Canton Cover-Up Part 200: Ken Mello Lies About Turtleboy’s Behavior In Court Filings Opposing Free Speech, Incorrectly Cites Case Law That Helps Turtleboy’s Case

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I have a hearing in Norfolk Superior Court today (Dedham) to review the conditions of bail, which prevent me from reporting on the 8 “witnesses” I’m being charged with intimidation. The hearing begins at 3 and is open to the public. It will be streamed on Canton Television, which you can view here. All are welcome to attend. I submitted an affidavit explaining how my rights are restricted as a result of the unconstitutional stay away orders issued by Judge O’Malley in Stoughton District Court at my arraignment. In response self-described “trophy husband” Ken Mello has filed a memorandum in opposition to the stay away orders being lifted. We covered this extensively on last night’s Live Show.
Kearney - Reply Memorandum (1) 2There are many things wrong with Ken Mello’s filings. I am not a “self described” award winning journalist. I have in fact won several awards from other established media entities for my journalism.
Mello claims my reporting on the Karen Read case became “vitriolic.” Vitriolic is defined as “filled with bitter criticism.” I am writing about the coverup of the murder of a Boston Police Officer – it should be filled with bitter criticism of the government.
Mello claims my reporting “crossed the line of journalism.” He fails to realize that I am a journalist, an activist, and a satirist. When I am writing stories and interviewing witnesses I am acting as a journalist. When I hold peaceful protests I am acting as an activist. When I do impressions on the TB Live Show I am acting as a satirist.
Mello claims I “videotaped the interior” of Jen McCabe’s home.
The video shows that I rang her doorbell while she left the door wide open, stood there for 2 minutes waiting for her to answer, said into the Ring doorbell that “I am not here to threaten you,” and then left. There were not any “no trespassing” signs, and reporters knocking on the doors of subjects they are reporting on has been happening for decades, so nothing I did was illegal.
Mello claims I “led motor vehicle caravans past the homes of witnesses.” Driving cars on public streets is not illegal.
Mello claims I “harassed witnesses at sporting events in which children of witnesses were participating.” Judge Walsh already ruled that it was not “harassment” for me to show up at a public event and ask questions pertaining to a story I was working on. No children were in the immediate area, and it wouldn’t matter if they were.
Mello claims that I “harassed witnesses at their place of business.” To the contrary, I stood outside of D&E Pizza on a public sidewalk and peacefully protested Chris Albert’s family’s involvement in the murder of John O’Keefe. I was specifically invited there by one of Albert’s employees, who is rude.
Mello claims that I “followed witnesses while yelling at them through bullhorns.” This is a complete lie. There is not a single video or shred of evidence depicting me doing that.
Mello cites the picketing and witness intimidation statutes, but fails to point out that at no point did I ever use threats or intimidation to attempt to interfere with, obstruct, or impeded the administration of justice. In fact, my reporting and activism did the opposite – I repeatedly stated that I was NOT a threat, and encouraged all parties involved to tell the truth. This is the opposite of witness intimidation.
In his argument Mello cites case law that he claims shows that there is precedent for silencing speech, but the case law he chose is not relevant or comparable to what I allegedly did. He cites Chaplinksy vs. New Hampshire to argue that speech that has been used as an integral part of criminal conduct can be banned. Except my speech has not been part of any criminal conduct.
Mello cites US vs Rondo and Brandenburg vs. Ohio, which he says prevented speech that is “directed to incite or produce imminent lawless action, or is likely to incite or produce such action.” None of my speech was directed to incite lawless action. The Brandenburg case was a landmark decision that overruled the 1919 case of Schenk vs. United States, which ruled that speech could be limited if it was similar to “shouting fire in a crowded theater.” In Brandenburg SCOTUS did the opposite of Mello seems to think they did. In that 1969 case the court determined that the KKK’s speech was lawful. The court specifically ruled that “government cannot punish inflammatory speech unless that speech is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action.”
Mello cites Watts vs. US, as an argument that my speech must be limited if it “inflicts injury or tends to incite an immediate breach of the peace.” But my speech has done no such thing. In the Watts case an anti-Vientam War protester said, “If they ever make me carry a rifle the first man I want to get in my sights is LBJ.” SCOTUS said that banning such speech was constitutional, but only if it contained true threats. My speech has already been determined NOT to contain true threats. However, the court also determined that Watts’ speech was political hyperbole, and not true threats. Clearly my comments towards Colin Albert in which I imitated his own videos were hyperbolic and satirical.
