Canton Coverup Part 370: Commonwealth Files Motion Opposing Motion To Dismiss After 5th Juror Confirms Unanimous Not Guilty Vote On Karen Read Murder Charges

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Four jurors have come forward since a mistrial was declared in the Karen Read murder trial, and all of them have told some version of the same story – they unanimously agreed Read was not guilty of second degree murder and leaving the scene of an accident with injury or death. A motion to dismiss has been filed by the defense, Adam Lally will be arguing the opposition at the July 22 hearing, and it is expected that Beverly Cannone will be denying the motion. The defense will have to appeal to the SJC to get any sort of relief.
On Monday Alan Jackson filed an affidavit stating that a juror reached out to him after seeing inaccurate media reports about a split vote on the murder charge. The juror believed it was unfair for Read to have to go through another murder trial after a jury already unanimously agreed she was not guilty of murder. No information about the juror’s identity was released, but Jackson wouldn’t file something as serious as this if he wasn’t sure it was accurate.
David Yannetti also filed an affidavit on Monday after speaking to two informants who had contact with jurors. Both of them were able to provide identifying information proving that they were in fact in touch with jurors, and that both of these jurors confirmed the 12-0 not guilty vote on the murder charge. The first informant provided screenshots of a text message with the juror, and the second informant was speaking second hand with an intermediary who was speaking with the juror on a Zoom call.
The third juror said they felt intimidated by the presence of the McAlberts on the final day of deliberations, and that the manslaughter deliberations began at 6-6, but after the Tuey-Rodriguez was read to them by Judge Cannone some bullying took place which led to a 8-4 split in favor of guilty. The juror also said that they were considering their options about what to do now, and that the paperwork that Alan Jackson objected to was very confusing.
Juror C’s physical description was redacted, and it is notable that Intermediary C said that “everybody else was from a professional walk of life.” This indicates that Juror C had physical characteristic that made it easy for identify them, and that they were the only juror who was not from a professional walk of life. I can report that one of the jurors was very large, and works a blue collar job.
It’s interesting that the jurors have a group chat. I would hope that at some point they would come forward publicly and say what they are apparently afraid to put their name to at this point. An innocent woman’s life is on the line.
Then on Wednesday a fourth juror came forward. This juror used more pointed language, saying that they were “uncomfortable” with how the trial ended, and that they were all very confused. On the bus ride to their cars jurors reportedly asked each other, “will anyone know we voted to acquit Karen Read of murder?” The juror was upset that they were never polled about Counts 1 and 3, because they were unanimously in favor of not guilty on those charges. They believed that they were compelled to come to a verdict on all 3 charges, and that failure to do so meant it would be a mistrial. The juror said they were coming forward because it wasn’t right to retry Karen Read on murder charges, and that if asked every one of the jurors would agree that they voted to acquit her of murder.
While this is all well and good it’s time for the jurors to start coming forward publicly and issuing statements. An innocent woman was acquitted of murder, and as long as they speak through intermediaries the court will not take them seriously. Any discomfort they have in doing so publicly pales in comparison to what Karen Read is going through. They need to step up and do the right thing for Karen Read and for John O’Keefe.
I can also report that a 5th juror has confirmed the unanimous not guilty vote on Murder 2, and that he was the foreman. Although I know the name of the foreman and I am legally allowed to identify him, I am not doing so at this time because it doesn’t add anything to the story. I can say that he is a former police officer who is now a physician’s assistant for surgeons in a Boston area hospital. He has told multiple surgeons that the vote was 12-0 for not guilty on murder, but that he was one of the guilty votes for manslaughter. His reasoning was the microscopic piece of tail light allegedly found in John O’Keefe’s clothing. However, a MSP criminalist testified that she didn’t actually see any tail light embedded in his clothing.
Somehow this medical professional ignored the fact that John O’Keefe had no bruising or broken bones beneath his nose, despite being struck by a 3 ton vehicle. He also ignored testimony from 2 ARCCA experts with PhDs who have testified as experts in crash reconstruction in hundreds of trials, both of whom believed that there was no chance John O’Keefe’s injuries came from a motor vehicle collision.
This is why they planted tail light – because it’s hard for citizens to believe that cops are capable of planting evidence in a murder investigation. People inherently trust the police so much that they will ignore the testimony of professionals. Michael Proctor, Yuri Bukhenik, and Brian Tully know this. They know that jurors like the foreman will ignore expert testimony if it goes against what the police claim they found. People do not want to accept that they live in a world where police are capable of such misconduct.
