writing about her. The witness made it clear that her intentions were to silence me and restrain my First Amendment rights.
High school lacrosse games are public events, and free citizens have every right to ask questions of other people at public events. This is not harassment or witness intimidation. This same witness has a brother in law who threatened to kill me and bury me in the Judge’s seaside cottage yard in Barnstable.
I am excited to defend myself on this case. I was not the least bit intimidated or surprised about being arrested. I’m just blown away that we live in a country where law enforcement officials feel comfortable arresting a reporter for investigating their corruption. But they messed with the wrong award winning journalist, and now it’s time for Daddy to fight back.

it’s hilarious they actually capitalized Chicken Parm Charlie.
We are behind you TB!
Next to the “clip” button on YT, you can choose to “show transcript.” Open that up and search for keywords from the live shows.
Not every channel uses the transcript feature. Lucky for you, you do.
It’s essentially grabbed from the closed captioning and you tend to enunciate pretty clearly so it should be fairly accurate.
Good tip. You can also select, copy and paste part or all of the transcript into a word-processing document and do your searches there. Can be tedious, but worth it IMO.
So, they are taking quotes from a show the “witnesses” have to take considerable steps to choose to watch in order to be intimidated? Huh? Self inflicted intimidation?
Besides, the interview of Lucky alone shows you’re intent was to help, not hurt the investigation. You turned up new facts that the MSP followed up on weeks later with their own interview. It proves this whole witchhunt has nothing to do with witnesses intimidation and has everything to do with finding out who your sources are, what you know, and silencing you.
It’s appalling to see how rotten our justice system has reached. Blatant corruption is now just about everywhere. And especially in Canton and the Commonwealth of MA. MA State Police shd be ashamed. How low can they go? Bad enough they let their own skate free in the overtime scandal without losing their pensions and doing time but now pinning a murder on an innocent woman… it’s downright shameless!
You were not impeding, obstructing, or delaying a criminal investigation. You were and are seeking just the opposite: an unimpeded, unobstructed, and timely criminal investigation.
It’s incredible how the state/police flip stories around … I can’t wait to know the total cost of this farce to the Commonwealth.
How many hours are these fine officers dedicating to TB? in total… what a joke.
I’d prefer to know the price tag we as citizens are paying for the sham investigation, trial and total framing of an innocent woman. Care to comment fat fuck since I’m sure you know the answer to this? Then add the cost of the bs to get tb. When do we get to charge these assholes?
Standing up to power isn’t ever pretty, but it’s always necessary. He may not be the one we want, but he is the one we need.
End this corruption.
Huh? You’ve been begging these people to come forward. If they have time to watch all your videos, then they are clearly NOT intimidated, nor fearful.
What idiots, Let’s shut down YouTube now because I’m forcing myself to watch endless Caillou cartoons and it’s making me sick.
I will help. I am disabled and not working, and have the time to help. And I REALLY want to help. I read books every day and am a fast reader. Anything you need, just let me know!!!
Hahaha. 26000 clicks in twos hours. How’s that arrest working out for you, what a bunch of moronic idiots. Way to throw gas in the fire now everyone’s talking about it.
Got the feeling you’re fucked, the lacrosse game video alone is pure gold for the prosecution. They’ve got you dead to rights here, and what’s worse you recorded yourself doing all of this. Also, every last cop I’ve ever spoken with hates your guts with a passion.
I also want to let you know that Kate Peters can be an awful mother and human being but that doesn’t exclude you from being a rotten human as well. The kate Peters lost her kids argument is juvenile, at best.
Ok so that’s Kevin and Brian Albert, lank, proctor and Higgins. Thanks for your contribution to the discourse, lying sack of shit
You forgot Bukhenik and Tully.
You must have been dropped on your head as a baby. If you think asking questions to someone at a PUBLIC lacrosse game is against the law, you ain’t the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. Ask yourself this question, if what TB did at the lacrosse game was illegal or harassing, why is it that the “witness” was unable to get a restraining order against him?
“…every last cop I’ve ever spoken with hates your guts with a passion.” Yeah, sure thing Pinocchio. Name them.
Chris Albert has entered the chat
All you McAlberts need to stock up on “soap on a rope” for the future
>>Also, every last cop I’ve ever spoken with hates your guts with a passion.
Really? All those “Blue LIves” t-shirts and sweatshirts don’t count for anything? All that kissing Blue ass and groveling was for nothing????
Haven’t made it beyond quote 9, which is not a quote at all…coincidence or are they being shady?
Haven’t made it beyond quote 9, which is not a quote at all…coincidence or are they being shady? Also you could probably use chat gpt to make a transcript of all your videos. Then just control F until you find the quotes
Aidan, please find a top notch attorney and until then be very cautious. These Bozo’s are zeroing in on every word you say and twisting it.
This is an attack on our Constitution and no one is stopping it. They are trying to silence you and anyone who goes against their narrative. The FBI changed their definition of Domestic Terrorist…read it sometimes…shocked..yes. Surprised no.
For now, sit back and breathe. Just watch how our state is turning into a third world sewer at the hands of healey and her crew. The whole country is falling apart, illegal aliens are treated like gold while the citizens are left out in the streets…illegals now have ID’s and are ready to vote for their favorite dem! 🤬
Was at WorkOut World 2 days ago. Overheard a couple of guys in the locker room talking about this case. According to one of them, who was emphatic, the owner of Matt Kelly’s Pub has inside information on what transpired that evening at 34 Fairview Rd.
Hopefully these people will come forward…I don’t understand how someone can sit back when they know a crime has been committed.
I am actually interested to see how they explain “intimidation” when these people started threatening you from the get go. They couldn’t help themselves from going out and making infinite Facebook posts. Facebook is public and their lies were on display, all while a murder cover up is finally being investigated.
Each step, they gave themselves up and added another clue to bring you to the next POS. This is what guilty liars do.
You should get a psychologist to properly word a description of their behavior and analyze their complaints.
Their lies of fear for HPOs to a judge.
They’ve been attempting to have you arrested over and over and now MSP showed this is a personal attack on you. Zero professionalism, ethics, regard for the public, zero regard for children.
It is super broad. The fact that it also says “OR to punish, harm and retaliate” vs simply trying to impede or obstruct keeps being missed as well. Not sure if it’s intentional or not. That OR seems to be key to me, since it really widens the scope of intent and I think what will make this even harder to fight in court. It’s terribly sad and frustrating they wasted so much energy on this,
What are they claiming lil Lizzie is a witness to? Am I missing that part?
You were definitely guilty of harassment w/ Mccabe at the lacrosse game and need to learn how to actually do peaceful protesting. Acting like a thuggish jerk in front of a group of strangers doesn’t engender support for your cause or bring the truth to anyone.
Your effort for justice would have been far more effective if you organized an actual protest at the entrance to the stadium, instead of harassing one individual where no one else could see what you were doing or learn about the case.
Next time, print out some big signs and fliers with your talking points. Organize a group of people to hold them and hand out fliers to every person entering the stadium. You’ll educate people on the facts of case, create new supporters, and shame the McCabes into hiding, without breaking any laws. This is what a “protest” actually looks like.
Casual Observations
1. They don’t have ‘unlimited resources’. The DA’s office is filled with 25 year olds that received an Evening JD at Suffolk.
2. “Award Winning Journalist” is a little strong, but we still support you!!!
Thanks for shening. I read many of your blog posts, cool, your blog is very good.