TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 185: Commonwealth Accuses Journalist Of Making $5 Million Off Karen Read Case After Misidentifying Him As Irish Rugby Player


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At the 10:50 mark of my arraignment in Stoughton District Court on 8 charges of felony witness intimidation special prosecutor Ken Mello made a bold statement about my finances.

“Some indications are that, his uh, it’s been estimated on the Internet that he’s raised in excess of $5 million doing so, so this is apparently a business that he’s engaged in.” (10:50 mark)

First let me say, that the State Police, DA’s Office, and other people who don’t like the fact that I’m exposing who murdered John O’Keefe, thought that this was going to be the worst day of my life. They thought I’d break down crying after feeling handcuffs for the first time, have a panic attack in the back of the police car, and look broken and shook as they dehumanized my in handcuffs and shackles like a dangerous criminal. Instead they arrested me in a Free Karen Read sweatshirt, over a free Karen Read t shirt, and I asked Brian Tully when we were alone if he had done anything to find the Ford Edge parked where John’s body was found at 3 AM. I made it clear to him that he didn’t scare me in the least, and I carried myself with a confidence that made him realize that he could not break me no matter how hard he tried. By looking at me and talking to me he knew, that I knew, that at the end of this I would be free, and he will be in handcuffs.

The gallery of co-conspirators who thought they could use the justice system to shut me up and violate my First Amendment rights expected me to walk into court timid and scared, a far cry from the person they see on YouTube. But the fact of the matter is that I wasn’t the least bit scared. I thought this day may come and I was looking forward to it. I set the tone from the moment that I walked into court that this was just the beginning of my greatest victory yet to come.

The first thing I did was scan the courtroom to see who was there.

Why were Paul and Peggy O’Keefe there? I’ve done more to get justice for their supposed loved one then they could ever be bothered to do.

What’s this guy’s problem?

I guess his name is Josh Levy, and he goes to all the Karen Read court dates and creepily stands over my shoulder. Also, where is Jackie Dugal’s chin, and how dumb is Karl Dugal going to feel when the indictments come? Will he disappear from the public eye forever out of shame and embarrassment? I would, but he doesn’t strike me as the type.

Was this boomer special prosecutor reading off his notebook paper really the best they could find to try to lock me up?

They’re gonna have to do better than that.

Why was Boston Magazine reporter Gretchen Voss sitting with the alleged victims if she claims to be an unbiased journalist?

How does she feel that she also attended a peaceful Rolling Rally which has since been characterized as felony witness intimidation? Does she believe that she should be charged too, or just me?

Why was one of the “victims” staring me down and acting tough and menacing? Where was that energy when I wasn’t in handcuffs?

I hope the detractors who are attempting to pervert justice in the Karen Read trial enjoyed last Wednesday, because it’s the biggest victory they’re going to get. It’s not much of one either, since I was out on no bail so fast my soup was still warm when I got home. Last Wednesday was fun for me, and it’s going to turn out to be one of the greatest things that ever happened to Turtleboy. So I want to thank them for kicking a field goal when they’re down 38-3, because it’s going to make what happens next even more enjoyable.

The arraignment made me more confident because the charging documents they revealed are so weak. The statements being used against me will all be proven to be out of context, and not true threats or witness intimidation.

But the reason I was most confident was the $5 million comment.

“Some indications are that, his uh, it’s been estimated on the Internet that he’s raised in excess of $5 million doing so, so this is apparently a business that he’s engaged in.”

I shook my head and started laughing when they said that. It was reassuring because I knew that they were just making things up in an attempt to silence me, and that ultimately the truth would prevail. But where did they get $5 million from? Apparently Ken Mello just Googled me and found a retired Irish rugby player whose estimated worth was between $1-5 million.

Estimated on the world wide Internets machine.

This is the level of research that I’ll be going up against. The teams aren’t fair. The special prosecutor isn’t a prosecutor at all, and was publicly reprimanded by the Bar of Overseers in 2016 for being lazy and screwing over clients.

When I was outside court stooge reporter David Bienick from WCVB asked me if I really made $5 million, so I had to put him in his place.

Imagine seeing another member of the press having his First Amendment rights trampled on, being arrested in front of his kids by the fugitive unit like some sort of hardened criminal, and having his house invaded and his property seized, and the only question you’re interested in is how much money the report you’re clearly jealous of is making?

First of all, who raised this man to think it’s OK for a grown man to ask another grown man what his salary is?

Secondly, what does that have to do with anything?

Thirdly, everyone involved in this is making money, including all the reporters, the judge, the special prosecutor, and especially my defense attorney. That’s how grownup world works – people get paid for their time and labor.