This afternoon the Commonwealth filed their opposition to the defense’s motion to dismiss. They said it is “improper” for the court to poll the jurors about their 12-0 vote to acquit Karen Read on murder charges.
They believe it was improper for Read’s attorneys to “inquire” with jurors, while ignoring the fact that it was the jurors who reached out to them because they felt a moral obligation to alert them about their client’s acquittal.
The CW pointed out the defense advocated for a mistrial when the jury became deadlocked, while ignoring the fact that they were only doing because the jury appeared to be deadlocked on the murder charge.
They obviously would not have advocated for a mistrial if the jury had been given the opportunity to alert the court about their desire to acquit Karen Read on Murder 2.
The CW claims that it’s the jury’s fault for not indicating that they were unanimous on the murder charge. They also laughably claim that the jury might “revisit” their unanimous vote and one of them might change their mind.
Most telling is that the CW states that “hearsay comments and juror statements” are “legally irrelevant.”
But what about ethically relevant? How can anyone in good conscience allow a woman to be retried for murder after 12 people came to an agreement that she was not guilty of murder? But the Norfolk County DA’s Office has no conscience or ethical code. They seek only victory, and none of them would lose any sleep if an innocent woman was convicted of murder. They don’t like her, they don’t like her lawyers, they don’t like her association with Turtleboy, and they believe that she should rot in jail for those reasons alone.

I am embarrassed to live in this state. We suck.
I moved the F out. This truly could have happen to any of us.
So did I. I love New Hampshire! lol
But NH can’t stand you. Mass immigration is turning this state into the same dump you fled from.
Immigrant, huh? Funny that someone from Massachusetts would complain about immigrants when the entire nation was created and exists today due to immigrants. Meh. I guess the education there is shite. What a crackhead weirdo you must be
@ Nelly Zerfos
Is low IQ
1) Every country has immigrants. Some more then others.
2) Some countries are primary destination nations in comparison to Exodus nations.
3) Why would people leave a country if it was already stable?
4) Most countries are nation states formed around a majority ethnic group that define their identity, culture and politics.
5) Why would people from largely unsuccessful places with low quality of life want to move to a nation with a very high quality of life?
6) Why should my kids and relatives be made to wait and lose out on resources that their ancestors built and died for only to directly and indirectly provide for illegal immigrants who hate my kids and disproportionately won’t ever provide the tax resources for or bomb.
This motion presents no basis for the Judge to grant the motion to dismiss.
The jury should have been polled. Apparently, they were not. Now, it is too late.
The jury has been excused. Anything that they say or do afterwards has no legal consequence.
Affidavits from defense counsel of what four jurors told them after the fact provides no grounds to dismiss.
Even if all 12 jurors each signed affidavits stating that they voted to acquit on murder and manslaughter, it would not matter.
This motion will be summarily denied. The defense can appeal the denial, and the Appeals Court will affirm.
Having said that, i do not believe that the Commonwealth will try this case again. They are bluffing, so they can portray themselves as the “good guy” when they ultimately decide to drop the case.
Totally agree!
In Massachusetts the Judge does not poll the jury. From the start, this case has been absolutely effed because of this judge who is a washed up hack in a position she certainly doesn’t belong and is forever bothered to be in. Her behavior, her sighing, her “I’ll allow it” are all actions of an entitled DEI hire who got her job through nepotism and probably donations to Deval Patrick. She should have recused herself from the case from the very beginning and has handheld ADA Lallygag throughout this process. Her bias is evident from her treatment of the defense and the defendant. However her biggest issue is her inability to control what goes on in her own courtroom. From not notifying Court TV a juror was entering, which ultimately lead to their dismissal, to open mic admitting she didn’t bother with marked evidence, to the half-assed jury instructions where she crowns herself the voice without thoroughly explaining how to enter each charge to the whole fiasco with the jury slips all while having small post menopausaul tantrums and truly showing just how out of her league she is, the fact the jury is now coming forward saying they didn’t know what to do is the icing on the cake of the cluster fuck of her making. Her arrogance and general demeanor are off putting and up until now the jury was unaware of what a twat she truly is. Hopefully the jurors will see what this judge, ADA Lally and DA Morrissey really think of them and come forward and stir up enough shit to stop this atrocity. Its not enough to believe that these corrupt power hungry hacks will not retry this case, these people need to be stopped in general. Also from other reporters the foreman stopped taking notes after the second week and probably was the one who needed the CERT report so the rest of the jury could remind him that there was no embedded taillight.
