TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 217: Kevin Reddington Says SJC Giving Karen Read Access To His Client’s Cell Phone Records Is A “Win” For Jennifer McCabe And Brian Albert


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Jennifer McCabe’s Attorney Kevin Reddington provided a quote to the Boston Herald yesterday in regards to the SJC’s recent overruling of Judge Beverly Cannone’s denial of a Rule 17 motion, which now gives Karen Read access to McCabe’s Verizon records from January 29, 2022.

“Clearly this is a win for Jen McCabe and certainly Brian Albert.”

  • Why does Kevin Reddington care about the interests of Brian Albert, who is not his client? If push comes to shove his client will have to testify against Albert to save herself extra years in prison. Yet here’s Reddington, cheering it on like it’s a victory for his client.
  • Why is this a “win” if there’s nothing to hide on Brian Albert’s device?
  • Why is Attorney Reddington treating a murder case like it’s a game to be won?

If Reddington were representing an innocent client then the first thing he would do would be to remind the media that she is in fact innocent. Karen Read’s attorneys refer to their client as “factually innocent” almost any time they mention her. But the only thing Reddington could say about the ruling was that it was a “win,” because now the public will have no knowledge of who she communicated the day before she conspired to murder John O’Keefe, and the days after she did.

Now let’s take his tacit cheerleading for his own client, and compare it to the messages he sent me on July 22, the day I organized a rolling rally that came to his client’s house (which he said was “great”).

Oh, how the tides have turned….

As you can see, Reddington asked me to speak off the record, which I never agreed to. He praised the rolling rally, complimented my reporting, and credited me with “showing” Karen’s innocence. He said I had amazing skills as an investigative reporter, and do not get the credit I deserve, although he believes that will change as a result of my reporting on his client.

Just to review:

  • When it came to his own client the only thing he could say was it was a “win” that Verizon only had to give Karen Read 1 day’s worth of his client’s cell phone records, on the day in which she conspired to murder a Boston Police Officer who was the guardian for her daughter’s friend.
  • When it came to Karen Read he went out of his way to message a reporter on Facebook who has been openly hostile to his client, praise the reporter’s skills in exposing his client, and make it clear that he believed that Karen Read was innocent, which in turn would mean that his client was guilty.

Reddington’s cope meter was off the chart when he said that the SJC’s ruling only “allowed what was already on the record.” Except the Verizon records will show EVERYTHING that she deleted from her phone that day. Until now the defense has had to rely upon forensic expert Richard Green to use Cellebrite to find all deleted data. We know as a fact that Cellebrite did not find everything she deleted since there are calls to John O’Keefe on his phone that do not show up on Rick Green’s Cellebrite extraction report from McCabe’s phone.

Let’s also not forget that in April Reddington told the media that Jennifer McCabe had passed a polygraph test, which showed no evidence of deception.

“My client, Jennifer McCabe, has been vilified in pleadings. They are spinning it,” attorney Kevin Reddington told the Herald Monday. “It’s going nowhere. The whole scenario is baseless.”

Reddington, a top lawyer in the region, is hitting back at Read’s legal team who claim in motions that McCabe and Brian Albert were inside the Canton home on the night of the death and are partly responsible.

Reddington said McCabe passed a polygraph test showing “no evidence of deception” or any conspiracy or coverup.

“This rabbit hole the defense is trying to go down will sputter,” Reddington added, saying his client called 911 and any search was done on behalf of Read.

It has now been 7 months since he said that, but he still hasn’t shown the test results that would show the world that his client was likely innocent. I reached out to him today for comment but have not yet heard back.

I also reached out to Reddington on September 25 to ask him why his client’s car was parked outside the Proctor household that evening, considering the DA’s Office’s repeated assertions that there is no personal relationship between the Proctors and the McCabes. He declined to comment, but used an emoji to NOT deny a personal relationship between the two families.

Kevin Reddington represents guilty people for a living, so it’s not surprising that he was able to see Karen Read’s innocence from my reporting. But his lukewarm defense of his client in comparison to his aggressive cheerleading of Karen Read, shows you that even Jennifer McCabe’s attorney knows that she is guilty and complicit in the murder of John O’Keefe.


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  1. Kevin Reddington is a fucking clown. He works for the prosecution, making deals for the commonwealth not his clients. Except this case because McCabe is part of the corrupt Mike Morehotdogs family.
    The only good part of this is hopefully it will cost Matt soup tits McCabe to spend tons of money only to watch his stallion go straight to prison. Kevin Reddington is a joke! Just like his fat pussy son.
    Hey Kevin you’re a fucking idiot and turtleboy has exposed you as a two faced piece of shit. The rally was great? You fucking stupid elitist douce bag.

