Canton Cover-Up Part 183: Records Request Shows Disgraced FBI Agent Jennifer Coffindaffer Communicated With Michael Morrissey’s Office, Provided Doctored Evidence To Have Turtleboy Arrested

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Disgraced FBI Agent Jennifer Coffindaffer makes a living by pretending to be an expert on a variety of topics that she knows little about, while begging to be on television panels. We’ve written about her before, since she inserted herself into the Karen Read story and accidentally revealed that she was getting information directly from the McAlberts and DA’s Office.
She has posted ridiculous theories on her Twitter account, which the Commonwealth has adopted days later. For instance, in early September she appeared to be doing PR for the DA’s Office when she said that Michael Morrissey wasn’t lying during his August 25 press statement, in which he stated that lead detective Michael Proctor wasn’t at the scene of Fairview Road, despite the charging documents saying otherwise. Coffindaffer claimed “the scene” was actually Canton Police headquarters and/or the McCabe’s house, and a week later the Commonwealth adopted this ridiculous story a court filing.
The charging documents said Proctor responded to "the scene." On August 31 @coffindafferfbi tweeted that "the scene" referred to Canton Police Department. The very next time the Commonwealth altered their charging documents with this exact same statement. How did she know this?
— Aidan Kearney (@DoctorTurtleboy) September 4, 2023
She also knew weeks in advance that the Commonwealth planned on saying that John O’Keefe was hit by Karen at 12:25 AM, despite statements from the McCabes that Karen didn’t leave until 12:45.
The Commonwealth is now saying Karen Read struck John at 12:25:36 due to GPS data. @coffindafferfbi said this exact same time 2 weeks ago, despite this information not being made public at the time. Every day she reveals herself as a pawn for Michael Morrissey's office.
— Aidan Kearney (@DoctorTurtleboy) September 25, 2023
All @CoffindafferFBI does is lie. I made 40% on merchandise sold with MY LOGO on it and agreed to donate the other 60% to the Karen read legal defense fund. This is defamatory. She should take it down if she actually cares about the truth. Won’t hold my breath.
— Aidan Kearney (@DoctorTurtleboy) September 3, 2023
She’s long denied being a mouthpiece for the Commonwealth, and claims that she’s just doing this out of love for the Albert and O’Keefe families. But now after a records request was conducted we know for a fact that they are working together.
On September 1 Norfolk County DA Spokesman David Traub sent an email to Morrissey, Sgt. Yuriy Bukhenik, Lt. Brian Tully, and Lt. John Fanning (all of whom are tied to covering up the Sandra Birchmore and O’Keefe murders were present during the illegal raid of my house), promoting Coffindaffer’s Twitter account.
That was in reference to an August 31 tweet, in which Coffindaffer claimed that when it said Proctor arrived at “the scene,” that it didn’t mean he was at 34 Fairview Road.
Traub makes it clear in the email that Jennifer Coffindaffer is useful to him and other co-conspirators because of her “enormous Twitter reach” and her ability to “push back” against “easily debunked aspects of the social media blitz.” In other words, they liked her because she had 70,000 Twitter followers, and could be useful in promoting their ridiculous lies. Unfortunately for them she’s not good at pushing back on anything, as all she’s done is make herself look incompetent and ridiculous.
Later that night Morrissey forwarded that email to two troopers who were kept off Traub’s initial email – Michael Proctor and Nicholas Guarino.
Keep in mind, this was a tweet in which Coffindaffer tried to provide cover for both Proctor and Morrissey, both of whom are under federal investigation for corruption.
But there was no evidence that Coffindaffer actually communicated with the DA’s Office, until now. On September 7 she left Traub an email at 3:46 PM.
Why is Jennifer Coffindaffer in direct communication and contact with the DA’s Office? Why are they promoting her Twitter account? Oh right, they can’t find any other legitimate member of the media to peddle their lies for them, so she’s the best they could come up with on short notice.
We have submitted another record’s request to see what the attachment was, and we will hear that voicemail. However, the very next day Coffindaffer tweeted out that the non-human hair found on Karen Read’s vehicle had to undergo mitochondrial testing. A few days later the Commonwealth put that in their filings.
In case there was any doubt that the Commonwealth, Alberts, and McCabes are using @coffindafferfbi as their propaganda mouthpiece, she tweeted on 9/8 that the hair on Karen Read's car should have mitochondrial testing. 6 days later the Commonwealth asked for that in court.