What you said it on point.
@Embedded Turtle Rider.
Well said. However I don’t share your optimism regarding the likelihood of a retrial. I actually don’t even think Proctor will necessarily be terminated given the terms of the collective bargaining agreement (I am admittedly unaware of the specifics of conduct unbecoming).
*Slightly related anecdote:
Several years ago a Quincy Firefighter killed his friend in a drunk driving accident. He took a years leave of absence and did 11 months in state prison and then came out and returned to duty. It pains me to say this but when you work within a bureaucracy (the courts, municipal, state jobs) often don’t have an incentive to follow through on termination or punishment.
No chance he survives, the no pay suspension is the indication, start lookin for a new gig chippybear. His drinking buddy Kevie got suspended with pay so he will get the call back but Proctor is the power broker’s single soul sacrifice to this fiasco. Also re-trial is a fantasy.
That doesn’t excuse that the judge is obligated to ascertain the intent of the jury as it pertains to each charge. She essentially assumed that the jury was as biased and polarized as everyone else and would go all or nothing. She took the impasse as a sign that they couldn’t agree on anything, all after providing inadequate jury instructions. The supremacy clause of the constitution states that it is the supreme law. The 5th amendment provides protection against double jeopardy. The mechanism for deciding guilt is a jury of one’s peers. If a properly embodied jury reached such a decision the judge has little choice but to certify that decision. The judges malfeasance doesn’t usurp the defendant’s rights. No, she didn’t have to poll the jury. She did, however, have to determine that they were hung on all charges and accept a verdict on any charges that they were able to agree upon.
And they don’t want their snouts wiped from the public trough for such gross incompetence on the taxpayers’ dime.Let us not forget the threat of a lost pension. They will put an innocent person away for less.
To think I defended that juror to people saying he couldn’t be biased based on his training! Shame on me! Bigger shame on him!
You were in good company! Turtleboy said he was a Not Guilty vote for sure and that it had to be women who were holding up the not guilty verdict! So I guess you can’t tell by looking at jurors & judging their level of intelligence how they might vote!
you never know what jurors are gonna do. Which is kinda frightening. I was too optimistic; I thought Karen Read would be acquitted on all charges Because physics. Because the ARCCA guys. Don’t scientific facts matter anymore? Guess not.
The final note from the Jury mentions the word “charges”, 2 times, both times plural, EVERYONE thought they were deadlocked on ALL charges. Maybe that’s what the foreman wanted EVERYONE to think? Especially the defense.
Was the foreman a McAlbert plant? could a case be made since he was hand picked by Bev PRIOR to the alternate lottery drawing?
The way this case has played out from the pre-trial hearings, why should we expect the handling of the final verdict would be legit
I agree ! ☝️
Yes I also agree. Question had Brian Albert his eyes the whole time on this foreman when he came together with Jen and Colin? That would explain a lot.. But maybe it is a blessing in disguise because in the meanwhile more is coming out and maybe the real perpetrators are going down. My guess is Colin, I really have a strong feeling that Colin will become the one that will turn everything around for the better for Karen.
Make people who have kept quiet about all his fights so far, be done with it.
I know that in the early days he proudly told his own friends that he had knocked a police officer unconscious.
So things are really going to turn for the better… everything is going to come to light.
And it will be sooner then latter! Maybe on Juli the 22th .. I wait and see..
While i’m generally not into Whataboutisms… the vast majority of you have known for a long time that police misconduct and its resulting judicial malpractice has long been targeted at certain demographics. With many of you choosing to ‘look the other way’ because, not only did it not impact you and your loved ones, but you could gleefully hold up conviction statistics that re-enforced your skewed way of thinking.
Now, that blatant misconduct in both the policing and judicial branches are front and square in your faces and looking away is nigh on impossible. In this specific case, I don’t blame any of you, as you are rightfully trying to hold them to a higher standard; a potentially innocent woman’s liberty is at stake. However, the next time the police or a prosecutor come to you with a ‘slam dunk’ case, just follow the evidence and maybe put less emphasis on the amount of melanin the person so happens to possess.
