Canton Cover-Up Part 350: Chris Albert Accidentally Puts Colin Albert Inside 34 Fairview Road When John O’Keefe Arrived, Julie Albert Caught Lying About Phone Calls With Courtney Proctor

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Chris and Julie Albert took the stand in Day 8 of the Karen Read murder trial and they were the complete dumpster fire you imagined they would be. Chris became the first McAlbert to officially confirm that his son Colin Albert was inside 34 Fairview Road, and Julie was caught lying about how frequently she talked to Michael Proctor’s sister on the phone.
For the last year the McAlberts have been insisting that Colin Albert was not inside 34 Fairview Road when John O’Keefe arrived there at 12:20. If John O’Keefe was hit by Karen Read’s car outside of the house then it wouldn’t matter if Colin was inside the house at the time. However, if John went inside the house while Colin was there then it could potentially implicate him in the murder. The fact that his family and friends have been so persistent that he was never inside the house is all the reassurance you need to know that John O’Keefe went inside Brian Albert’s house.
As evidence provided to Boston Magazine free lancer journalist Gretchen Voss, the McAlberts offered up this text message between Allie McCabe and Colin Albert, which purportedly shows her picking up Colin at 34 Fairview Road at 12:10 AM.
The text isn’t authenticated and is merely a screenshot. Anyone can delete texts from a conversation, but they would appear in a data extraction. It seems hard to believe that the two of them never spoke again until February 20 after Colin’s former neighbor was found dead on the lawn of his uncle’s house. The text also doesn’t say where “here” is when Allie McCabe texted him at 12:20. “Here” could be his friends house where she was picking him up to drive him TO 34 Fairview Road.
Live look at Julie Albert’s sweet little boy waking her up to say goodnight after a night of underage boozing at uncle Brian’s house. #KarenRead #johnokeefe
— seany sean sean (@theghostofTB12) May 9, 2024
After leaving Brian Albert’s house shortly after 12:33 Colin needed to establish an alibi. That is likely why he called his friend Erin Beatty, who didn’t answer the phone at 12:33.
Chris tried to get Erin’s father Tom to say that this phone call never happened, which he refused. Consequently the Beatty family has been viciously attacked and threatened by the McAlbert Mafia, leading to this December 2022 Facebook post from Tom Beatty.
But all of this effort to cover for Colin Albert’s presence inside Brian Albert’s house when John O’Keefe was arrived went out the window this morning when Chris Albert himself offered testimony confirming that Colin was indeed at his uncle’s house. Chicken Parm Charlie told Adam Lally that he arrived at his home on Maple Street between 12:05 and 12:10, went upstairs to bed, and was awoken 10 minutes later by his son Colin.
If Chris arrived home at 12:05, went upstairs, and the Colin arrived at 12:15 then it would fit in his timeline for Colin leaving Brian Albert’s house at 12:15, before John O’Keefe got there. But unfortunately for him surveillance video from the Waterfall Bar shows him leaving closer to 12:14.
It is an 8 minute, close to half mile walk from the Waterfall back to his condo on Maple Street, which means he had to have gotten there no earlier than 12:20. He told David Yannetti under cross examination that he went upstairs and dozed off within 15 minutes, and that his son Colin woke him up after arriving home 10 minutes after that. Apparently Chris hadn’t done the math in his head, because this meant that Colin got back at 12:45, which means he didn’t leave at 12:10 (it’s a 5 minute drive from Brian’s house), which means he was at 34 Fairview Road when John O’Keefe got there. Watch him stutter at 1:45 when he realizes that he just implicated his son by putting him at the crime scene.
All that work covering up for Colin was for nothing. And it was his own father who ultimately did him in. This is why I couldn’t wait for this trial – these people are a deadly combination of arrogant and stupid. They think they can talk their way out of anything, but they say too much and in turn destroy themselves.
Julie was a hot mess herself. She was chewing gum on the stand and appears to have the same dermatologist as her sister Jill Daniels.
Julie testified that she “rarely” spoke to Courtney Proctor on the phone. But she apparently didn’t realize that the FBI investigation revealed that they spoke on the phone 67 times over a period of 8 months, including a 12 minute phone call on the day Karen Read was arrested. The same day she offered Michael Proctor a “thank you” gift for arresting Read. She was given her phone records by Attorney David Yannetti and had to admit she had been caught in a lie. Luckily Auntie Bev and Lally were there to bail her out time and time again, as legitimate questions were objected to and sustained. On a rare occasion when this didn’t happen Julie looked towards Lally to save her, and reluctantly answered by saying “I don’t recall.”