— Aidan Kearney (@DoctorTurtleboy) September 19, 2023
Coffindaffer is more than just a mouthpiece for them – she is telling them exactly what to say and do. She is indirectly taking the lead of Karen Read’s fraudulent prosecution.
We also discovered that Traub referred Boston Magazine reporter Gretchen Voss to Coffindaffer on August 2, with the message “the party we discussed.”
Why were they discussing Jennifer Coffindaffer? What does she have to do with the Karen Read case? It appears as if the DA’s Office was unable to come up with a lie to tell Voss for her story, so they referred her to Coffindaffer to be their spokeswoman.
When I spoke with Gretchen Voss she told me that Kerry Roberts, the McCabes, and Alberts, refused to participate in her story if “the blogger” was allowed to be interviewed. Instead they referred to third parties to speak for them. Clearly that person was Jennifer Coffindaffer.
No legitimate journalist would agree to these conditions, but Gretchen Voss isn’t a real reporter. While she was at my house she complained about her ex-husband and her divorce and how she couldn’t make any money and was going to lose her house in Concord. I felt bad for her, but I understand why she’s in this predicament now.
Keep in mind, this is the same DA’s Office who wanted the defense gagged because they were tainting a potential jury pool by sharing information with the media that proved Karen Read was innocent. This is also the same DA’s Office that is charging me because I’ve made statements about how I wanted to educate a potential jury pool through my writing and online shows. They were doing the exact same thing with Coffindaffer the entire time – using her “enormous Twitter reach” to taint a jury pool with lies and misinformation about Karen Read.
These people are pure evil.
Jennifer has me blocked, so I missed it last week when she celebrated my arrest by tweeting out a completely fabricated lie that I sent her an email threatening her children.
She also stated that she contributed to my arrest by providing the Commonwealth with the allegedly threatening emails, which I never sent her.
In other words, she fabricated evidence and presented it to the DA’s Office to have me falsely charged with a crime I didn’t commit. There’s a good chance that a grand jury is currently being convened in Norfolk Superior Court to charge me there, where each of the 8 counts of witness intimidation would come with a 10 year prison sentence. Coffindaffer’s fake email threats could be presented as evidence.
This is hardly the first time Coffindaffer has made up a blatantly defamatory lie about me either. Two weeks ago she said that I was “known for being an addict and spreading lies and contempt” after sharing a video of me blowing my nose into a tissue during a live stream.
This is the definition of libel. If any attorneys are interested in suing her on my behalf I’m interested in talking. I have a lot on my plate right now, but it’s clear that this woman isn’t just defaming me online, she’s fabricating evidence to have me arrested. Email me at [email protected].
On September 25 Jennifer also tweeted that I would be arrested for witness intimidation.
Legal expert @CoffindafferFBI says I’m going to jail because the peaceful protests I hold in public are criminal. Since Debbie Diversity Hire is so knowledgeable of the law maybe she can explain what Massachusetts statute I violated. Thanks!
— Aidan Kearney (@DoctorTurtleboy) September 26, 2023
Because she’s been working with them this entire time.
The Norfolk County DA’s Office is run by criminals who protect other criminals. They can’t find anyone legitimate to spread their lies, so they rely on attention starved Real Housewives of Twitter to do it for them.

This is fucking disgusting, everyone should be outraged to hell. I bet they will come knocking because of this blog now.
I hope the Commonwealth tries to call her as an expert. Jackson’s qualification voir dire will be entertaining, to say the very least.
Also Wendy Murphy must be so furious that they didn’t pick her instead of Colinfluffer to be the Commonwealth’s jury-tainting social media mouthpiece. Disgraceful!
She’s an attention hungry narcissist so of course she’s absolutely fuming.
I knew that washed up Hagg Voss was no good. She’s been working with the DA this whole time. You can’t make this shit up. This turtleboy movie is going be amazing. Especially at the end at the update and it shows MM and all his minions giving blowies on the big yard!!!!!!!!
Aiden is the only one giving blowies now!!😄😆
Journalism Jesus dropping 💣💣💣💣🐢🔥🐢🔥🐢🔥🐢🔥🐢🔥🐢🔥
I fucking knew it! We all knew Norfolk DA and Superior court were dirty, now we know how many resources they are relying on to go above and beyond the sleaziness!!