Shut up you toolbag
Yep the short bus just showed up and Chris was the only one on it, now he’s on his way to how his mommie the ‘gold star’ he got for completing his ABCs’ today.
This doesn’t make ANY sense whatsoever. None.
People of OTHER demographics are charged and convicted at OTHER rates because they are MORE likely to commit crimes than the alternatives. Ever notice Asian Americans commit MUCH less crime than everybody else?
Imagine trying to make the complaint that because Karen Read is being charged with murder and manslaughter that men aren’t disproportionately MORE likely to commit violent crimes and be convicted.
You clearly lack critical thinking skills and don’t know the difference between an anecdote (one example) and a pattern (a series of examples). Read the DOD Uniform Crime Report and the Crime Victimization Survey before you spout off drivel next time.
Thanks for re-enforcing my point for me as you gleefully hold up the conviction statistics in the DOJ Uniform Crime Report especially as it no doubt confirms the, shall we say ‘isms that you’ve consistently espoused in your various ‘comments’. Karen Read would have simply been just another statistic if folks didn’t clearly see the need to take a closer look and even then a jury of 12 peers couldn’t all be brave enough to render a not guilty verdict on all charges. What this shows is that even when police and judicial misconduct is clearly evident there’s still a high hurdle for an innocent person to climb.
Why don’t you go read some acclaimed analysis on the breakdown of police misconduct against various demographics before you take the same biased positions that you always seem to take in here.
And btw while you’re at it, try to learn when a comment is being directed in reply to you. That’s a skill that even a 5 year old should be able to master.
@UncheckedMisconduct (see what I did there?)
Crime statistics simply confirm the degree to which something is statistically probable relative to a set of data. That’s it. That’s what they reinforce. Suggesting that they “conform” to any “isms” where no such thing exists is a dishonest debate tactic. By your own logic I must have a “bias” against men by pointing out they are more likely to commit crimes than women based on crime statistics (🤦).
As far as having a high hurdle to climb if your an innocent person- 1) Yes, the state and federal government normally return conviction rates higher than 90%. That means that the vast majority of people charged with crimes in all likelihood (statistically), committed them or plead out. If you’re in the minority and did not in fact commit the crimes as the government accused you of then you are an outlier and it will cost you dearly in time and money while the actual culprit is not being punished or brought to justice. This is nothing new. It is a by product of a system run by human beings and must be addressed on a case by case basis. There is no way to “systematically change” this as the burden of proof is on the state but the incentive of the prosecutor is conviction rates; unless you’re a DA elected in a large city where a plurality or majority of voters don’t care that you release violent people back on the street with minimum or no bail.
As far as the claim of police misconduct against certain demographics (isms much?), please show me one correct study where police are more likely to use violence or engage in “misconduct” against a demographic out of proportion to the crimes they commit?
Men are more likely to have violent altercations with police than women. This would lend itself to the probability that men (of all demographics) are going to have more instances of violence and or “misconduct” against them then women since they will encounter the police much more and are prone to violence more (these are objectively true claims).
So absence your claims that I am engaging in the word play of “isms” (vague and childish claim), that I have a bias in my line of thinking (irrelevant to the points I raised, all humans have inherent bias) and that I improperly identified a comment not meant for me (notice I continue to identify the specific commenter on the thread to prevent confusion) you haven’t rebutted ANY factual claim I made but instead reacted with ad hominem and strawman claims.
Karen Read is innocent because the Commonwealth failed to meet their requirements for convicting her and (arguably) charging her. All the physical and objective evidence (the tail light on the shirt withstanding) points AWAY from her commiting the act in spite of the initial belief of many people that she probably committed the act.
There ISN’T a problem or epidemic in the Commonwealth of overcharging and wrongfully convicting educated, high IQ women with no past instances of violent crime. There most certainly IS a problem in the Commonwealth of not demanding stringent bail conditions for very violent offenders with a serious criminal history.
Facts don’t care about your feelings. Don’t try and shame me, pretend to read my mind or moralize to me about why you’re a noble person and I am not for having a discussion on the comment section of a news blog.
It’s @Flemmi btw, not @Stemmi
To be perfectly honest, I’m not entirely sure what you’re banging on about since you seem to be arguing with yourself. However, in that regard let’s try to get you back on track.
