TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 392: Paul O’Keefe Files Lawsuit Against Canton Bars And Karen Read For Causing Emotional Distress After Raising Large Amounts Of Money After John O’Keefe’s Death


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Paul O’Keefe, Peggy O’Keefe, and Kaylee Furbush filed a wrongful lawsuit yesterday in Plymouth Superior Court against the Waterfall Bar, C.F. McCarthy’s, and Karen Read, for allegedly over serving Ms. Read leading to her allegedly running over John O’Keefe with her car and killing him.

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Simple minded McAlbert mafioso are celebrating this as some sort of victory because they clearly have no idea how civil court works. However, this lawsuit can only help the Karen Read defense team and damage the McAlberts. Many of the things they allege in the lawsuit are easily proven to be untrue, according to witness testimony at Read’s trial and memorialized in police reports. The lawsuit claims that Read consumed 7 alcoholic beverages at CF McCarthy’s.

Nowhere in the surveillance video from CF McCarthy’s do you see her consume 7 drinks. She appears to order 3 shots which she drops into 3 different seltzers. At one point she buys a round of shots for John and his 2 friends, and she is clearly the only one who doesn’t take a shot. Watch this video from our friend Aussie Insider.

You don’t see her consume 7 drinks of anything, never mind 7 alcoholic beverages.

The lawsuit alleges that Karen read was showing signs of intoxication both at CF McCarthy’s and the Waterfall Bar.

Except that every single witness who commented on Read’s behavior at the bar testified that she did not appear to be drunk. Here are four of them, including Curt Roberts (CF McCarthy’s), the Waterfall bartender, Chris Albert (Waterfall), and Nicole Albert (Waterfall).

Jen McCabe also told police multiple times that Karen didn’t appear to be drunk.

The people who had every reason to tell police that Karen Read DID appear to be drunk, because it would make it more believable that she killed John in a drunken rage, all chose to say that she DID NOT appear to be drunk. All of these “witnesses” will once again be called to testify, this time in depositions. This time they won’t have Adam Lally and Auntie Bev there to object to every question asked of them. They run the risk of giving testimony that conflicts with what they said under oath in the Read trial.

The last thing any of these people want to do is talk on the record, but now they’ll have to. They’ve been able to get away with what they’ve done for so long because they’ve had the support of John’s family, and convinced them that they had nothing to do with his death. But the problem is that they convinced the O’Keefe’s TOO well. They’re so convinced Karen did it that they’re willing to sue, which will force them all to risk their own legal liability by testifying once again.

The lawsuit says that Karen and John got into a fight the morning of January 29, leading to his intentional death.

There is zero evidence they were in a fight that night. John’s own text messages to Karen show that he asked her to drive them all because he was drinking. Their behavior on the CF McCarthy’s video shows them smiling, hugging, and laughing together. Witness statements all say that they appeared to be happy at the Waterfall and were NOT fighting.

So the Commonwealth and the O’Keefe’s want us to believe that during the 8 minute ride to Brian Albert’s house Karen and John immediately started screaming at each other which culminated with Read deciding to murder him outside of a Boston Police Officer’s house, and left his body in the last place her car was seen.


The lawsuit goes on to say as a statement of fact that Karen Read hit John O’Keefe with her car.

Because Read still has ongoing criminal proceedings she can plead the fifth and stay this lawsuit. CF McCarthy’s and the Waterfall must respond within 20 days. Their insurance companies will want to pay the least amount of money possible to litigate this, and their first inclination will be to try to offer a settlement because it’s cheaper to pay grifters like the O’Keefe’s to go away than it is to pay billable hours for attorneys. If the O’Keefe’s don’t want to settle then the bars will ask for discovery and begin to depose “witnesses” who will all testify that Read didn’t appear to be drunk and wasn’t over served.

Most importantly, the bars now HAVE TO adopt and promote Read’s third party defense theory. If Karen killed John and she did so after being over served, the O’Keefe’s will win their lawsuit. So now a whole new team of attorneys with potentially unlimited budgets will be trying to prove that John wasn’t hit by a car. This means that they can depose the ARCCA experts who can say for the first time that they were hired by the FBI – something that jurors weren’t aware of and directly influenced the split vote on manslaughter charges.

The lawsuit claims that Karen woke up 14 year old Kaylee Furbush and told her that she hit John with her car.

Except in the charging documents it doesn’t mention ANYTHING about this.