I need a shower to get away from the Commonwealth’s filth. I fucking hate Massachusetts!
Like the dirty New England Compounding Center coverup
We all do excrpt for the looney libs that voted for Clueless Joe… as a very recent example, MA Speaker Ronald Mariano is attempting to “push” more MA gun laws through that will do absolutely nothing to prevent gun violence but do everything to strip law abiding gun owners of their 2nd amendment rights. If you have not seen it yet, here’s the jist:
In order to avoid the normal bill process, the Speaker had House Ways & Means add the current gun bill language to an existing budget bill, H.4090. Then House Ways & Means, with no public vote record, conjured and released what amounts to a “ghost bill”, H.4135, in order to get it to the House floor for a vote on Wednesday, October 18, 2023.
Wake up MA citizens! They are stealing your country and your state right in front of your eyes. They refuse to go after hardened criminals and now are going after honest and truthful journalists and lawful gun owners as well.
It’s no wonder Voss is hurting for money, she’s a lousy journalist. She deleted those texts between Colin and Allie in that Boston Magazine article and made no editor’s note, like a professional would do.
No way 😮
holy sh*t – what a disgrace she is!
What I don’t understand is how the police can change their “paperwork” regarding a case 20 months after writing it. i.e. Changing that proctor arrived at the scram to he arrived at the police station. Seems like more covering-up to me.
They just have to write a supplemental to there original report. It’s not a big deal. As long as it’s documented…
But in this case it’s just covering his ass for his lies in the original report
To be fair, I think most of us expected you to be arrested, so Coffindaffer wasn’t exactly unique in her point of view. Hell, anyone who watched your shenanigans at the lacrosse game and/or outside of D&E Pizza figured you were setting yourself up for witness intimidation charges. You even posted both incidents on Youtube, because the reality is that you’re not a very smart man. You provided the state with enough evidence to convict you, ya big dummy.
Well, not physically big. I’ve actually stood next to you on the Common, you’re not very imposing.
Anyway, Coffindaffer is correct, you DID keep 40% of the raised funds; hard to see how that’s defamtory. It’s embarrassing, though, isn’t it? Don’t do embarrassing things and maybe you can avoid being called out for them in the future.
Let’s be clear: this entire blog entry did nothing to defend you, or provide reasonable doubt. It’s just more of the same old, lame old Aiden: pointing fingers at other people, hoping to distract folks from your own misdeeds.
I DID feel bad for you when I watched the video of you walking back from the bus stop after dropping your kids off (well, kid, because we know you’re not your son’s father). The bravado you displayed was completely offset by the obvious fear you have of being arrested again. You’re a scared little man right now, and I don’t blame you one bit. After they finish going through that phone of yours, I expecty more charges. And if the rumor is true and you were coordinating with KR via Signal, then you’re BOTH fucked (to be clear, I expect you to turn on her after your next arrest).
Looking forward to tonight’s Live show.
That was fun. Good to know you speak on behalf of “most of us.” You got that part figured out, which must be nice. Get back to TB when you have a headcount.
Would love to give you a headcount…but unfortunately it’s way above the number 10, and that’s the limit of your intellectual ability. In fact, you’re one of the dumbest ‘smart’ people I’ve ever met.
There’s nothing like a humiliating non-sequitur when you’re tying to seem clever. Maybe you meant to write, “count to ten.” Why not have another go at it?
Just stunned this stupid clam can count to 11 without taking off her shoes
Lizzie, when are you going to start putting (Siracusa) into your social profiles? Gotta do that to soften the blow. I’ll be here laughing.
This sounds like krusty panties.
Yup definitely has the sound of crust!!! It shows how big of white trash they all are sitting with crusty-2kids in court.
TBDS Turtle Boy Derangement Syndrome on display from “Albert Sharon”
Pure cultist mentality on display by Bug Abu. Here’s a little head’s up for you: Karen Read can be found innocent, and Krusty can lose two kids and go to jail, but none of that changes the fact that Aiden’s going to be found guilty on a least two counts of witness intimidation. #facts
While I don’t quite understand your special kind of stupid, I must admit, I do admire your total commitment to it.