Mello knows that my speech did not overtly threaten any witnesses, so he cited Commonwealth vs. Gordon, which said that threats do not need to be overt to be considered witness intimidation. In this case the father of a defendant in a murder trial intimidated a 19 year old juror INSIDE THE COURTHOUSE, that made the juror nervous, scared, and afraid. He referenced a horror movie in which a girl her age was murdered. This is not comparable because I am not related to Karen Read and did not speak to any witnesses or jurors inside a courthouse. I am a reporter covering the case who happens to believe that the facts show that she is innocent.
Mello knows that I have not prevented any witnesses from testifying, so he cited Commonwealth vs. Robinson, claiming that the statute does not require that the intimidation prevent a witness from testifying – it just has to be the intent. But my stated intent has been the opposite – I want witnesses to testify. I want Jen McCabe to explain why she Googled “how long to die in cold” at 2:27 AM. In the Robinson case the defendant at a magistrate hearing glared at a plaintiff, then pushed over a table in a “blood curling” manner, and yelled “are you sure you want to go through with this?” The plaintiff testified anyway, but the intent was to intimidate. I am not the defendant in the Karen Read case, and I was not intending to stop anyone from testifying. My comments were made in public streets and on YouTube, not in court, and they were not overtly OR covertly threatening.
Mello cites Commonwealth vs. Casiano, in which a defendant pretended to take a picture of an undercover cop testifying against him for selling drugs, and claimed that he was going to post it on the Internet to put his life in danger. The defendant never took any pictures, and there was no evidence the officer was intimidated, but the intent was there. However, I am not the defendant in the Karen Read case, I am a journalist covering the case and a political critic of the government. It was never my intent to stop any witness from testifying.
Mello cites a 2011 paper written by University of Florida law professor Lyrissa Lidsky, who says that audience size increases the chances that one member of the audience will be incited by speech to commit violence. The implication is that because I have a large audience I am responsible for the criminal behavior of the millions of people who have read my stories.
But a paper written by a college professor in Florida is not case law, and I am not inciting any violence. I fundamentally reject the idea that people with large platforms are responsible for the behavior of their followers, and the insinuation that speech should be restricted in order to prevent the “incitement” of violence that never occurred.
Mello cites several examples from around the country, most of which involved unnamed individuals, to make the point that witness intimidation can occur on social media. All of the examples are from the defendants in criminal matters or their families, and include explicit threats posted on social media, which were designed to PREVENT witnesses from testifying against criminal defendants. I am a reporter covering the Karen Read trial, not a family member of Karen Read. I am not posting threats on social media directed at witnesses. I WANT them to testify.
Mello claims that I “doxxed” the witnesses by posting their addresses, phone numbers, workplaces, and financial information online. None of this illegal, but more importantly all of this is already publicly available information in filings of the Karen Read murder case. Chris Albert’s “financial” information mainly involves the dozens of court judgments against him for not paying his bills and his taxes. Additionally, the Commonwealth has ironically posted my address and phone number in their publicly viewable charging documents, leading to an increase in threats I have received since being charged. I have documented these threats with Holden Police.
Mello cites online influencers who “doxed” Supreme Court Justices by posting where they live. He claims that these internet activists intimidated Justices into changing their minds to overturn Roe vs. Wade by urging mobs to go to their homes. But this example proves OUR point, not the Commonwealth’s because none of the protesters or internet influencers were ever charged with witness intimidation, and the protests outside the home of justices were allowed to happen. The only person arrested was Nicholas Roske, who showed up with a gun and written plans to kill Justice Kavanaugh. None of my followers have done anything like this, and even if they did the case law cited by Mello suggests that only the perpetrator should be arrested, not the online influencers who “incited him.”
Mello claims that what I did is comparable to what the people who “doxxed” SCOTUS Justices did, because I “incited many followers of his internet site into confronting and intimidating these witnesses.” However, I never directed followers to visit and harass the homes of witnesses. I did the opposite, urging my readers to remain peaceful and nonviolent. Mello claims that the purpose of me posting addresses of witnesses was to incite followers to confront and intimidate witnesses. He has no evidence of this.
Mello claims the stay away orders in place are similar to 209A and 258E orders that protect victims. Except those exact orders were denied TWICE by judges in Stoughton. Two judges have ruled that my speech regarding Jennifer McCabe and Chris Albert did NOT meet the legal threshold of harassment because it did not contain true threats.
