TB Investigates

Canton Cover-Up Part 355: Jen McCabe’s First Day Of Cross Examination Was An Unmitigated Disaster For The Commonwealth



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Jen McCabe testified for four hours today before court ended and will continue to testify tomorrow morning. The much anticipated cross examination from Alan Jackson came as advertised, and we didn’t even get to the most important part yet – the 2:27 AM Google search for “hos long to die in cold.” Here are some takeaways I had from this morning:

  • Once again it was a McAlbert who appeared to be on trial as Jen McCabe was on the defensive throughout her entire testimony. At no point was any new evidence brought forward about Karen Read’s supposed involvement in the murder of John O’Keefe.
  • Jennifer McCabe came across as deceptive and arrogant. She thought she could talk her way out of everything and often had to be prompted to just answer the question.
  • Whenever she was caught in a lie she would look at the jury to try to reassure them that she was honest and telling the truth. Watch her turn to the jury to try to explain why she forgot about a statement she made. She tried to convince them that this was a normal thing that happens to human beings and not her lying by saying “I’m sure this happens to everyone.”

  • Jen testified that she heard Karen say “I hit, I hit him, I hit him,” multiple times on the way to Brian Albert’s house and again outside the house after discovering the body. She was confronted with her own grand jury testimony in which she testified what Karen said 12 times. Not once did she ever mention “I hit him.” When she looked over the grand jury testimony she read it for a long period of time and was likely thinking of the lie she was going to spin to get her out of this jam.
  • Jen came nervous several times. She just called Michael Proctor, “Proctor Trooper” at one point.
  • Jen claimed twice that Michael Proctor misquoted her in his reports. This is a theme with the McAlberts as last week Brian and Nicole Albert testified that Michael Lank misquoted them in a report in which they said that Caitlin Albert left their house at 12:15 AM, not 1:45 AM that she claimed when she was finally questioned 18 months after John’s death.
  • Jen backed up Matt McCabe’s story that Brian Higgins Jeep was parked outside 34 Fairview Road when they were inside. Neither of them mentioned this in Michael Proctor’s report. Jen claimed this was Proctor’s fault.
  • Jen repeatedly tried to change the subject when caught in a lie by deflecting about “harassment” she’s received. This is a double-edged sword, because most jurors will begin to wonder why so many people felt compelled to protest the McAlberts if they are honest witnesses rather than cop killers.
  • Jen McCabe told the grand jury that she tracks her daughter Allie with Life360 data. This contradicted her testimony today that the Life360 data showing Allie was out until 1:30 AM, not 12:30 as she testified, isn’t accurate.
  • According to reporter Jessica Machado the jurors had visceral reactions to Jen’s mannerisms and testimony that were not favorable to her.

  • Jen said that when she “burst into” Nicole and Brian Albert’s bedroom at 6:30 AM she didn’t see or hear the dog. The same dog that had to be rehomed for being so aggressive.
  • Jen revealed that the text message from Ryan Nagel to Julie Nagel asking if she was coming outside occurred at 12:23. This directly contradicts the state’s narrative that GPS data from John’s phone doesn’t put him at 34 Fairview Road until 12:25 AM. It aligns with John’s cell phone data that shows him ascending and descending stairs between 12:21-12:24. This would explain why Julie Nagel came outside minutes later and told her brother she no longer needed a ride home from him.
  • Alan Jackson illustrated the ridiculous assertion for the jury that Jen McCabe could see Karen Read’s car and tire tracks in the snow, but not see John O’Keefe’s body on the lawn. He established that John’s body was in her direct line of vision if she saw Karen’s car, and she attempted to explain this away by saying she wasn’t looking down. Jackson countered that by pointing out that she was looking at him, but yet she could still see the prosecutor’s table in the foreground without looking down.
  • Jen McCabe’s call log shows she deleted almost 20 phone calls on the morning of January 29, and that she had two phone calls to her sister Nicole that were answered at 6:07 and 6:08. She acknowledged that this is what the data undeniably says and pulled a Shaggy by saying “it wasn’t me.” She claimed she didn’t delete the phone calls and that her calls to Nicole were not answered. This is the 6th time a McAlbert has testified that forensic cell phone data is simply wrong.