It should be noted that on May 18, 2021, John O’Keefe (who was apparently a turtle rider), sent Julie Albert a text message containing a link to a Turtleboy article about a Canton middle school girl who was bullied on the school bus for not supporting BLM. Julie responded by saying “That is my worst fear – ending up on Turtleboy.”
She has now been featured dozens of times and was a 4 seed in Ratchet Madness.
Chris and Julie Albert have tried to portray themselves as close friends of John O’Keefe who had no animosity towards them. But in testimony today it was revealed that they viewed John as a “get off my lawn guy” because he yelled at Colin Albert for trespassing on his property and throwing beer cans on his lawn. These images were also introduced into evidence, showing the Alberts mocking John by taking pictures on his property and sending them to him.
These are two grown adults, one of whom is unemployed and the other who operates a welfare pizza shop. They have collectively had almost two dozen judgements against them for not paying bills and taxes.
And this is how they behave. This is the kind of values they’ve imparted on their sons.
Neutral observers watching this case for the first time are stunned by Judge Cannone, who is clearly trying to sabotage the defense. She has frequently sustained objections from Lally when critical evidence is introduced during cross examination. Today she refused to allow the defense to use pictures and videos from Courtney Proctor’s 2012 wedding, which shows Chris, Colin, and Julie Albert sitting at the head table with Michael Proctor, thus establishing a long term friendship with him.
Cannone saved Julie Albert by ending her cross examination at 12:28, a full 32 minutes before court was supposed to end for the day. Tomorrow she will have to continue where they left off, and she’ll be followed by Brian Albert, who was seen for the first time entering the courthouse during a Karen Read proceeding. His attorney Greg Henning was waiting for him at the top of the stairs.
Things are starting to get a lot more interesting.

I was shocked when he said 7 min walk from D&E to Waterfall yeah if your crawled maybe, 2 mins tops
Only if you are jogging or running
What teenager opens their parents bedroom door after 12AM and says, “ I’m home mom and dad”. Teenagers text everything.
No teen I know does that. Another lie by Chrissy to protect his loosah son
Thats how you become scarred for life.
Lmao for real 😂😂😂
Too bad texting wasn’t available when I was younger. Would have saved me probably half a dozen “caught drinkings.”
Exactly that is what my son would do so he didn’t wake his father up. ✌️
Hopefully the jury noticed that very obvious change in demeanor of Chris Albert from when Lally was questioning him to when Yannetti stepped up. He looked angry and nervous. And he should be.
But also quite comical was the implication Chris tried to make that when he sold his house it sort of inspired Brian to sell his house also. SURE… Chrissy.
Actually didn’t Chrissy have to sell because he couldn’t pay his bills and was getting dragged into court on a regular basis? Sorry Chrissy but no one is going to look to you for financial advice and you did not inspire anyone to put their home on the market and move out of town. Brian Albert likely sold his home because of this murder. After all, who wants to be reminded of this gruesome murder every time you walk in your basement or out your front door onto your lawn.
And how about that priceless, Oh Shit moment from Julie Albert. All that coaching by Lally and she answered too quickly.
I personally subscribe to the theory that if you are honest and have nothing to hide you wouldn’t need to be coached.
How could the jury not notice the change in demeanor? From the the constant dry sniffs, to the ear-tugging, the cheek-scratching, remembering running up the stairs because he was cold, but forgetting where he took his shoes off? Chrissy is obviously making up his story as he goes along, straight up lying, or both, so anybody in that jury that doesn’t have multiples of the same chromosome knows Chrissy’s testimony isn’t worth a fart. Well aside from the testimony he unintentionally offered…
When you run around lying all day it becomes impossible to remember all the lies.
Which moment was that she did a “oh shit”?
Watch the Young Jurks stream from today. It happens around the 3 hour mark. She’s asked a question, answers and Lally objects. It’s like she realized she forgot to pause her answer. That’s what she and Chris were doing. They were delaying their answers to wait for Lally’s objection.
It was regarding the babysitting….
At the 44:00 min mark on the Law&Crime stream – Chris Albert mentions not wanting to go to D&E to make pizza for this so-called ‘birthday ritual’ they claim happens whenever a family member turns 21…
and his reason for not wanting to do the “ritual” that night is because…”We were doing a weight-loss competition umm Me, Matt McCabe, and my brother Brian and um we had like 2 more weeks left in it, and we do it pretty every year its like a charity we do it and um the proceeds go to like scholarship funds. So I said no because I didn’t, we were doing this weight-loss challenge and I just didn’t want to give in ya know and eat pizza 2 weeks before weighing in”…
but at the 33:15 mark he said he ordered beer, potato skins and tenders.
