TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 208: Newly Uncovered Video Shows Michael Proctor Dancing And Eating With Colin And Chris Albert At Courtney Proctor’s 2012 Wedding


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During Karen Read’s hearing on September 15 ADA Adam Lally said in open court that there was simply no evidence of Trooper Proctor having a close connection with the Albert family.

In an August 25 press release District Attorney Michael Morrissey claimed that Trooper Proctor “had no close personal relationship with ANY of the parties involved in the investigation, had no conflict, and had no reason to step out of the investigation. Every suggestion to the contrary is a lie.”

Chris Albert certainly was one of the parties “involved in the investigation,” and according to Morrissey this meant that Proctor did not have a close personal relationship with Albert.

However, recently discovered video from Michael Proctor’s sister’s wedding proves that this was a lie.

In two videos posted to Vimeo, Michael Proctor can be seen at Courtney Proctor’s wedding with 7 year old Colin Albert, as well as being seated at a table with Chris Albert, Colin, and Jill Daniels. In the videos they are all seen ironically dancing to “We are family.” Here are Michael Proctor, Jill Daniels, and Colin Albert watching Courtney Proctor’s first dance with her husband.

Because of the Albert family’s close personal relationship with the Proctors, Chris Albert, Colin Albert, and Jill Daniels were assigned seats closest to the dance floor, with Michael Proctor seated at their table.

Here is Colin dancing with Courtney and Michael Proctor.

The other video shows the Proctor children growing up, as well as a picture of Courtney Proctor with Colin Albert when he appears to be no older than 4.

It is hardly news that the Albert and Proctor families are this close, but this is the first time we’ve seen actual video from the wedding. We have seen Michael Proctor’s mother Karen Barsamian-Proctor comment under a 2019 image of Chris Albert’s family, in which she refers to the Alberts as her “second family.”

We have seen pictures of Colin, Courtney, Chris, and Jennifer McCabe’s children at a 2016 party at Courtney Proctor’s house.

We have seen pictures of Colin, Dillon Albert, and Courtney Proctor’s son (Michael’s nephew) on Instagram, with comments from Dillon Albert and Karen Proctor.

We have seen a 2019 obituary for Michael Proctor’s grandmother, in which Chris and Julie Albert express their condolences to the Proctor family.

We have seen a plethora of images on Courtney Proctor’s Facebook page and other social media accounts wishing Colin a happy birthday.

Prior to this the supporters of the Alberts and McCabes have argued that just because there is a picture of Colin Albert and Michael Proctor in the same wedding party, doesn’t mean they actually knew each other.

But now we know that Proctor stood next to Colin for much of the wedding, and sat at Chris Albert’s table to eat dinner. There is absolutely no denying that these families knew each other for well over a decade, and that Proctor failed to disclose this relationship because it would have disqualified him from being the lead investigator for a murder case that took place at Brian Albert’s house. Proctor went out of his way in his reports to make it seem like he had met Chris and Julie Albert for the first time in February of 2022, while investigating John O’Keefe’s murder.

  • Colin Albert was never questioned by State Police until July 18, 2023, nearly 18 months after the murder, but only to investigate allegations of witness intimidation against Turtleboy.
  • Proctor intentionally did not apply for Geo Fence data from Apple that would have shown who was inside 34 Fairview Road at what time.
  • Proctor’s reports did not mention that Colin Albert was inside the house at any point during the night until Karen Read’s attorneys put that information in court filings.
  • Proctor never followed up on a lead that a Ford Edge was parked next to where John O’Keefe’s body was discovered at 3 AM, a mere 3 hours before Karen Read discovered him. Colin Albert drove a Ford Edge registered to his mother at that time.

Michael Proctor did all of this to protect Colin Albert, someone his family loves like a son, according to Proctor’s own mother.

Michael Proctor knew that if any other detective was assigned to this case that they would most certainly question Colin Albert. He knew that Colin was an unseasoned 17 year old who would not stand up well to standard police scrutiny in a murder investigation, and that the best way to protect Colin was to not speak with him at all. For that reason he HAD to be the lead detective on this case. If Colin was never questioned by police then he couldn’t get caught in any lies, he wouldn’t have to show evidence of an alibi, he wouldn’t have to hand over his phone to police, he wouldn’t have to have police look at his hands for signs of a fight, and his life as a college student and football player would remain uninterrupted. If he had disclosed his relationship with the Alberts he would have had to bow out of the case, which would have likely led to Colin becoming a suspect. Had Proctor done so he would be letting his family and the Albert family down.


Michael Morrissey was well aware of all of this, but still issued a press release denying any sort of relationship between Proctor and the Alberts.

He then used his power as DA to demand that protesting of the Alberts stop. When we refused to do so he then launched an investigation into Turtleboy that led to 9 felony charges, which have effectively made it impossible to continue to ask questions of these murder suspects.