  • The 911 call overheard on a voicemail left on John O’Keefe’s cell phone was played for the court. At the exact time Jen’s cell phone records show her speaking to Nicole on the phone you can hear her whisper something about not coming out of the house.
  • Jen testified that she was in shock when she found John’s body because he was her friend. But she called him a “man in the snow” on the 911 call, didn’t go inside to get him blankets, and her husband called him “the guy” in a group text message.
  • Later in her testimony Jen changed her story from “I didn’t delete any phone calls” to “I don’t recall deleting any phone calls.”
  • In a shocking development Jen testified that before handing her phone over to the State Police for a data extraction she asked them if she could delete text messages between her and her daughter. They told her yes. Her daughter was Colin Albert’s getaway driver. Why would the police allow her to destroy evidence?
  • Jen testified that sat down with Kerry Roberts and created a timeline with her. She controlled the narrative from the very beginning, and has successfully manipulated Roberts.
  • As the day proceeded Jen began losing her cool. She said that she couldn’t overhear Kerry Roberts phone call with police, but yet in her text messages she was telling the other McAlberts how satisfied she was with what Kerry was telling police. She doesn’t know how to handle it when she got caught and kept looking at the jury for reassurance while yelling at Jackson.

  • It was revealed for the first time that Jen and Kerry Roberts visited Michael Lank’s house on January 30. This information likely came from the FBI investigation, and showed an inappropriate relationship between the McAlberts and police.
  • Jen testified that she didn’t hear what Kerry Roberts was telling police from another room inside her house, which contradicted her text message saying that she was pleased with what Kerry was saying. She attempted to talk her way out of it by looking at the jury and telling a long winded story that made no sense.
  • Jackson grilled Jen McCabe about why she called John O’Keefe’s phone 6 times between 12:40-12:50. He put it in the juror’s heads that this was likely because they were looking for John’s phone INSIDE THE HOUSE. There is no other reason to call that many times unless his phone got lost during the fight and they needed to find it.
  • Jen testified that all of the calls to John O’Keefe that night, which were deleted from her phone (although she claims she didn’t delete them), were butt dials. There are record amounts of butt dials from the McAlberts on January 29, 2022.
  • John’s father appears to have walked out in disgust during Jen McCabe’s testimony. He’s not stupid – he knows she helped murder his son. When will Paul and Peggy come to terms with what their supposed friend did to John?

One thing is for sure – Jen McCabe is a control freak who is losing it because she is no longer in control. Tomorrow she will have to explain the 2:27 Google search and some of the lies she told on Friday. I will be there in the morning, but will have to leave for her testimony. I will be back in the courtroom for Kerry Roberts who will be testifying after her.


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  1. Exactly! She kept calling because they were searching for his phone.

    This is not about 9-12 people being in on it. It’s just these main four people. The rest are going along with it because, among other reasons, they’re afraid of these thugs and/or don’t want to jeopardize their pensions.

    1. Definitely not just 4 people.
      Those are the 4 in one group text.
      You’re forgetting Julie, who wanted to get Peoctor a gift.

    2. Lank and Proctor knew they were covering for someone, too, clearly….even if they didn’t know specifically who.

  2. I almost felt bad for Jen and the McAlbert’s. They must have qhosts making calls, answering calls and deleting calls…… CRAZY!!!!

  3. My God how much money is that slime defense atty paying you for this bullshit! I am watching from Seattle, these look like normal decent people! I think she is doing a great job from one of the hardest crosses from that slime Jackson I’ve ever seen! Where in Gods name does any shred of evidence come that he was killed in the house? And this terrible defendant was last seen with the guy and has a broken tail light head high with him, saying she hit him or did I hit him! No wonder this family can’t stand you! You couldn’t stand five minutes of this mean and horrible cross, I’m so proud of this lady! Pray that lying b**ch is found guilty for ruining so many lives that night!

    1. Dearest Marty Mongoloid Esquire,

      The Defense doesn’t they have a burden to prove anything. The Prosecution does. Are you telling me that for three weeks the prosecution has decided to provide zero evidence that Karen Read committed the crime? What are they waiting for? They don’t have anything.

    2. Hmm.. are we watching the same trial or are you just a troll.

      Clearly Jen McCabe is being discredited over and over. She’s a killer.. She helped KILL a man and now she’s trying to keep all those lies straight. Unfortunately for her there’s so much evidence against her including all that the FEDS uncovered.

      Jen McCabe is a KILLER.. She will be sentenced to prison for a LONG TIME if not LIFE..

      Nicole Albert is a KILLEr, she too will be sentenced and sent away

      Brian Albert is a KILLER, Jail for him too

      Colin Albert, is a KILLER, Jail for him too

      Proctor is a FOOL and we are now seeing just how easily the Alberts and McCabes will toss him to the lion’s den.