HAHA🤔 These people are actual idiots. Can’t even make up decent lies.
Brian Albert is the only smart one. The rest are low IQ individuals.
He can’t be to smart………..I mean he is involved in this mess…..but I’ll give ya the fact he’s at least smart by keeping himself out of the lime light and laying low…..
Brian Albert is not smart either. He just happens to be a bit smarter than some of the others. And that’s not saying much.
Cunning, not smart
Bruh Brian Albert just pooped his pants today. Looking all nervous, sweaty, agitated, like he’s clenching up hard. Getting caught in lie after lie after lie. My magical butthands that dial phones and answer phone calls while I’m pleasing my wife couldn’t stop the truth from squeezing itself out today.
Brian Albert’s a big dumb poop head.
Among these true dimwitted fredos, Brian Albert must feel like Lex Luthor. Also do not forget the maiden names for some of these wives.
I’m amazed that a Canton cop would throw his whole career away cucking Chris Albert with that wrinkled up California Golden Raisin Julie. WTF? Guys will stick it in anything.
hahah dying. she does look like a raisin. and the gum chewing? oooof.. zero court room etiquette.
Is it some kind of cop thing where they refuse to wear pants that fit and instead embarrass themselves with inseams that are 4 inches too short?
Yo, Colin, s’up homie!
We’re still waiting.
Bang Bang.
Pull up!!!
Tomorrow is going to be extraordinary. I’m having popcorn for breakfast. Then again, I won’t be surprised if the court is magically cancelled for the day. These alcoholic townie scumbags still think they’re going to get away with this. The tainted judge is clearly trying to obstruct. What a shame. Why are they all so red in the face? Including loser Lally and Bev. That’s the alcoholism, right?
6 dog nuts from Dunkins on your birthday every year… What a special gift from your haggard drunk aunt. Nice family.
John’s poor parents and friends are being forced to watch this circus rather than justice being served for a great man. R.i.p. Officer O’Keefe. May God have no mercy on your murderers souls.
I know right! 6 donuts!!!
Make it a dozen and charge it to your food stamps you delinquent bill paying broken ass skank!
Auntie Bev drinks wine and takes some bezos before she starts her trial. That’s why she starts sobering up as time goes on. She’s always zonked at the beginning.
Did Coco borrow that blouse from her sister? It looks like the same one TB has in all the pictures of Skeletor. And the same color as the California Golden Raisin Face did today. Must be the official uniform of the Canton Kunt Brigade
Can this alcoholic judge be any more obvious in her bias? What a clown. She shouldn’t be allowed in jay-walking court.
So Mommy Bang Bang gets to shit herself all night worrying about tomorrow. Sweet dreams, bitch!
Let the night terrors begin! Her baby boy behind bars for most of his adult life! No saving him now!
Today in court, Chris Albert repeatedly messed up the pronunciation of the word “recollection”. He tried to say it several times while fumbling over his words.
THIS tells me he was trying to remember a script. You do not trip over a word 4x that is part of your daily vernacular.
When you’re telling the truth, words naturally roll off the tongue..
💯. If you’re telling the truth the words come easily. If your lying the words become a little more difficult because your trying to make them sound truthful but in the end you’ve only managed to make yourself look like an idiot because none of them makes any sense! Chris Albert had been caught by Yanetti and all the hand gestures towards Lally to let Lally know when to help Chris out of a sticky situation like lying! In which case the objection is said and Auntie Beverage then has her cue to sustain without any reason behind the objection in the first place! It’s like “WHY ARE YIU OBJECTING? WHAT THE REASON?” We will never know because Auntie Beverage has her never heard of rule regarding objections!
Hey Moe !….. Remember when Curly said “It’s not a vernacular, it’s a doiby, Judgie Wudgie !”
Didn’t Julie say Colin was over a friends house. That is what the text messages to be picked up were from. Chris couldn’t look any worse getting caught in his own bad lie! He wasn’t aware they have a time on the cameras at the waterfall so that’s what got him tripped up. So now we know Colin was 💯 in the house while John was and likely was involved due to the family trying so hard to put Colin somewhere else!