Fourthly, when he told me that it wasn’t OK to ask him that question because he wasn’t the one arrested, what I should’ve said was:

“Yes David, you’re not in danger of being arrested because you’re a useful stooge, and a trained puppy dog, who doesn’t challenge powerful institutions, and blindly repeats their talking points because you’re satisfied with going home to your cheese sandwich and Toyota Camry. I’m in the position I’m in because I challenge powerful people, and unlike you I’m not the least bit afraid of them.”

I haven’t come close to making that much money, but I might after this is all said and done.


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  1. Are they stupid??? We buy ALL your merch to Give you money. Now because of these stupid assholes we are just giving you money for no reason other than we want you too stay undefeated against maggots!!!!!🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢

  2. I laughed pretty hard at the 5 million. Had I been drinking milk it would have subsequently squirted out of my nose.

    1. No kidding. There’s no way Aiden’s made $5 million off of this. Of course, we’re all going to find out; a “little bird” in the DA’s office mentioned that they’re looking into Aiden’s finances as they feel there was/is a financial motivation behind his actions. He’s been demonetized from almost every platform* yet still carried on like he did, so the thinking goes that he surely didn’t do this for free. That can of whoop-ass keeps getting larger and larger…

      *ProTip: when everyone around you are assholes, chances are that you’re the actual asshole.

      1. You sound jealous, Alberta. So the DA’s office is “looking into Aiden’s finances”? And how exactly are they doing that? Prey tell. And do you think CNN, NBC, etc. work for free? Just because he seeks truth and justice, doesn’t mean he shouldn’t get paid for reporting it. Remember it costs money to drive half way across the state and back. And when he sues, he’s gonna make a LOT of $, although the book and movie deal will probably make him and his family a shit ton more. God willing with the BS these d-bags at Norfolk and KP have put him and his children through.

  3. We buy merch from your store, pay to be a part of Turtle Club and donate when you’re live or not… Because WE THE PEOPLE have a right to decide what news source to read and listen to. We will continue to enjoy you, continue to support you in any way we can and we won’t ever stop.

    P.s. The Commonwealth should really read the Massachusetts Constitution and refresh their small minds.

  4. Bury them unc, they all have it coming. Hopefully you and K R make a bundle of them. I’ll be a NH resident by the time the payouts come, won’t cost me a dime. See what happens when you shit all over the taxpaying citizens, they fuckin leave. See NY, Cali, and chi town , any one who can will leave. Good luck Maura, enjoy all your statie detail rug you can munch

    1. I buy merch, Im a TC member, and I donate too. As if i’m some idiot who doesn’t know where my money goes and how TB makes his money. $5 mill? OMG please….they should be embarrassed for even saying that out loud. I also know how the state of MA makes its money which I why i’m now a Florida resident.

  5. Ok, whose doing the meme of Doctor in the rugby outfit? We need it with glasses on and glasses off please! And somebody better bring that on a poster to the next KR hearing…please and thank you!

  6. Facts, logic, and reason have no place in our “system” anymore. Channel 5 loves getting theirs from the system just like all the public employee hacks who eagerly awaited your arrest (and their retirements).

    Douglas Mackey, aka Ricky Vaughn was facing ten years in prison for his “violation” of the Voting Rights Act (absurd) and was sentenced this week and will appeal.

    Best of luck. Keep your cards close to your chest and just remind yourself your dealing with immoral people who have the strings of power, infinite finances, and they get to “interpret” the law however broad they see fit.

    Best to you and obviously your family.

    1. Sadly Fred I believe you’re right. Every day I wait to hear something breaking from the feds and get nothing but silence. I suspect they’re working behind the scenes to iron this all out in Morrisseys favor. After all we all know how the DOJ and the FBI work on justice. Just ask the Biden crime organization.

    2. Is there any truth to the supposition that one of the “ real” reasons for Rollins’ dismissal from her US Atty gig outside of ethics violations was that she was pursuing this case & not “ standing down” as ordered?
      I know the Feds take their time when pursuing indictments but honestly, if what we see on the surface is any indicator, how much more do they need?

  7. Way to make this case all about you. I get the pursuit of justice and while it is admirable you come off sounding like an obsessive compulsive whack job. Not a good look. Be careful clown boy, I know your intentions are good but your mind and welfare are in jeopardy.

    1. Exactly. I’ve been a fan of TB for years, I’m even a current TurtleClub member and plan on attending next week’s Halloween party…but I gotta say Aiden’s either gone off the deep end on this, or there’s some other influence affecting his behavior. We’ve all watched his behavior get worse and worse, and more obsessive over the past two years. It would have done Aiden world of good to take 6 months off and do a digital detox by staying off of the Internet, but it’s too late for that now and he can’t afford it anyway. It’s a shame, but at the same time very entertaining to watch the little chud implode.