      My guess is that just before this trial is slated to end we will see a flurry of arrests.. Stay tuned

    3. Hey have you seen Officer John O’Keefe’s autopsy photos? I don’t think you have. He was not backed into by a car. No hip, leg, internal damage. He was pummeled and mauled to death in the house. A cracked break light with no other vehicle damage didn’t do that to John O’Keefe.

    4. There’s no way you’re watching from Seattle. Nice try, McAlbert. Didn’t even bother reading the rest of your comment. You people are so obvious. So dumb. I’m embarrassed for you.

    5. Ask yourself why the state, instead of leading with any forensic evidence or medical experts to prove their case is instead leading with teenagers and housewives. Where’s the strong evidence? Autopsy photos that showed no injury to hips and torso?

    6. Completely neutral viewer from Seattle found this website to comment? Right. These people are such terrible liars it’s kind of insulting to the rest of us.

      Jill Daniels keeps posting this same unhinged nonsense about “innocent people getting their lives ruined” and that it’s all the defendants fault. I don’t think this is mere coincidence.

      When in God’s name does any evidence get presented that the defendant is guilty as charged? 3+ weeks of trial now and not 1 piece of legit evidence implicating the defendant.

    7. Nah, you’re not watching from Seattle – but I am! Actually from Bellevue – you know , the Eastside. What neighborhood in Seattle are you watching from? I recognize you’ll Google Seattle neighborhoods, and as you do, just think – your mom was doing the same thing on Google @ 2;27am but she was Googling ‘Ho[w] long to die in the cold’. Upon Karen being found not guilty, it’s going to suck for your family. Ya know she’s going to file civil lawsuits against all of you. Each of you will plead the 5th during depositions and she’ll end up with all of your family’s , collective future earnings. 🙂

    8. Seattle. lol. You’re a fng clown.
      What’s it like to have the entire world watch and know what complete pieces of shit you are?

    9. Get your head out of your ass. Taillight head high I didn’t know John Okeefe was a midget! Learn the facts before you open your pie hole.

    10. Chris, I think it’s beyond admirable the way you have raised your nephew, Colin as your own son.
      It takes a big man to be able to do that.

    11. Bwhahbahahahahhahahahahaah
      Now this is actual comedy. “I’m watching from Seattle, these look like normal people”. No one talks like that, but I appreciate the laugh…I do. Comedy is terrible in 2024 and you’ve proven it can still be done well. Respect.

    12. Hahahaha it didn’t work on the stand today, your delusion will ultimately be proven wrong. Have fun in Framingham, maybe your shaky hands will come in handy for some new lesbian friends

    13. hmmmm . . .
      triple digit negs
      might be a world record in here
      hopeless, clueless and useless in Seattle
      sounds like we have the makins of a tragic movie

  4. A fitting end to this Shakespearean tragedy would be if a video surfaced showing John getting hit by Karen outside 34 Fairview. Karen drives off oblivious to the minor accident. Meanwhile John gets to his feet clearly unharmed and walks into the house.

    1. While I don’t think that is what happened, it would be the “perfect” ending to this story. This said, it is only SLIGHTLY less crazy than the other 2 scenarios.

    2. I honestly believe it’s more nefarious than that. Not planned to a T but it started out going as planned

  5. hangin outside with team Karen today
    was like bein at the Garden
    when the home team was dominating

    Lots of Oooo’s, Ahhhs and Wahooo’s
    Whenever the bad guys got nailed
    and thrown in the box

  6. Y’know the thing about a Jen McCabe, she’s got… lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes. When she comes at ya, doesn’t seem to be livin’… until she bites ya.

    1. Well, this is not a boat accident, and it wasn’t any propeller, and it wasn’t any coral reef, and it wasn’t any Jack the Ripper! It was a McAlbert!

    2. This is the horror of a failed justice system it will ruin everything in its reach until it’s taken down

    3. Here lies the body of Jenny C
      Died in Framingham at 103
      For 15 minutes she kept her virginity
      Not a bad record for this vicinity

  7. Jackson offered us one of the most beautiful “drop the mic” in human history. That was a beautiful punch in that deformed face of hers . Karen keep it up ! they are DONE !

  8. Didn’t Jen originally say that she “simply thought they decided to go home”, when she saw Karen leave? So why continue to blow up John’s phone after the fact? No adult human would do that. Not to mention, not one single person saw poor John’s body in the snow. Aside from Julie Nagels black blob comment, which if I were dating Brian Albert Jr. I’d probably try to come up with some sort of lie to help his family out I guess… Lastly, everyone seemed to be glued to the windows of the house to see several vehicles come and go, as well as their tire tracks. This is laughable. Can’t talk your way out of this one, Jen.