1. We all should be aware (even you) that police misconduct does take place.
2. That misconduct is egregious, is often left unchecked by an overly zealous prosecution and goes against the very principles of fairness that we mostly all inherently share.
3. Police misconduct doesn’t happen in a vacuum, it starts out as a bending of the truth here, a blatant lie there and ends up with likely planted tail light, inverted video and affidavits with purposely incorrect timestamps (and that’s just the tip of the iceberg).
4. This misconduct behavior didn’t just spring up in the Karen Read case, it’s been practiced and honed on many innocent people with both the policing and judicial branches often being in cahoots.
5. This unchecked behavior is based on the public at large often ‘looking the other way’ something which we are all more likely to do when our inherent biases are confirmed especially as they relate to certain demographics. The police and criminal justice branches are well aware of this.
6. The above was a call for us all to follow the evidence (or lack thereof) and not immediately jump to a conclusion based on our inherent biases. That is the fair and just approach. You on the other hand seem to be trying to turn it into a ‘but they commit more crime so we are right to look the other way regardless of any misconduct’ and that is what you are being called out on. Fair minded and logical people understand their biases, attempt to factor those into their thinking (especially when made aware of it) and re-evaluate their position. On this, no one is trying to ‘read your mind’, your words are sufficient enough to conclude that you are not among the fair minded (or logical for that matter).
The Karen Read case ‘hit home’ because we all realize that if left unchecked, any one of us could indeed be a ‘Karen Read’ with many being without the means to ‘fight back’. This is why the actions of Turtleboy have been so pivotal to this case since he spearheaded a large part of that fight back.
And for the record, I find the police and judicial misconduct in Aidan’s case to be even more egregious than Karen’s. Hers was a cookie cutter whodunit case which the police decided to skew in their favor with a weak and corrupt prosecution backing them to the hilt. Aidan’s case is the momentous issue here, and has the principles of free speech and expression at stake and should and will likely lead to fundamental change in the Massachusetts statutes. His is the case where none of us should look away.
Excellent comment and well written!!! No one considers corruption and misconduct until it happens to someone that “could be them.” That sure catches their attention. Free Karen Read and all the other victims of injustices/police misconduct.
Thank you.
Rightfully deserved point to be made. I appreciate that you went as far to do so. I admire your insight and your willingness to share it. Peace love & smiles. .
Indeed! Yes, we should all stand up and fight against corruption, and to not assume that color of skin means that corruption is non existent. So many people are also manipulated into pleading guilty out of fear of a harsher punishment. Not good. We need a complete make over of the higher ups. That’s where tue corruption begins.
Is releasing people who commit violent crimes because of their “demographic” an injustice? Are the people who have been wronged not victims?
What about when they commit serious crimes after they have been released? If corruption in law enforcement is an injustice because it may harm an innocent person (it is), what about the injustice of not convicting someone who has a pattern of criminal behavior back out to harm others?
Again, you fail to grasp the basic principles here… NO ONE is arguing that violent or even non-violent criminals should not be brought to task. As a society we pay a significant portion of our income for the police and the judiciary to do just that. As part of that deal, we are allowed to expect that misconduct, poor and unprofessional behavior and blatant corruption are not systemic. The Karen Read and Turtleboy cases clearly show that they are.
Enlightened people see with their eyes and think with their minds. The OP rightly suggested that we should all fight against corruption and not to jump to assumptions. You appear to have a problem with that – enlightened much?
Your original post (I have included the responses):
While i’m generally not into Whataboutisms (a logical fallacy)… the vast majority of you (hyperbole not based in truth) have known for a long time that police misconduct and its resulting judicial malpractice has long been targeted at certain demographics (I answered this and explained the statistical correlation using facts and logic). With many of you choosing to ‘look the other way’ because (again shaming/non argument) not only did it not impact you and your loved ones (I have family members who have been victims of crimes and having knowledge of crime stats could have prevented them being victims), but you could gleefully hold up conviction statistics (conviction statistics are either accurate or are not, again I’ve discussed this) that re-enforced your skewed way of thinking (again with the moralizing w/out evidence).