      I think (and some of the other TurtleRiders) are of the opinion that serving some time might actually be good for Aiden in the long term.

      1. Bullshit your no fan never have been never will be you gutless pos! How about you bring your scrawny ass out in the real world and spew your bullshite? Eh? No? I didn’t think so jackfuq! You are irrelevant you mean nothing to anyone! Crawl back under your bridge troll TB will always be way above you because your nothing but maggot shit! 🖕🏻

        1. You’re so wrong you’re not even wrong; I’ve been a fan/supporter for years. But it’s pretty clear Aiden is spiraling out of control and is starting to buy into his own bullshit, and that’s not only not good, it’s gotten him charged with multiple felonies, at least two of which there’s almost a 100% chance he gets convicted. KR being innocent and Krusty losing her kids/going to jail won’t affect that in the least.

          Also, even if KR is found innocent that doesn’t mean that the Alberts/Mccabes/etc had anything to do with it; Aiden’s thrown so much shit against the wall that the jury pool IS tainted and there’s no way KR is found guilty even if she DID hit poor JO with her car (and to be clear, those “dog bites” look an awful lot like JO rolled over, held his arm up and got cut up by the nuts/bolts/springs/etc under the back end of KR’s vehicle).

          I’m thinking that there won’t be any charges against any of the McAlberts…at which point *each and every one of them will file an individual libel suit against Aiden, asking for hundreds of thousands of dollars in personal damages EACH*. He’ll be tied up in court for years (imagine the time and money he’ll need to fight that many lawsuits at once!), he’ll wind up broke(er), etc. All because we TB supporters didn’t call him out on his bullshit when we had the chance.

          We need to NOT support Aiden in this Canton Crapfest and get him back to normal, so when he gets out of prison he can pick up where he left off.

          P.S. you’re just jealous that I’m going to the Halloween party, and you’re not.

          1. Stop with posing. It’s blatantly obvious you suck mcAlberts ball sack. You don’t support KR, your above post says how you really feel. You should have been swallowed just like the Albert seed you enjoy sliding down your throat.

          2. That’s actually funny, “ those “dog bites” look an awful lot like JO rolled over, held his arm up and got cut up by the nuts/bolts/springs/etc under the back end of KR’s vehicle).”

            Prior to this comment I thought you were an asshole, but at least weren’t a complete moron like I do now! Let me see if I got this correct, Read backed her 2 ton SUV up at a speed of 27 MPH, not only hit O’Keefe, but RAN HIM OVER, at some point while under the vehicle he lifted his arm up to sustain injuries that are very similar to dog bites, then stopped and drove forward off of him……..and the only injuries to his body are the cuts to his arm, bruised knuckles, and a head injury???? You are absolutely retarded for even thinking that could happen, but there isn’t a broken bone, bruising, or abrasions anywhere on his torso or legs! He was a 200 plus pounds,6’1” tall grown ass man, if he was struck and run over by a vehicle his body would have evidence of that ALL over him! Let’s not forget the State has already stated IN WRITING, that he was hit while Read did a 3 point turn, then changed that to he was hit while Read traveled in reverse at 27 MPH propelling him 12 feet onto Alberts lawn!

            Since I’m fairly convinced that you are in fact Kate Peters and am pretty sure you’re getting your info either directly from the prosecution, or indirectly from the McAlberts/Proctors/Bukhenik, we probably will be hearing this explanation of how the injuries happened to O’Keefs arm from the prosecution. So my question is, on version number 3, how did O’Keefe get hit, run over, lifted his arm and got injuries to only his arm, (ya know because Read was driving a monster truck and the only way his body could make contact with the under carriage is by lifting his arm up) and ALSO GOT THROWN 12 FEET ONTO THE LAWN??

  8. “They thought I’d break down crying” Which you did later on a livestream, crying about “Thugs with guns” and tearily exclaiming “They had a warrant!”…proving that you are, in fact, just another keyboard warrior whose mouth writes checks he’s afraid to cash.

    Except for that lacrosse game video. That took some balls, seeing as that’s sealing your fate. Of course, the prosecution is eager to show that; just because it’s not in the charging document doesn’t mean they won’t use it. I’d suggest you plan on showing up for your trial with an overnight bag.

  9. “Who was the Moo Cow, who showed off her ring to let the world know that some poor guy out there was willing to commit to her, and yelled “burn in Hell Aidan Kearney” as I entered the courthouse in cuffs?”

    I guess a lot of us assumed that was your wife.

    1. Ya know what….
      Fuck you! You are so lame that you are only able to post at grade school level.
      No one cares what you have to say…go play in the Canton cesspool where you belong with the rest of the dung,!

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