      1. I thought the same about Brian Jr.. Gay or not, he comes across as very effeminate. It must be very difficult for him to live in that home and be an Albert. I don’t see that family as very accepting.

      2. I had that same impression of BA Jr., and I think Julie Nagel and Sarah Levinson are just friends of his.

    1. Yeah no sorry every single one of them goes to jail. Every single one that took that stand an lied. Sorry 5-15yrs min… This is a Capital Murder Trial, Murder 2 is no fn joke. This is worldwide right now. If nothing happens to all of them, pandemonium ensues. Why even have trials! What’s the point you can lie with no repercussions. The McAlberts are partying it up. Engagement party’s, 10+cars at the Mcabes today after her testimony. Yeah F that

    2. Yup. Everyone is glued to the same windows over and over but when ish goes down not one of them even peeks out a window to see what the commotion is. Maybe they all just got tired of looking out on the dark lawn at 2am when nothing is stirring, just a very few snow flurries and their driveway being used like a McAlbert Junkyard.

  9. I’m sure I missed this before – but whatever happened to Dugal? Did he get kicked out of the courtroom? Did I hear that he assaulted someone?

    1. His skank wife still goes. She sits there making duck pouty faces at the camera.
      Karl must be outside pacing he can’t do the same.
      Fng pieces of work those 2.

  10. Hos long before 12 Country Lane Canton is up for sale?

    Kerry Roberts is going to be such a let down after this evil witch

    I love how Lally and Cannone are standing down finally

    Reddington must be salivating…. He’s gonna make a fortune fleecing her to take a deal to reduce jail time

    1. It’ll be interesting to see her reaction when she learns how C-Buiscut tossed her right under the bus

    2. I think Kerry is going to go on and on and on and on and ultimately talk herself into a corner.
      From Jen’s testimony, it seems almost as if there’s an opportunity for Kerry to take the stand and end up coming to some new conclusions with the new evidence. If she’s such a “straight shooter” and “so blunt” she could be the wild card who actually states “wait that doesn’t add up… hmm…”
      A long shot, but she really made it sound like this woman can’t stop talking. I hope they utilize that. She’ll be wicked defensive, but could roll.

      And Proctor Trooper….. that one is a ticking time bomb. Now, they’re all saying he misquoted them. Is he going to come out and tell us he had a momentary brain tumor that made him screw this up for his pals?

      And Colin… why bother saying you don’t have social media?!?? Good god these people are incredible.

      But…… clearly it works. Maybe we’re all stupid for following laws and having morals.

  11. It seems like most of you don’t understand what is happening here.
    Yes, this trial is a farce. It will obviously end in a defense verdict as it should. Hopefully the jury sees fit to send a message to the DA and prosecution with a ridiculously fast verdict. 10 minutes. No need to wait for lunch.
    Once that happens, as far as the state court, DA, police or feds are concerned, THIS is over.
    There will be no new indictments. No one will be charged with perjury. There will be no federal case. The mainstream media will move on.
    Brian Albert, Colin Albert and Brian Higgins will get away with murder.
    The McAlberts & friends will get away with accessory to murder after the fact.
    The police who participated in the cover up will get away with the cover up.
    The DA that allowed the cover up and knowingly prosecuted an innocent woman will get away with knowingly prosecuting an innocent woman.
    There will be victory when Karen Read is acquitted, but will be a hollow victory.
    I wish i was wrong about all of this, i really do, but this is how it ends.
    These evil motherfuckers are all going to get away with it.

    1. Maybe, maybe not.
      Let’s see what happens.
      If someone tells the truth then they have to be tried.

    2. Well, the citizenry (with the jumpstart from TB of course) has driven this to a place NO ONE expected: Karen was supposed to go to jail and that plan went out the window. And the FBI wasn’t involved in that part initially so… don’t lose hope

    3. Completely disagree. It appears that the DA and Canton Police have been the targets of an investigation going back before John was murdered. That means once John was killed they were already here so they followed this investigation as well.

      What I predict will happen is that a new Special Prosecutor will be assigned and charges will follow. And it won’t be a “special” prosecutor like Mello.

      Let’s not forget that it appears that at least one person is cooperating with the FEDS. Maybe more will follow suit once they figure out that the McCabes and Alberts are turning on everyone.