Now, that blatant misconduct in both the policing and judicial branches are front and square in your faces and looking away is nigh on impossible (most people didn’t know about this until TB brought it to the attention of a small audience. No one in the mainstream covered the case in the detail he has, so MOST people in all likelihood would not have known what was possibly taking place until the trial at a minimum). In this specific case, I don’t blame any of you (you just blamed people in the prior paragraph), as you are rightfully trying to hold them to a higher standard; a potentially innocent woman’s liberty is at stake (agreed). However, the next time the police or a prosecutor come to you with a ‘slam dunk’ case, just follow the evidence (probability of guilt or innocence) and maybe put less emphasis on the amount of melanin the person so happens to possession (please give us a specific example where the melanin alone was a reason for ANYONE charged in the Commonwealth and convicted)
That is the short version of my criticisms regarding your abstract claims regarding melanin (your word), crime and Karen Read.
Thank you btw for not calling me names only suggesting I lack enlightenment (a ridiculous thing to ascertain with someone you don’t know and are conversing with on a comment thread).
An appeal to authority is an appeal to authority; not evidence.
Was there one witness by the Commonwealth that stood up to scrutiny under cross by the defense? What about the witnesses provided by the defense to specifically rebut the testimony of the CW expert witnesses??
Not sure what you’re looking for here? We all know that the Commonwealths case was a dumpster truck on fire, driven by a moron at the direction of an unethical Norfolk County District Attorney and pushed over the hill by a bunch of incompetent, scheming and corrupt State Troopers chief among them one Michael Proctor. However, Tully should not be overlooked, he’ll have the opportunity to ‘retrain’ more of his minions to do his dirty work.
WOW!! Could they be anymore obviously corrupt if they tried!? The corrupt Judge did it the way she did it on purpose, cuz she is in conspiracy w DA and cops! Where are/is Jury Verdict Sheet? Is there just 1 or are there 12? The Judge simply reads a note from Jury stating they are at an impasse. She doesnt ask on which counts they are hung, nor if they reached an unanimous verdict on any counts. She doesnt poll the Jury? She just ASSUMES they Hung on ALL Counts? So it’s Def Atty job to do her job, and catch & challenge her on every impropriety, incompetency, corruption? She doesnt present Jury Verdict Sheet(s) in open Court, to the Defense? The way she presented it, one inferred that the Jury was Hung on ALL charges!! That is how Judge presented it. She didnt allow the Jury to speak, nor allow Defense to Poll Jury. She just said … mistrial, jury dismissed, court closed, … and walked out. ON PURPOSE!! Where are Jury Verdict Sheet(s)?
DESTROYED!!? How can that one Juror, who was a cop, had voted GUILTY on lesser murder charge, citing pieces of broken tail light found in his clothing, when Forensjc/Coroner person testified that none were found? That is unfathomable. Yet no one found ANY broken tail light pieces on scene on Day 1. But Proctor had no problem coming up with bigger and bigger pieces 1 wk later, 2 wks, 3 wks. Unreal!! The Judge stated in Court that the Jury was Hung and could not reach a verdict (on ALL CHARGES), and declared a Mistrial (on ALL CHARGES). BUT THAT WAS NOT TRUE!!! It isnt the job or burden of Def Atty to investugate, at that instance, if Judge is LYING!! …… to the Public, to the Defense. She purposely LIED!! Which is a CRIME, a Federal Felony!! She should be Arrested!! ..
Judge has NO legal power or authority to declared a mistrial on a criminal charge where the Def was Acquitted!!! Whther there is 1 Count, 5, or 100!! An ACQUITTAL us an ACQUITTAL!!! It us ABSOLUTE!! Notice the DA didnt object, cuz he knew that the Jury voted 12-0 to Acquit on Counts 1 & 3. So he’s happy Judge Rules a Hung Jury on ALL Counts, even ones Def Acquitted. Then he can try her again on Counts 1 & 3, violating her Const. Right against Double Jeopardy. Hummm???? It seems amazing that DA was able to write and file his Objection to Defense Motion in 1 DAY!! citing all those rather obscure Case Decisions relevent to Defense iissues. I bet he had that written long before, working in Conspiracy w Judge. Judge saying I’ll do it this way, then if Def files a Motion it will probably be on these issues, so you work on a Filing now. I know for a Fact that in M’Sex Courts, the Judges do whatever DA says. ADAs have Illegal Ex Parte mtgs w Judge in chambers, w files in hand, to discuss and decide the outcome of cases, EVERY DAY!!! I was sitting in Court one time, and heard a white shirt ct officer say to another, as they were slowly walking by, what the outcome of the next case was going to be, i.e. what Judge was going to Rule. How would they know that? There is no way these ppl are not going to prison!! How many Mass Judges have gone to prison? How nany DAs? I think 3 M’Sex DAs in a row went to prison. So CORRUPT!! This could end up in USSC. The Feds interest must really be perked up now!!