Higgins and Brian Albert drove 9 hours to go to a funeral of a cop they didn’t know. They couldn’t attend the funeral of a cop they knew,and we’re with the night he died? His funeral was 15 mins away but nope must’ve had something to hide? That is a smoking hot question I hope they ask him
I didn’t know they didn’t attend Johns funeral. That right there speaks volumes!
Adam Lally said on 5/6 in court (at the 7:23:05 hour mark of the L&C stream) when arguing why the Lapolito case is so far removed/not relevant… Lally says “It was a single incident in which he (Lank) did not witness anything to do with the Albert brothers. Uhh Christopher Albert was never at 34 Fairview Rd on Jan 28th or uhh until much much later in the day of Jan 29th and certainly not at the same time Sergeant Lank was”
Lank said on 5/7 in court (at the 02:09:22 hour mark of the L&C stream) that he went back to Fairview (for the third time) after receiving a call from Jen McCabe shortly after 9am.
Chris Albert said today 5/9 in court (at the 59:00 min mark of the L&C stream) that him and Julie went to Fairview sometime after 9oclock.
By Chris Albert confirming he was at Fairview the morning of Jan 29th with Julie, it proves Adam Lally lied on 5/6 to the court.
Jackson and Yanetti have Auntie Beverage figured out! I have NEVER EVER heard a judge tell the lawyers when they object they are NOT TO SAY THE REASON FIR THE OBJECTION!! She will determine what the reason for the objection is…….like WHATTTTTTT??????…….also she has practically sustained every objection from lallygag! She is also NOT allowing critical evidence (proof) about the closeness of the proctors and the Alberts! This is unheard of that a judge would be so brazen as to make sure the defendant does not get a fair trial!!!!! This judge should be removed from the bench immediately as well as lose her law license! She should also be brought up on charges for stripping the rights of a defendant to get a fair trial!
She needs jail time
like it
On the night of Jan 28th, Nicole stated that she met her sister Julie, daughter Caitlin and boyfriend Tristan out at dinner at approximately 7:30pm at the Waterfall. Others joined them after 9pm and at approximately midnight, Nicole stated that she left the Waterfall and was met at her home by her sister Jen McCabe, Matt McCabe and husband Brian. Nicole stated that Caitlin left the house around 12:15am, when she was picked up by her boyfriend.
Yet in Caitlin’s interview she told Proctor that she arrived at 34 Fairview Rd with her parents, they parked in driveway and encountered her cousin Colin Albert who was walking out of the house and getting a ride home from ‘his friend’ Allie. She said shortly after getting to her parent’s home Brian Higgins arrived. Then Matt and Jen arrived. Caitlin stated that at approximately 1:45am, she was picked up by Tristan.
And Brian Higgins said he was the first to arrive at the Alberts home after the Waterfall so he cleared space w/ the plow for Brian/Nicole.
Hmmm so many lies. So many discrepancies. These people cannot get their story straight.
12:21am – JM texts JO: “Here?”
12:31am – JM texts JO: “pull behind my vehicle”
12:40am – JM texts JO: “Hello, where are you?”
Additionally, JM called JO 6 times between 12:41am and 12:50am. Pretty aggressive for an after party, no? Why was Jen so intent on John going to Fairview?
Because he was bleeding out in the basement perhaps
I just figured our from this comment that Jen had the hots for John, Karen picked up on that and when he didn’t come back out from 34 Fairview that’s why she flipped her lid in the messages she left him.
They were trying to find his phone to put under him
When do we find out Auntie Bev was at 34 Fairview that night
It’s starting to feel like a trial within a trial. Unfortunately for the McAlberts they are stuck with Lethargic Lally representing them. Don’t think Julie will getting much sleep tonight knowing she’s about to be torn asunder in the morning. And we’re only getting warmed up here. I feel guilty getting so much entertainment off the back of a murdered police officer but at least it finally feels like we are headed for some well overdue justice.
Brilliant move by the defense attorney to insist the venue be moved so the jury can see the witness facial expressions. Did you see the reaction Jules had on her face when she realized she was too quick to answer a question before the prosecutor had a chance to object regarding Proctor child care? She looked like she bit into that lemon or lime in that “clear glass” at the bar. If she’s being straight forward with her answers and not prejudice against the defendant, why did she wince like that?
My name says it all.