      1. Do you really think the feds are going to do something? They probably got their orders from obiden to let this go. Allow a few crumbs about the feds looking into the corruption to quiet the public, then the same old nothing to see here. Too many dems in Massachusetts to actually hold any of their own accountable.

    4. I hope Karen sues the shit out of MCAlbert’s and takes their last penny. The CW is going be required to pay up too.

    5. This is exactly correct. I’m not sure where people have been the past few years but anybody who thinks “the feds” are coming to save the day in any situation have their heads so far up their asses that there’s no way they can ever pull it out and/or they’re just dumb as a baby–and even more naive. This is like the people sent to the gulag in siberia in 1936 or something and when they see the big man with the even bigger ax coming to chop their heads off instead thinking “oh great! someone from the government is here to help us break these rocks and take down these trees!! Now we don’t have to keep using our teeth”!! Anytime “the feds” arrive in the mix for any situation, they’re not there to make anything better.

      The feds got involved in this to contain the damage, to steer this case to where things are today and to overcome the many (obvious and well-known) deficiencies of all these smarmy, lunk-headed massachusetts cops and prosecutors and judges. And to most likely stand up and of course monitor any perceived opposition and, later on, go after them for. . .something. Ask Aiden about that. What happened to Aiden had textbook fed harassment and intimidation tactic written all over it. It’s the type of big-scare big-footing that only a fed would dream up and actually go thru with. A brutal exercise of pure power–with someone else’s face pushed to the front and identified with it. Perfect. It’s likely to be the thing most salient in people’s minds long after Read is acquitted. Which is, of course, the whole point. Speak up–even just a little with your wrong-think–and the whole universe comes down on your head and tags you with a permanent record. And in the end, the fed just skates away silently while the locals are left to tear each other apart forever. Textbook fed crap.

      Beyond that, the fact that there even was a trial should tell anybody all they need to know about the efficacy of the feds in bringing about any fair and just result. It’s not what they do. This is an utterly ridiculous, farcical sham of an exhibition. After three weeks of this there is still not one shred of actual evidence that Read was in any way involved in any of the events of that night from the time John arrived at the house and stepped out of a vehicle to the moment Read was informed of his death, much less that she murdered anybody. Some of the days of this trial, Read’s name is hardly brought up or even mentioned. It’s surreal. They might as well be “prosecuting” Read for being the one on the grassy knoll in Dallas in Nov, ’63. Hey, wasn’t that another fed operation with someone else’s face identified with it??

      1. But the feds is the one giving all those phone records! I think that its not about all the crimes that were lost or badly investigated by the feds, it’s only about this case. I would bet on the other version of possible end of it : the one where after the liberation of karen, every single one of that clan will be perssuit . If it’s not Karen then who killed “the guy”? What did happen in that house? this will need answers, everybody in canton or anywhere else will need an end to this highly famous history. Maybe it doesn’t look like it but this is one of those epic histories that will be studied in law schools and people will be talking about it for a very long time.

    6. That’s certainly possible, but the lack of support that the prosecution has gotten from the Boston Police Department is telling. They’re not in court, they’re not outside, there is no sign at all that they’re in the corner of the prosecution, when it was one of their own that was killed. There are enough Sgt. Dignams on that force that would want to make sure that somebody is held accountable for the murder of their brother.

    7. Agree, sadly. The more I see, the less faith I have in any “system.” We are only somewhat free… it’s only “our life” until someone else needs to cash in on it, in whatever way they see fit.

      This case will certainly disappear, they won’t be putting any more money into it.
      It’s all about money & status. This disrupts everyone’s cash flow and makes them all look terrible. It’ll disappear, because they’ll make it so.

  12. Anyone else notice witnesses on the stand and their friends behind Karen look down a lot like they are reading something?
    You’d think it was a phone but no phones are allowing correct?
    Anyway watch tomorrow.
    It’s odd.

  13. Jenny the donkey clenched up today. Don’t worry Jenny HAW! Dr. Jackson loosened ya up today. He’s gonna pull that last bit of truth outta your keester tomorrow. I know why you wouldn’t want to let that last bit of truth out. But take it from colon, once the truth starts flowin, justice gets goin.

    Use your breasts matt. Feed your starving horse fatty matty.

  14. That fat Fupa twisted tragedies still streaming with like 5 people watching.
    Get a job and you can move out of the projects.
    Dedicating to “heels”
    Pretty sure that she has an actual name and that you’re only contact was being in the same hate group.