Mello claims that the stay away orders should not be revised because I have no restrictions for reporting news on the Karen Read case or following up investigative leads. This is untrue. I need to attend Board of Selectmen meetings as part of my reporting and cannot do so with the order in place because Chris Albert will be there. Additionally, if more information comes out about Jennifer McCabe’s cell phone, since it is currently under advisement in the SJC, I would like to ask her questions about that. I cannot do so with the stay away order in place.
Mello falsely claims that the judge “specifically noted the defendant was not prohibited from attending court sessions if the witnesses were present.” Judge O’Malley said no such thing. At the 45 minute mark of this video he begins to explain his ruling.
“I am imposing the following conditions – stay away, no contact with each of the main witnesses. Stay away no contact means direct or indirect. That is broad on purpose, and if it comes before me and find that he violated release conditions he is subject to incarceration for 90 days without bail.”
Mello flat out lied when he said that Judge O’Malley stipulated that I could attend Karen Read hearings, regardless of witnesses being present there.
Mello claims I can still go to the Norfolk County DA’s Office, downtown Canton, or Canton Town Hall, as long as the witnesses are not there. This is missing the point. The witnesses can effectively have me removed from any location simply by showing up. Additionally the stay away order does not clarify how many feet I must stay away. Can I stand on the public sidewalk outside D&E Pizza, or eat at the restaurants next door?
Finally, Mello claims I have a history of obstructing town business at select board meetings by harassing Chris Albert. This is completely untrue. I have never even spoken at a meeting, and certainly never obstructed town business. I silently stood in place at a meeting, while holding a sign that reminded those watching of the fact that Chris Albert did in fact kill a man in 1994.
The meeting was not “obstructed” as a result of my silent protest, and Judge O’Malley specifically ruled that my behavior at meetings was protected speech, including using the middle finger.
The First Amendment will be on trial today at 3 PM in Dedham. I have faith that the Constitution will prevail.

Good luck today!!! We all.have your back!!! 🐢🐢🐢🐢🐢
When this gets dropped, you should immediately go to D&E Pizza and celebrate. Maybe try and order a mediocre chicken parm, to show no hard feelings.
Bill Burr if your monitoring this thread that Netflix movie absolutely sucked. Tried to watch it twice and had to turn it off it was so awful. Dont pick the first movie they throw you,be more selective for christ sakes.Canton is already embarrassed enough with this buddy buddy cop DA crap they don’t need you adding to it
Hey pal, I don’t appreciate what you did to my buddy Eddie. I saw what you and other so called friends did to him behind his back. He didn’t deserve getting whacked like that. Shame on you and the others..
Spoiler Alert: It turns out at the end that Burr is the Stumpy Cunt
I sent your wife home with a DVD of Starship Troopers, should be more your speed
Bill try an action movie with an actual budget next time, those Netflix movies are 62 minutes of complete crap.
There is a little-known addendum to the Bill of Rights that was drafted by Thomas Jefferson himself.
It reads:
Terms and Conditions may apply. Free Speech null and void if contested by a fugly law professor attempting to justify her salary.
This IS a first amendment issue. Love or hate him, this nonsense that Mello Yellow wrote should be concerning to everyone. Mello Yellow would’ve shut down Mike Wallace and Dan Rather.
Not to mention Woodward and Bernstein
Sharon Sharing Albert Alburt
To be clear, Mike Wallace or Dan Rather would never say things like “I’m going after your family!” or chase customers away while ranting outside of a pizza shop. And they’d never be kicked out of a high school lacrosse game while screaming “Cop killer! COP KILLER!!!” at someone who not only hasn’t been charged with a crime,but who isn’t even a fucking suspect.
Remember: the First Amendment allows you to say or publish whatever you want, but there are other laws (like, say, witness harrassment laws) that hold you *accountable* for what you say or publish. TB is about to become a very public example of this.
“Aiden? Oh, he’s going to jail, I have no doubt about that” – Lauren DeLaguna, private chat.
You spelled After David wrong!!!
The DA should be searching for the truth not ways to silence a journalist. They should explain why they believe witnesses that saw nothing from inside the house. They have 2 witnesses who actually saw something, 1 of which saw Karen Read alone in her car waiting and another witness who drove by the house at 2AM and testified there was not a body of John O’Keefe on the front lawn of the Alberts and drove by again at 3am and saw a Ford edge parked where they later found the body of John O’Keefe . Explain why there was no blood on the front lawn and why a BPD officer did not try and help a fellow BPD officer dying on his front lawn. Please help us understand for God sakes!!!!