Whoever the juror is that goes public first will be a sure hero to all Massachusetts citizens who want our justice system to be fair and impartial. I pray someone has the courage to come forward soon.
This is such a dumpster fire and we all could see it coming! Did anyone think these corrupt pieces of shit were gonna let AJ stroll into their neighborhood and get his way? No chance! Bev should be looked into by whoever oversees judges. Feds? She knew exactly what she was doing by declaring a mistrial all quick and sneaky. Let’s see how she slithers out of this on the 22nd. Lally got his power rangers lunchbox filled w cheese sandwich and a juice box. He’s ready for round 2. Does the buffer zone still exist? Everyone should be standing out front w signs protesting Bev and Lally!!!
In class I sat,
just chillin’ away,
Then came a rumble, I had to say,
Something wasn’t right, I could feel it inside,
Then came a blast, I sharted inside.
I farted,
It was liquid,
Oh man, it was so fuckin’ sick,
Now I’m sittin’ here with my wet cheeks,
Feelin’ like I need a SOS.
Verse 1:
I leaned over to my buddy, said, “Man, I’m feeling ill,”
He gave me a look, said, “What the fuck is that smell?”
I couldn’t hold it, man, its fuckin’ sick,
Now I’m stuck in class with this wet cheeks.
I farted,
It was liquid,
Oh man, it was so fuckin’ sick,
Now I’m sitting here with my wet cheeks,
Feelin’ like I need a SOS
His buddy is mr mcalbert
I’m sorry @Stemmi but you’re a few branches short of a full tree on this issue… put simply, do you agree that police and judicial misconduct have no place in our criminal justice system and do you agree that the principle must be applied equally across all demographics?
Take a breath, think deeply and hopefully that will help you to move the needle in a positive direction and more in line with the enlightened among us.
I already gave you my answer, several times over. Pretending to not understand what my position is after I reposted YOUR original post and answered them specifically within the text YOU wrote leads me to believe you have no intention of having an honest conversation.
Shaming people (which you did more than once) then suggesting there is a direct connection between Karen Reads prosecutorial misconduct and prosecution of people with “melanin”(you didn’t name one example in Ma. when I asked you) is a non sequitur. No one advocated police or politicians violating the law. Breaking the law is illegal and more often than not immoral.
So in addition to the name calling, what about isms, straw-manning and red herrings you simply continue to suggest that my faculties are below yours and you continue to not respond to my specific critiques of what you wrote.
Enjoy feeling better about yourself by pretending you’re morally superior to people you’ll never meet in person and feigning outrage. You were the one that brought up “isms” in your original post and when I responded you attempted to gaslight me when I mentioned statistics. Your lack of self awareness is outstanding and I think we won’t agree on much of anything at this point.
Freek Karen Read.
Unchecked Liberal Dindu Nuffin. Factose intolerant dumb fuck will just keep leading you around in circles without any evidence, Mr Flemmi. He-she will get triggered if you mention the demographic on demographic crimes. Your response to the original post was on point.
Oh look, Flank the Plank showed up to the @Stemmi Cognitive Dissonance show. The 2 of you should team up and take your show ‘on tour’. You’ll certainly show the anti-Karen Read bunch that you match them in intellectual thought and character.
Triggered! Totally predictable liberal faggot.
Kangaroo Judge making the foreman decision prior to the alternate selection is fishy in light of this information. If any juror is corrupted it’s probably this one. What a disgraceful representation of justice unless you’re a McAlbert
Oh look, here’s Frank the Plank with his underdeveloped cerebral cortex trying to piece together a coherent paragraph. Maybe in a few generations when his ‘offspring’ procreate up the food chain (God forbid), they’ll be able to come back and fix the constant drivel he bombards these chats with.
🤦 Low IQ response of the year. “You are wrong because you have failed to provide evidence for anything you said. Also I am conversely correct for demanding the burden of proof is not on me and pretending I don’t know what you have said.”
Why continue to traffic in phony outrage? Nobody gives a fuck about this thread and you didn’t assert anything as true. You just whined like a useless do as I say, not as I do.
My God I hope you don’t have any children or ex husbands. 🙄
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