  15. I loved Jackson’s response when Jen accused him of “spinning.” The best part is yet to come!

    1. He was worth every Penny today…. And to think how much effort they’ve had to put in to get to this factual data… unreal.
      We haven’t even started in on Google… and I guess Kerry has A LOT to say, which should make them all concerned.

  16. Best Looking Horse could eat corn on the cob through a picket fence with that mad snaggletooth underbite. Does the jury believe her? Neeeeeigh!

  17. Loved When Attorney Jackson said: “I’m asking the questions here Ms. McCabe…that’s how this works.” The Group Phone calls and Life 360 data are just the beginning of exposing the Canton Conspiracy. Aidan Thank You for never giving up and never backing down—you are an amazing investigative journalist. Justice for Officer O’Keefe. Free Karen Read

  18. This woman makes me want to fork over my entire paycheck this week to Karen’s defense fund. BRING THIS WOMAN DOWN.
    I’m disgusted, embarrassed and shocked by the vile behavior we witnessed today. This woman has bullied her way through life wreaking havoc on the entire town of Canton, but her time is finally up

  19. When Karen got to Jen’s that morning, I believe she told her, “I’m so frantic, I hit John’s car and cracked my tail light backing out @ home!” Before long, Jen had an idea – that bit of info could come in very handy! 💡

  20. Horse face McCabe, why the long face ????
    Loud mouth bitch just can’t shut her cock catcher for on second. Answer questions from a professional litigator with yes or no. Nope not Horse Face, has to try and control every conversation. This fucking Bitch can’t help herself, nobody has ever told her to shut the fuck up. I love that this skank is hostile and talkative, what an idiot. I pray she ends up in federal prison. The Albert’s are fine with Brian Jr. being Gay, most of them are in the closet. Over the years many of them have been caught at the Canton Park and Ride

  21. I’d like to know why Jen was running around with Keri Roberts on Sunday the 30th, “dropping KR’s daughter,” at Lank’s — a woman whose phone # she didn’t even have in her phone 24 hours earlier.

    1. I think Kerry Roberts hurled herself all over JO, and he being a gentleman said “ get that disgusting fat ass off me” . She had that look of the woman scorned on the stand today and her husband is probably gonna pay for it tonight, with his mouth if he knows what’s good for him.

  22. Jen kept talking about her hands shaking because of MS.
    I bet she will say the movement on her Apple Watch that night was because of her hands shaking.

    1. I wonder if she really has MS. if so drinking amd partying all night long amd staying up for days us not very good for MS infant most MS suffers choose not to drink amd party as it definitely wears the body and immune system down significantly.

  23. The demeanor of Officer O’Keefe’s family has seemed to change in the last 2 days for sure. I know it’s already been a long trial and showing up everyday weighs on ones spirit, but the downward gazes, and slumped protective posturing, is a significant change I’ve noted. Damn, this must be so hard for them! I’m sure they feel betrayed by an army at this point. I wonder if John’s dad made a phone calls/trip to Morrissey’s office? Then I could have misread them entirely, but idts.

  24. The backing up at 26 miles an hour seems excessive. Maybe her tires spun at 26mph because there was snow on the ground. Maybe she spun a bit and her tires rotated at 26 miles an house.

  25. How in the Great wide World of Sports does John OKeefes family buy into all of these lies. Nothing Jen McCabe says is truthful and she is evasive on the stand. How. Does his family put up with this nonsense

  26. Disgusting jen jen jen…. the world is laughing at you… you hostile, demeaning disgusting human. Innocent people dont act the way you do. guilty people do

  27. Does anyone know what the current relationship is today between John O’Keefe’s family and Karen, as well as the McAlberts?? I’m curious where they stand with all these scumbags.

  28. I admire the way you use your platform to advocate for important causes and promote social change, inspiring others to join you in making a difference.

  29. Wow did you see the death glare she gave Jackson when she couldn’t lie her way out of it .. if it wasn’t clear this was a cover up from the beginning to people before it’s certainly clear after her testimony . I truly pray John Karen and tb get the justice the deserve. However that being said this all had to have been planned from the very beginning.. was John working on a something they didn’t want exposed? My guy tells me this all was started over something far more important than beer cans on a lawn

  30. McCabeCoverup exposes that Ms Read had misfortune to fall in love with Officer O’Keefe, a good cop who misjudged the old-school corrupt bullies in his town for friends. Lally’s Prosecution is an embarrassment that resembles sausage making — Look away !
    Aidan your investigation is a public service, Thank you!


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