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  1. Proctor was in court when Lally made that claim and said nothing to correct the record, yes?

    Zero credibility zero integrity. This is who our state police force backs?

  2. Formal introductions 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    And you mean 2009 (not 2019) for the obituary year.. which makes the relationship even longer

  3. Now that there’s un refute able proof, that they not only lied under oath, on their after David’s. But meatball, proctor, and lunchbox clearly violated a laundry list of procedures, protocols, regulations and rules. Tully stop sniffing turtles dirty underwear and do you job you piece of lying corrupt 💩

    1. So when the so-called law enforcement and court officers say one thing, and video evidence proves they lied, it’s okay they lied? What else have they lied about then?

    2. I love how allegations of misconduct are called “unfair, false, misleading lies”! Proof is then presented to confirm the allegations and now it’s “You’re grasping at straws”!

      It’s over for the prosecution, many cases have been lost over far less reasonable doubt, and there’s a mountain of it in the case!

  4. I can’t wait to see how red Lally’s face gets when the jury is watching the video.
    After he stated there is no connection or conflict.🤥🤥

  5. According to The Patriot Ledge all of the evidence in the Brian/ Ana Walshe case has finished being analyzed by the State Police Crime lab. Even though the Walshe case occurred a full year after the Karen Read case. This just adds to the BS.

  6. As citizens who do we email incessantly with complaints about this? I know it’s futile but it still has to be done. It’s an outrage, the lies, it has to end.

  7. How the state can pursue this case anymore is beyond the pale. Lie after lie after lie and what do they do? Double down by attacking Aidan and lying more to get the “proof”to file against him. This case and everyone involved should go immediately to jail, do not pass go. Colin Albert is a shitbag who deserves no breaks whatsoever and his uncle/ father Brian……. Even worse. Hey Brian, your silence does not prove your innocence. Get me the fuck outta this shithole state.

  8. Amazing how cute innocent little kids can turn into complete middle finger saluting assholes by inbred breeding. I guess it didn’t occur to Courtney to slim down before her wedding. She looks like the type of run stuffer nose tackle the Patriots lack.

  9. I love the fact that people are leaking this to Aidan. There’s a traitor at every turn McAlberts

  10. Is it my imagination, or did Colin have shiner below his right eye in one of the wedding photos? Looks like he was getting into fights at a young age.

  11. Couples who basically date other couples are some fucked up people. Tutti fruity drama ridden co-dependent drunkards who murder together. Get fucked mcalberts!

  12. Judge Krupp ruled on your motion for bail review. Defendant’s petition for review of the Stoughton District Court’s stay away/no contact order is DENIED as to the no contact order, and is DENIED as to the stay away order except that the stay away order is amended to require defendant to stay at least 100 feet away from the named witnesses and to allow defendant to attend proceedings in the Read case, even if that will bring him within 100 feet of any named witnesses. (Krupp, J.) dated 11/9/2023

  13. I can’t wait until you’re behind bars. How does it feel knowing you’re going to be somebody’s bitch in prison.

    We all know your wife hates you and is finally going to divorce you while your behind bars. Maybe she’ll remarry somebody like gianetti.

    1. If he ends up in jail an murderers walk freely throughout that shit hole of a ghetto Boston subturd Canton. That’s when the peaceful protests stops an the rioting begins. If you think its a joke good luck to you an I’ll be glad I don’t live in that town. I bet I know the 1st 5 things that burn down 1st.

      1. Karens guilty. You people aren’t very intelligent. Nobody will be rioting when that psycho is found guilty.
        The funny part is your little cult leader is going to do more time then her

        1. A car did not cause John’s injuries.
          Someone googled how long to die in cold at 2:23 am
          While John was dying.
          It was not Karen Read.

    2. You wish upon someone, what you see for yourself or multiple people you care about.
      That must suck.
      The trial is coming up and you all know the game changes once people have to testify.
      Dam! That is stressful.


  14. I think Proctor will be lucky to get a job as a mall cop, when he gets out of prison.
    Hopefully They all get what they deserve!
    Bet they’re getting each other soap on a rope for Christmas!

  15. Hi guys, just checking in — still blew every dude to get to “the top,” I’m still totally incompetent, and a typical female chief over-compensating and trying to bully “my men” to get over on things. Signed, a stupid CUNT.

  16. This is unbelievable TB! The defense attorneys are going to feasting on the bones of the prosecutor and fighting for any scraps of flesh that remain.

    Young Thug already has a black eye at age 4! His future as a mediocre special teams linebacker awaits.

    This case will NEVER go to trial. That is the one thing that is crystal clear at this point. Some excuse will come up at the last minute and they’ll drop charges.

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