TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 427: Police Dash Cam Video Shows Jennifer McCabe Controlling Narrative With Police, Turning Her Back On John O’Keefe’s Body


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The dash cam video from Canton Police Officer Steven Saraf was first shown at Karen Read’s trial in April, and although I’ve had access to the videos for over a year I’ve never had a chance to thoroughly analyze them in an article. The videos are very telling for a number of reasons.

Video 1 – Officer Saraf arrives at the scene

Much like Lucky Loughran, Saraf arrived from the south. His view of the scene was unobstructed by vehicles or trees, and there was less than an inch or two of snow on the ground. This made it incredibly easy, if not impossible to miss John O’Keefe’s body just 10 feet from the curb.

There is no way every single person who left Brian Albert’s house that night could have missed seeing John O’Keefe’s body lying in that same position with even less snow on the ground as they drove past him.


Video 2 – Officer Mullaney arrives as firefighter paramedics are performing CPR on John 

As you can see, Karen is exhibiting genuine shock and fear, while Jennifer McCabe remains calm and emotionless. Karen is not wearing gloves or a hat as adrenaline runs through her body, as the shock of finding her boyfriend dying on the lawn has taken over her brain. Jen is bundled up and doesn’t seem the least bit bothered about the fact that her “close friend” of a decade is dying in front of her. At several points in all of the videos Jen tries to calm Karen down by hugging her, which Karen wants nothing to do with.

After one of the paramedics tells her something Karen gets visibly distraught, putting her hands on her face and runs away screaming.

Jen is emotionless.

At no point does Jennifer McCabe attempt to go inside the house. Why? This is her sister’s front lawn and her dead friends is lying on it. There is a screaming woman, who somehow has not awoken anyone inside the house OR the dog that barks at everyone. McCabe was just there 4 hours earlier, and she was the one who invited John there. She talks to first responders throughout all of the videos but doesn’t tell any of them that this is her sister’s house, or that there is a veteran police officer and trained first responder inside. Nor does she mention that there are blankets inside, which the 911 dispatcher asked her to find. McCabe is later seen sneaking inside the house at 6:34 – half an hour after they got there.

This firefighter who briefly attempted to calm Karen down looks like Matthew Kelly or Timothy Nuttall.

During the trial Nuttall testified that while he was performing CPR on John he asked the three women (Roberts, Read, McCabe) what happened, and Karen Read responded to him by saying “I hit him, I hit him, I hit him.”

This cannot be true because the audio would’ve been picked up on the dash cam. We can hear Karen screaming “John,” “Jen,” and “Kerry,” so we would’ve been able to hear her say “I hit him, I hit him, I hit him,” since Nuttall claims it happened right there. The only firefighter Read speaks to in these videos is the one who briefly tries to comfort her.


Video 3 – Jen McCabe works Officer Mullaney

While John O’Keefe is lying lifeless in front of them and first responders are trying CPR, Karen Read is seen crying and can’t stop looking at O’Keefe’s lifeless body. Jen McCabe has her back turned to John’s body and is seen talking to Mullaney, controlling the narrative as she waves her hands around. At one point Karen interrupts them as Officer Mullaney would later testify she asked him “is he dead?”


Video 4 – Kerry takes a walk

Kerry Roberts started calling John’s mother from the scene as McCabe continued to work Mullaney. Karen walks around like she doesn’t know what to do, constantly looking back at John’s lifeless body. She is the only one showing genuine concern for him.


Video 5 – Jen McCabe turns her back on John’s body as he’s wheeled into the ambulance

As firefighters Nuttall and Flemmati perform CPR on John, Katie McLaughlin and Francis Walsh wheel out the gurney. McCabe tries to hung Karen, who once again pushes her away.

As first responders do chest compressions on her boyfriend Karen stares at them, unable to look away. Jen McCabe has no interest in seeing how he is doing because she’s too busy speaking to Officer Saraf, while once again trying to establish the narrative.

As the gurney is wheeled towards the ambulance at approximately 6:15, Karen puts her hand over her mouth and stares at John, while Jennifer McCabe turns her back to him.

She can’t even look at what her family did to him.

Keep in mind, Jennifer McCabe claims that she Google “hos long to die in cold” at 6:24 because Karen Read told her to. Look at the chaos in that video. There were half a dozen firefighter paramedics there who would know the answer to that question, and Read doesn’t ask any of them that question. Instead, Jen McCabe would have us believe that she asked McCabe to Google the exact same thing she Googled 3 hours earlier and then erased.

Jen McCabe told Karen that morning that she had called Nicole Albert who told her that John wasn’t there. She did this to delay Karen from finding his body, because she had Google “hos long to die in cold” 2.5 hours earlier, while John’s body was still inside the house, and she knew that she needed to buy time.