Wouldn’t the police mention the most incriminating thing Karen Read allegedly told Kaylee in the charging documents?

The lawsuit alleges that Read “feigned” comfort when she returned to John’s house that morning, “removed the murder weapon,” and “destroyed relevant evidence.”

  1. Their belief that Karen Read was faking grief and comfort is subjective and not proof of anything. Paul is admittedly biased and says that he “knew” as a matter of fact that Read killed his brother before he ever even spoke with police. His opinion on the authenticity of Read’s grief is as biased as you can get and has no legal bearing.
  2. If the car was the murder weapon the police wouldn’t have let her drive away with it at 12:30 PM.
  3. The complete lie that Read “destroyed relevant evidence” by logging onto John’s computer and deleting Ring camera footage from that morning was proven to be a fabrication during the trial when both Yuri Bukhenik and Michael Proctor testified that they contacted Ring and found this to be untrue. Additionally, both children testified that Read did not have access to John’s computer or Ring.

Most outrageously, the O’Keefe’s are suing Read for using a third party culprit defense, because they have baselessly deemed that it’s a “fabricated conspiracy” and Read caused them “frustration” by defending herself.

Now Paul is experiencing aggravated emotional distress.

I’m also feeling aggravated emotional distress from last month when Paul sent me a threatening message, vowing to put me in jail.

Then there’s the emotional distress Paul caused me by seeking out and inviting a recovering heroin addict to his brother’s pre-trail murder hearing, who lied to have me put in jail for 60 days.

Paul felt so much emotional distress on September 15, 2023, that he yelled “fuck you asshole” at Karen Read’s brother on his way into court.

Then there was all the emotional distress he experienced smiling and starting down Karen Read in court, bringing his goon Karl Dugal to assault Read inside the courthouse, and threatening Read on the way out after the mistrial.

In fact, he’s so distressed that he’s not sure what to do with the $336K he raised using his niece, nephew, and dead brother.

Karen Read opened a trust fund for those children to make sure they were financially sound. Is there an accounting of where the money Paul received went to? Or are we not allowed to ask that? Are we allowed to ask about the fact that Paul took out $230k from a bank where his mother in law Kris Resendes is a member of the board of directors?

Bridgewater Savings Bank became Bluestone Bank in 2020, but Kris hasn’t updated her LinkedIn. She’s still friendly with people there though.

Can we mention the fact that Paul paid that large amount of money back in less than 2 months without refinancing his original mortgage?

Can we mention that this was right around the time when an excavator was seen on his property adding an addition to his West Bridgewater house?

Paul’s neighbors sent us the picture with the excavator on October 6, 2023, but I didn’t publish them because I wasn’t convinced her was grifting at the time. Now it’s clear that he’s using his brother’s death for another pay day. The neighbor reached out again after hearing about the lawsuit:

“His garage door is open all the time. He has a golf cart in there. Like your neighbors are as sick of seeing your garage as they were of seeing your crotch.”

In the civil suit Paul says that he was SO upset and grief stricken by Karen Read’s third party culprit defense. But not grief stricken enough to prevent him from doing a total home renovation which would have contractors coming in and out of his house for months, with his home in total disorder.

But we’re not allowed to talk about that, and you’re definitely not allowed to ask where any of this money was coming from.

And we are DEFINITELY not allowed to talk about the irony of Paul O’Keefe getting arrested for driving drunk during the middle of the day on October 11, 2020, and badly injuring a 72 year old man named Carl Prather in Lakeville.

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And you absolutely can NOT bring up the fact that Paul admitted to drinking and driving, failed multiple sobriety tests, and refused to take a breathalyzer.

It’s OK when Paul gets shitfaced and hits elderly people because he’s friends with the McAlberts. But when Karen Read drives after consuming three drinks it is immediately assumed that she killed a Boston cop outside the home of another Boston cop, and if you say otherwise you’re causing Paul O’Grift emotional distress.





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    1. I gasped out loud when I saw it. Let’s be honest with ourselves, the horrendous addition is the true tragedy here.

  1. Paul is a hypocrite. Where’s the GoFundMe for the 72-year-old senior citizen he mowed down when he was plastered, wasted and otherwise being useless?

  2. Look at how he’s grilling her in the pic and that smile. He loves this shit and knows she didn’t run him over it’s just he hates her more than he likes the truth.