Agreed. But the KR case and Aiden facing witness intimidation charges are two separate criminal cases. KR could plead guilty today and end the case, but Aiden would still be facing judgement. Law 101.
Why are they witnesses they never saw anything. There are really only 2 witnesses 1 that saw Karen Read in her car alone and The snow plow driver who said there was no Body on the front lawn when he drove by at 2AM and at 3am there was a ford edge parked right in front of where they found John’s body
I knew John O’Keefe I drank with him in Braintree. All I want is the truth and you have to admit the State Police changing their story from first she hit him backing up doing a 3 point turn then they change it to she backed up some 64 feet at 24 mph. Not 1 cop asked to see the neighbors doorbell Cam. No Blood on the ground from a 2.5inch gash in his head. I understand people want to believe the Police but can’t you see somethings don’t add up. I don’t care who you are but you have to admit theses are valid points
Boy, that judge clearly wasn’t buying Bradl’s arguments. Once he sees those videos, hoo boy, he’s gonna be even less amused.
On the bright side you get to go back tomorrow, and since Bradl is paid by the hour I’d say he’s gonna be the big winner when all of this is over.
Starting a GFM to get Aiden some steel undies and soap-on-a-rope.
Hey Kate, get a life you pos loser
Oh that’s right, they already took em away cuz you’re an awful parent, congratulations.
Again, will you please swallow a bottle of pills tonight, I’m asking nicely?!?
Disagree wholeheartedly. The videos add the context that show not only is TB joking ( I’m referring to the Colin Albert voicemail), but blow holes in Ken Melo’s flat out lies. If I’m a MSM journalist, I’m watching this case really closely (even though most of them never actually confront people in any sort of similar fashion). On another note, had an interesting chat at a nearby bar tonight with some Cantonites (or are they Cantonians?)
I heard that lawyers are looking into the legality of your “steel undies and soap-on-a-rope comment” Seems like you’re inciting prison-rape on Aidan, apparently.
But we’ve already seen the videos and since we’re not paid trolls and not brain-dead, we can see the context. Not that the Commonwealth doesn’t already know the context.
Nah – just give him a couple of your Krustypanties
Ken Mello is a terrible Attorney, he puts zero thought into his arguments. Anyone that has used Mello on a case they lost should file malpractice against him. He is incompetent
Out of curiosity, do you have experience with him before this or read his filings before?
Serious question here, what is wrong with Ken Mello? He looks to be a retard, then he speaks and I’m saying, “oh bless his heart, he’s a retard”, but then I remember he’s an attorney, a “special prosecutor” in fact!
That’s why he’s a “special” prosecutor
It’s a miracle we’re not all convicted felons with the lengths required to prove one’s innocence.
MSP forever corrupt.
Give them time! The FBI did change their definition of Domestic Terrorist. Anyone who speaks about corruption of government, covid, election fraud, etc.
What would Mello think about Jim Farris and his crew yelling at Karen Read’s lawyers when they went to Canton? Intimidating the Defense in a murder case was not only rude…
Wasn’t THAT actually witness intimidation? I think you could argue it was that and more. And was Karen with them? If so, that’s a whole other story!
I dont think we ever saw video of that incident. Did it really happen?
As a supporter of evil, you might not want to use lack of video as proof. Know what I mean?
What Boner said was completely fair and unoffensive, you’re making everyone here look like a pussy
Boner’s assumed the incident was made up, no? I assumed he/she was on the McAlbert team so I called him/her a supporter of evil. Somehow that makes everyone here “look like a pussy”? No, that’s just your reflection.
I don’t know if it really happened, as I recall the photos seemed to show a confrontation of some sort between Reads group and another group. At the time nothing I read or saw make me think it didn’t happen and was made up.
TB wrote about it, as I recall Read, Jackson, possibly Little, and someone from Dateline were all there, there are photos of the incident.
Another Lockdown is what’s needed in Massachusetts it worked so well last time. If that doesn’t work then pass more gun laws and bring in more illegals.
Mr Turtle please post a photo line-up of
Ken Mello
Pepe the Frog
Can people tell them apart?
ps I like Pepe and Shrek
What the fuck, if you can’t write about the read case, at least go back to writing about ratchets or food stamp abuse. Let’s see some of that award winning journalism.
Yo y’all to much abou your personal problems and girlfriends n shit get back to the real news boi