In those videos Jen McCabe acted like the kind of person who knew that she was going to find a body there. Her lone concern was speaking with police, not firefighters. The firefighters were there to save John’s life. Karen Read’s lone concern was asking if her boyfriend was alive. She quarterbacked this entire thing. She gave two of the witnesses a ride home. She had her daughter drive Colin Albert home, and despite previously testifying about the accuracy of Life 360 data she testified that Allie’s Life 360 data wasn’t accurate because it showed that she was driving around until 1:30 AM. She Googled “hos long to die in cold” because she knew that the plan was to put his body on the front lawn, but only after Brian Higgins went to the Canton Police station to monitor police activity, and someone driving a Ford Edge arrived at the house to provide cover from the Ring cameras across the street. She never went to bed after a night of drinking, according to her Apple Health data, because she nervously awaited the phone call from Karen asking her if she had seen John. She lied to Karen to avoid going there, and got her to go back to John’s house to search, as if he would jump out of the closet and yell “surprise!” She knew that if they found John too soon and he was lived to tell what happened then they were all in serious trouble. She knew that she couldn’t tell officers that it was her sister’s house because they might wanna go inside. She knew that she had to control the narrative, which is why she spoke with every cop and spent the rest of the day making sure Kerry Roberts and Peggy O’Keefe didn’t suspect her of anything. Her story about what Karen told her evolved throughout the day, and more so as trial approached.

She is a cold blooded killer, and she knew that she would be protected by powerful people because her brother in law Brian Albert assured her of that.



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  1. Those police officers knew damn well who lived in that house. Nothing needed to be said.

    1. Agreed. Or at least older police would have known. Body cameras would have been so helpful in this case.

  2. They’ll have fun with her in MCI Fframingham. And her view; lots of cars. That she can’t drive away in.

  3. Jen McCabe is an EVIL woman.

    Older people may remember the movie “The Bad Seed” from the 1950’s. It’s about an evil little girl that manipulates and kills. Jen McCabe is a BAD SEED.

    She is likely a Sociopath and has many traits that go along with that diagnosis.

    Lack of empathy: Sociopaths may not care about or understand other people’s feelings.
    Manipulative: Sociopaths may use charm, deceit, and other methods to get what they want.
    Impulsive: Sociopaths may behave impulsively or aggressively.
    Risk-taking: Sociopaths may engage in risky behavior and violate laws.
    Chronic: Sociopathy is a chronic condition, unlike other mental health conditions like depression or bipolar disorder.

    I wonder how foolish and duped Mike and Liz Proctor feel now. They went to great lengths to protect her. Same goes for Canton Police Officer Lank. She used them all and then through them all under the bus when she was faced with questioning.

    Evil, manipulative and a killer. Jen McCabe belongs in prison.

    1. Jen McCabe is very evil, as are most of those that she associates with. Sociopath, psychopath, narcissists, etc are personality disorders and listed on AXIS ll diagnoses. Bipolar is a true mental illness, listed on AXIS l, and those people have a genuine concern for other human beings. I wouldn’t want to insult those with bipolar disorder by comparing them to those with personality disorders.

  4. As someone thats very close to my family – speak to my siblings and my parents multiple times a day… to know Jen showed no urgency entering 34 Fairview to alert Brian and her sister Coco – is the most telling. As a first responder family, our duty is to render aid – and we wouldn’t think twice about it.
    Paul should be outraged by the blatant disrespect shown to his brother OJO that morning. We can all collectively agree the guy in the snow deserved better.

  5. There is forgiveness for those who can admit their part and face the music willingly. Yes there will be a punishment but it will not be forever and once you are free again you will have served your debt to society. This path is far more honorable than the path you are currently on. Just think about it.

  6. TB: notice the berm area on the right hand side of the road? It’s clear almost right down to the street. I suspect the left hand side – where they EVENTUALLY found John’s sneaker- was the same. Why didn’t Canton PD find it during initial search? Because it wasn’t there…

  7. in all fairness, you should have waited for ratchet madness final vote before running this story.

  8. I’d be willing to bet the only time that shit-stirring cunt even looked John’s direction was when she threw the blankets down. She obviously NEVER looked at him before she called 911. She told the dispatcher that they turned him over. That is something that didn’t happened, but she wouldn’t know because she didn’t even look over at her “good friend.” She stood there with her back to him almost the entire time.

    I don’t believe she was coaching yet though. I think Saraf was a convenient person to talk to so it wouldn’t be obvious she was ignoring her “good friend.” She didn’t have a plan yet, and that is why she googled “hos long to die in the cold” at the same time she was listening to “It’s Raining Men.” They lied about when both of those searches were made for a reason. Matt claimed “It’s Raining Men” was some sister joke and it was played at the party. They didn’t want anyone to know that the cold-hearted bitch he’s married to played that song while she was busy figuring out how long it was going to take for John to freeze to death and what their story was going to be when he was discovered. She deserves to die a painful, agonizing, and lonely death in a concrete cell before she is cast into hell.