    1. Is it at all possible PO is being paid… by some “crime boss”…to play the role of chief antagonist / persecutor of Karen Read…doing his part for the McAlbert protection plan?

      Perhaps the money for the addition, and such, is coming…not from grifting… rather from the pockets of someone who is a central focus of the FED investigation?

  3. Darn. It would be such a shame if Plymouth County’s DA, Tim Cruz, a respectable man and honorable prosecutor believes that Morrisey and all that associate with him are a disgrace to the profession and our judicial system. Its too bad there is no Aunty Bev in Plymouth county to step in for the assist.

    What is in Plymouth county… 2 separate women who I KNOW would love to have a word with Paul’s wife. Its the darndest thing, up until this trial was on TV, neither of them even knew that Paul HAD a wife! Isn’t that just so crazy?

  4. What’s Paul going to do when he finds out the ARCCA experts can testify about the techstream data without objection from Lally and Bev? He’ll be really disappointed then. Fortunately, the bars won’t have to pay for an investigation, just the testimony! It’ll be the best money they ever spent!!

    I’ll bet Paul is going to be big mad when he sees that receipt from C.F. McCarthy’s! He has to be stupid not to realize why it wasn’t brought into evidence by Lally.

    TB, I had to laugh when I saw your tweet about the CW trying to find an outside expert on accident reconstruction. It will never happen. They don’t have any evidence that can be used for accident reconstruction. Trooper Paul’s testimony of measurements from where Trooper Tully said John was will not be sufficient for any expert to reconstruct anything. Random photos of tail light with no metadata to determine location are equally useless. Trooper Paul’s aerial diagram is beyond the pale. The only thing their evidence will provide is comedy fodder for any expert they approach!!

  5. Wow Paul stated he couldn’t take the kids bc his house was too small- before the addition it was huge, now it’s a mansion. The parents are living in OJOKs home which is worth at minimum a million. Haven’t they profited enough? Karen has spent her entire life’s savings to fight these monsters. Disgusting.

  6. Filing lawsuits to try and weasel an easy settlement is just the last step before you try a disability scam. Like every lazy Masshole ever.

  7. I have 0% sympathy for Paul, he aided with his brother’s murderers and now is trying to make a quick buck off this brother’s death.
    Fuck him.
    God help the children.

  8. You remind us of Uncle Buck’s friend named “Pal” with the toothpick. “Low-End Paul”, please remember the whole world is watching what you are doing. Cow Dung.

    1. No he did not. John’s parents have the kids. Paul’s just a huge dick. Paul’s also a huge liar.

  9. Paul Okeefe stood in his brother’s shadow his entire life, never measuring up to his brother. Paul has always been a low life scum bag and the entire town of Braintree knows it. Pretend tough guy but has never been able to back it up. His goofy lawsuit will never go anywhere, just like his pathetic life. He’s also a Drunken Bum, who screws up everything he touches. John was a good guy and Paul has always been Shit.

  10. Usually drinks are counted by how much alcohol it contains. 1 drink is 1.5oz of liquor so if a martini has 3 oz of liquor it is considered 2 drinks. So if she was doing drop shots it would be considered 2 drinks. Now if you look at the time stamps for when she was being served drinks, the bartender was clearly not following any sort of responsible service standards because the drinks were served so close together. Where I work the bartender would also be prosecuted for this, for serving someone past the legal point of intoxication.

    1. How often does your bar serve alcoholic beverages with paper-wrapped straws?

      If a person only consumes a half glass of beverage, how much alcohol have they consumed?

      How often does your bar use x-ray vision to determine if someone is consuming alcohol?

  11. FYI
    Check your reciepts on Pauls Line of Credit discharge, he had 2 lines of credit from bluestone(fka bridewater savings) and the discharge is for the 50k from 2018 not the 230k.

    OKEEFE PAUL C BRIDGEWATER SAVINGS BANK 39267 49834 272 MTG 5/24/2018 (discharged)
    OKEEFE PAUL C BLUESTONE BANK 65627 58349 129 MTG 10/10/2023 (not discharged)
    OKEEFE PAUL C BLUESTONE BANK 79121 58505 107 DIS 12/4/2023 (discharge for bk39267 pg272)

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  13. I wonder what they think of Farwell’s arrest considering that the same cops investigated JO’s murder. The father’s name is on the lawsuit too…I thought he was waking up to the truth. It’s going to get ugly once the Feds finish their investigations of the Gravy Boat

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