Let’s not forget that Judge Cannone isn’t under the watchful eyes that the DA’s office is under. She has her agenda it appears, and it certainly looks anything but impartial. The fact that she’s not very circumspect about who she favors makes me wonder why, exactly she’s so openly on Team Scumbag. I suspect that this relates to the political activities, the MA branch of the democrat party, the hackfest club that all these civil servants, turns out, all belong to. There’s a club. Antie Bev has to march to whatever drummer they offer if she wants to stay in it after the trial is over.
I knew I smelled poopy pants today. Chris has a good diet. Paging Dr. Yanetti to the proctology department.
Julie Albert looks like a skeleton with leather streched over the bones.
That’s a rough 45. She gotta lay off the drugs.
Julie Albert looks like Johnny Most in drag. When Chris Albert is driving to Shirley to see his size queen son on visitors day I hope he remembers he blew up the alibi
I think we need to bring that motion to recuse back out.
Auntie Bev to the rescue!
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Why the Long FACE Julie Albert, maybe because your son murdered a Police officer. I’m shocked this Hag is only 48, Julie certainly looks 68. To stupid to keep her story straight, did she ever graduate from high school. Canton schools get rated pretty high, now I don’t believe the rating system. All of these Canton freaks speak like uneducated trash, seriously they all sound stupid
So Brian Albert said Brian Higgins plowed his driveway, so Brian Albert could park… So Higgins drove to NY and back in a pickup truck, on the highway, both ways, with a plow on his truck? And after an hour of blowing flakes, all of a sudden, it’s “plowable snow”…?
I DO remember that night. I remember, like most of these “shelter in place, Snowmagedons” it was a complete dud. I plow Quincy, and there was maybe 3 inches by 6 am. Even that is barely worth dropping the blade down. It does more damage to the equipment than it’s worth.
This BA story sounds well rehearsed. It’s also solid as Swiss cheese.
So which niwit got the Colin at the bedroom false narrative wrong?
My vote is Chris, a little wetbrain.
CA – Yeah ten minutes later he popped his head in to say yo pops love ya
NA – Yeah ten minutes later he walks over kisses me (passionately? objection your dishonor) asks me for my Mychart passcode to check staus of migraines.
With all this time to practice?
Auntie Beverley, is the annual townies blowout down the Cape cancelled due to impending federal charges? I have my $200 venmo all set for Uncle Frank.
Dishonorable Cannone is another wetbrain. She so bent she thinks the optics of leaving TB seat empty is some kind of Solomon’s wisdom.
What a complete corrupt dolt.
I hope they have her on a wire with meatball, a perp walk needs to happen to breathy bev.
My magical butt hands can’t hold the truth back anymore. Jackson made the truth come out today! Brian was sweaty and acting nervous cuz he was worried the whole room could smell him.
Are the mcalberts necros? Their women all look mummified.
Justice for JJ is coming.
Just not the way she thought.
Hey Jenny Weeks ya know who you cannot get to do anything you want, she gonna have you do what she wants?
Big Stella in cellblock C
This article was incredibly insightful! I was captivated by the thoroughness of the information and the clear, engaging way it was delivered. The depth of research and expertise evident in this post is remarkable, significantly elevating the content’s quality. The insights in the opening and concluding sections were particularly compelling, sparking some ideas and questions I hope you will explore in future articles. If there are any additional resources for further exploration on this topic, I would love to delve into them. Thank you for sharing your expertise and enriching our understanding of this subject. I felt compelled to comment immediately after reading due to the exceptional quality of this piece. Keep up the fantastic work—I’ll definitely be returning for more updates. Your dedication to crafting such an excellent article is highly appreciated!
He sniffs around like A coke head.
This piece was incredibly enlightening! The level of detail and clarity in the information provided was truly captivating. The extensive research and deep expertise evident in this article are truly impressive, greatly enhancing its overall quality. The insights offered at both the beginning and end were particularly striking, sparking numerous new ideas and questions for further exploration.The way complex topics were broken down into easily understandable segments was highly engaging. The logical flow of information kept me thoroughly engaged from start to finish, making it easy to immerse myself in the subject matter. Should there be any additional resources or further reading on this topic, I would love to explore them. The knowledge shared here has significantly broadened my understanding and ignited my curiosity for more. I felt compelled to express my appreciation immediately after reading due to the exceptional quality of this article. Your dedication to crafting such outstanding content is highly appreciated, and I eagerly await future updates. Please continue with your excellent work—I will definitely be returning for more insights. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to sharing your expertise and for greatly enriching our understanding of this subject.
Your writing is a wonderful combination of informative and engaging. Great work!
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