    1. I don’t think she went near him at all after Karen got out to help John, only Kerri followed her. She couldn’t go near him because she didn’t know if he was alive or not and afraid he could say something to her!! She probably about shit when he wasn’t dead and she stayed the hell away from him and turned away when he passed her on the gurney. She was terrified he might speak, she didn’t know?!! These people, their day is coming in one way or another!! I believe John found something out on Brian Albert or someone or they believed that he had, who knows but something very fishy happened for them to do that to him, to silence him. I don’t know but it’s definitely something crazy and hopefully it’s found out why this happened to John. I mean he did go into the sex and rape unit to be off the street at his job 🤷🏼‍♀️ and with the girl that was raped by the other 3 Boston cops that are involved with that case, the poor girl who was then murdered and that cop covered that up as suicide. I mean all 3 of those cops have been arrested in that investigation I mean who the hell knows! 🤷🏼‍♀️ I have never seen anything like this but these lying ass people that Turtleboy has exposed is just astonishing!!! He’s pretty amazing, I’m glad he’s discovered the things he has and brought it all to everyone’s attention!!

      1. Having once been young with lots of energy to party, I would have expected to arrive at an after hours party not to drink, but to do coke. Put that into a room filled with mouth-breathing, roid pumping jerks and someone is going to get rassled with. And we’ve all seen dogs get ugly when there’s grown ass men rassling. But when everyone is drunk in the first place the rassling becomes someone falling backwards and hitting his head HARD on a stone countertop. Causing a mega dent in the back of the unfortunate’s melon. Much worse could have happened but that is the most benign explanation I can envision. “His head hit the countertop” is the first thing I thought when I saw the autopsy photos. Seeking alternate Clue theories. Mine are not usually the most interesting.

    2. Agreed. Remember the he musta got hit by the plow walking home very early talkin point by mcalberts.
      Lucky was very very lucky that they decided Karen made a better patsy.
      Saraf was the dimmest onscene so JJ decided I’ll wordsalad with tubsey and plant the
      Did I hit him? comment later with whoever she called caused she suddenly remembered.

  9. Jen had a surprise for Karen when they got to The Albert’s house. It was going to be Higgins outing her right in front of John. But Karen never went in the house. So when John went in, they decided to tell him about Karen’s kiss and flirting with Higgins. I’m guessing John didn’t like that. He was drunk and probably didn’t take it well. Confronted Higgins physically. Then BA, Collin and Chloe got involved.

    Meanwhile, Jen is watching Karen outside creeping forward. Hoping she doesn’t come in and just leaves. Which she did. Jen must’ve known what was going on downstairs. And the reason John’s phone doesn’t show he was in the house, is cuz he probably had his phone in his back pocket and wasn’t getting great reception.

    The only thing I don’t get. Why did the McCabes need Higgins jeep between Karen’s Lexus and Nagels ride? So they can say there’s no way Bagels ride could say they didn’t see any crack in Karen’s taillight?

    1. Alot of early testimony by McAlberts had odd details that served no purpose other than to CYA themselves later IF other details emerged, like the we rescued a dog that didn’t need to be rescued story.

    2. Ooooh, INTERESTING theory. Don’t know these people, but this kind of outing is 7th grade stuff. So-yeah, this could be an actual thing.

  10. A MOTHER HAD THREE V!RG!N$: Three daughters, all fresh-faced vi!g!n$, were due to tie the knot in rapid succession. Their mother, a tad concerned about their romantic debuts, slyly asked each to send a one-word honeymoon postcard describing their, ahem, marital “fun.” The first postcard, “sun-k!ssed” from Hawaii, arrived two days later: “Nescafé.” Mom, puzzled, grabbed the coffee jar. It declared, “Good to the last drop.” Blushing but pleased, she knew daughter number one was brewing something sweet…… The second postcard mailed a week later from Vermont, read: “D!ckson in my Pu$$y…… Click my name for FULL STORY.

  11. I can’t speak about Roberts and McAbe’s reactions, I am too focused on Karen’s response.
    Of course, as a lot of us do, I compare Karen’s movements and speech to my own in a devastating surreal situation. My dad died suddenly, when I got to his home it wouldn’t register completely. I walked all around his home non stop and with no purpose crying out ” my Dad, my Dad, my Dad. My husband just stood by me and had no idea what to do or say.
    Karen has John in front of her. Surreal would be an understatement. Confusion over what is even happening. Ten times worse than me entering my Fathers empty home a few hours after his body was removed. I do not believe for a moment Karen’s behavior was an act. This is exactly what a woman would do in this situation. John would have been the man to protect her and keep her grounded at that moment, and he is on the ground more than likely, dead. She is helpless, surrounded by strangers ( for the most part)
    Also, to be told to shut up, you are not helping ??) ( Kerry)

    1. I agree 100% with you on this. Only people who has found a loved one unexpectedly dead can understand Karen’s reaction. In my situation I asked how long my brother was gone and what I could have done sooner even though I had no idea he was in trouble. Its quite common for people to blame themselves even when they shouldn’t. Karen’s reaction is normal.

  12. Jen needs to remember to always wear brown pants until the day she’s getting perp walked.
    Members of the press are out in force looking to take pictures of the shit stains on her ass.

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