Congratulations. You get to jeer AK taking a perq walk. At least you accept KR could be acquitted. The bigger picture is that AK has brought light to something that has been suspect for years, corruption by those in authority positions. No matter how this ends the stink will linger for years.
Not sure if I should feel worse for your kids, or your panties, Krusty.
Hey guys it’s really just me krusty panties, starved for attention, horrible mother, and boy do I have a stinky twat. You’d be writing ridiculous messages on a site run by a guy I hate too if you were me. Hoping god has mercy on my black soul. Pray for me please, I need help.
Hey Dickhead Albert, Your comment on Turtleboys son was lower than sneaker shit. You know nothing about parenting. You’re a real piece of shit. May you burn in hell.
Sand savages bombed their own hospital.
Sweet Irony in the name of Pedophile allah.
Well at least your user name is correct.
OK ahkbarcocksuckbar.
Aloha Snackbar!
Aloha snackbar. I just chortled at 4am LMFAO
This doesn’t surprise me. She is butt hurt that TB is exposing her along with everyone else. Anyone know why she isn’t with the FBI anymore?
She retired after 28 years. Can’t believe she lasted that long
Sad when the establishment lies about drugs, being violent and who knows what else just to change people’s opinions on them and try to take them down and silence them
Another corrupt FBI agent. What a surprise. This wannabe reality tv star has cement for brains. What did she do for the bureau, examine Whitey’s Bulge?
OOF. Bet she’s pissed she forgot about the good ol records request. 🤣🤣
Way to go! Now we know what you’re about to do!
That Karen Read looks like a real hottie. I’m thinking that if you take her out you need to make sure she pays her own bar tab, and for God’s sake don’t let her do the driving.
Aren’t you cool – making fun of an innocent woman who lost her boyfriend to murder. Real classy.
you sound jealous.
I’ve never met a woman who was not just like this and made up lies to make herself the victim. Just sayin
hmmm.. anyone else wonder if the bed bug epidemic started with a pair of krusty panties??
Fuck You Jennifer Coffindaffer you AIDS infected CUNT!!!!
We all knew she was working with them now it’s a fact. I hope you sue her. It’s so wrong to push a fake narrative that could potentially land a person in jail.
Wow, coffindaffer looks like she’s been ridden hard and put away wet many times 🤢🤮 freaking wooooooooooooof
Obviously fair to say the email is fake and someone did it to harm you. But how can you say for sure it was her who fabricated it? Have you seen the email? Someone else could have sent her a threatening email pretending to be you, like KP and this lady actually believed it. Definitely something KP would do, and we know they were in communication right? Or it was entirely anyonymous and she just assumed it was you, and has no proof it was you which is why it was never brought up until now. But if it wasn’t, they’ll see that soon given they have all your accounts.
I love your blogs, and appreciate your reporting but a good investigative journalist should not state their own conclusions as fact like that. You share the facts and can share your thoughts/opinions as that – but to say SHE fabricated it without evidence as a fact, ignoring other possibilities, seems premature. She very well might have, but it’s also possible someone else tried to frame you for it, or there was no email and she is making it up, or it was anonymous and she assumed it was you. I am sure there will be proof it wasn’t you soon. I know you’re upset and pissed off, but don’t sacrifice credibility or open yourself up to lawsuits by stating your beliefs facts until you have the receipts and evidence that is exactly what happened. I am sure it’s hard to do so, especially right now and I don’t envy your position – but don’t let them destroy you by gaslighting you. It unfortunately only makes you seem less credible to those who doubt you when you state things as facts like this. It may end up being true, but until there is proof, don’t state it like it is.
Much love
Given the history of all of this – especially the sources upon whom Colinfluffer is known to rely for information – it is not at all unreasonable to conclude that she knew, or at minimum should have known, that the emails were fake. All those years in the FBI and she accepts them as fact without question? Gimme a break.
I believe she submitted information to the Norfolk DA that she knew to be false, and that she did so in order to taint the jury pool and to defame a journalist.
The open question for the lawyers is, did she do all of that “under color of state law?”
I’m guessing TB’s civil rights lawyers are asking themselves that question right now (among many other things).
that dolly dude is trashin u hard. u should challenge him to a debate on the evidence.
Does this mean Jen will be on the stand being questioned by the Defense?
Can you be more specific about the content of your article? After reading it, I still have some doubts. Hope you can help me.
I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.