  2. Don’t make the mistake of underestimating Reddington. This is not his first rodeo and he knows what he is doing. He can say till the cows come home that Jenny passed a polygraph but ultimately it doesn’t matter because a polygraph test cannot be used in a court of law. 1994 Best Looking Bulldog and POS B Albert are innocent and have absolutely nothing to hide, yet both have lawyered up. Just a coincidence no doubt. What if the soon to be released Verizon phone records for 29 January show multiple calls to the Proctor household? Looking forward to that info being made public.

  3. Underestimating Reddington is a huge mistake, he is not a fool! He quite literally plays legal chess for a living, I wouldn’t be surprised if he has an ulterior motive!

    I 100 hundred percent believe Read is innocent, but with that said I don’t think he’s saying Aidan showed Read’s innocence, I believe he’s saying that Aidan did a good job of creating reasonable doubt in his reporting. Which is EXACTLY what a defense attorney does when they have a very guilty client. They don’t have to prove their innocent, they just need to create reasonable doubt!

  4. There’s just something about Jen and her behavior through all this that is just so sinister..

    Her rubbing the shoulders of someone grieving in the courtroom for John.
    Her posting a sign at her front door – Justice for JJ
    Her wearing a pin that says – Justice for JJ

    She comes across as so conniving, cruel, and EVIL. And to think she is a mom to daughters. What kind of person would let someone that is injured and in need of medical treatment just suffer and die? She is a HORRIBLE person and needs to be locked up.

    What about her husband? He may seem less evil thanks to his wife taking the title for that but he was there, he knew what was happening, and he needs to be held accountable as well.

    As for Kevin Reddington, well over the years I have only seen him defend scumbag after scumbag so when someone hires him they are getting lumped together. The only exception is Lindsay Clancy, who I think suffered serious mental health issues that caused her to kill her children. I can’t believe her family hired him to defend her. She needs a less controversial lawyer, one that seems compassionate, maybe a woman lawyer would have been better.

    As for Kevin saying it’s a win. Of course it isn’t but we should expect that. He would never come out and say “Oh boy, Jen is F*&KED now, boy what a hit we took today” . Nope he’s spinning it.

    He makes his money off people like this and the longer he represents them the more he makes…. So we should not be surprised if we see him drag it out even if it’s not within her best interest.

    1. Totally agree this guy was a bad choice for Lindsay Clancy. We shall see how it turns out for McCabe although she makes total sense as a Reddington client

  5. The Complete, Unedited Jennifer McCabe Polygraph Test:

    Q: Jen, were you voted Best-Looking, CHS Class of 1994?
    A: Yes!

    Q: Jen, did you kill Boston Police Officer John O’Keefe?
    A: No!

  6. Can some explain to me why a witness who testified she saw nothing. Did not see John O’Keefe in the house did not see a dying body of John O’Keefe on the front lawn when she left but remembers hours after the CPD interviewed her that Karen said she hit him. Another witness who the same did not see John O’Keefe in his house and didn’t bother to leave his house with a dying fellow Boston police Officer on his front lawn. Why do they both need high priced Defense Lawyers? ……………Do the GOD DAMN GEOFENCE for I-PHONES and get it over with!!!!!

  7. I think it’s very strange that he goes from complementing you to insulting you. It sounds like two different people are sending these messages. He’s aggressive and insulting and then you message him with a question and he just says I don’t know. It’s bizarre behavior and these people are toxic.

  8. Aiden you’re scaring me. I feel intimidated. I might change my testimony to the truth. How dare you,

  9. Kevin Reddington is a phony.
    He has a tattoo that translates to never represent an informant.
    Yet, he represented Cadillac Frank Salemme (an informant).
    He has a thank you note from him on his wall.🙄
    While representing Whitey Buldger’s girlfriend he claimed her only fault was falling in love with Whitey. Who he called a Robin Hood type of person 😂
    Whitey was actually a serial killer who enjoyed strangling people women with his bare hands and buried them where he could see the site from his condo.
    That is the character of Kevin Reddington.
    There’s plenty more.
    Yes, he is in with Morrissey clan.
    Represented a friend of his on a murder charge.
    Just a cheesy, egotistical, low class, Brockton lawyer.

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