Canton Coverup Part 440: Jill Daniels’ Geriatric Attorney Joe Krowski Sr Yells Explicit Slurs At Turtleboy Supporter, Accuses Him Of “Criminal Act” While Escorting Client In For Assault And Battery Court Hearing

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This morning Jill Daniels and Jim Farris had a court date in Stoughton for the assault and battery charges they are facing as a result of their vicious assault on an award winning journalist who had just consumed a meal of food at CF McCarthy’s on June 23. Farris, who was working at the time of the assault as Chris Albert’s delivery driver, was given a court appointed attorney today. Daniels was represented by Joe Krowski Sr, who is so old that he might’ve also represented Sacco and Vanzetti. Karen Read and Turtleboy supporters were outside the courthouse this morning and Tom CPU was streaming it. When Daniels arrived with her attorney Mr. Krowski turned to Tom and said, “fuck you,” before accusing Tom of a “criminal act.”
That is the most McAlbert thing I’ve ever seen. He was born (in the 1800’s) to represent Jill Daniels.
These people cannot stop weaponizing the witness intimidation statute. They now claim that any attempt to communicate with any McAlbert at any time is a felony. All Tom said was “good morning,” prompting this out of control geriatric to yell “fuck you,” and then seconds later pretend to be the victim after he realized how horrible that made him look.
At Jill’s arraignment last month Krowski was repeatedly shut down by Judge Walsh when he opposed a stay away order preventing his client from coming near me. He also wanted it in the public record that I was not listed as a victim, something that was also denied. He claimed that because I drove in from Holden (I was actually in Boston that day, and was in Canton working on a story exposing Nicholas Guarino as a liar) to get a meal of food I was the one who provoked his client. Starts around the 36 minute mark:
But in reality, we were outside for more than 15 minutes when Daniels was driven to the crime scene, double parked, and then hopped out of her car and assaulted me on video.
I didn’t seek her out, she sought me out.
Tom CPU also claims that Jim Farris intentionally bumped into him outside of court as he had his back turned at the 1:30:20 mark.
Although this was not captured on video, several witnesses said they saw him intentionally bump into Tom CPU. This is consistent with who Jim Farris is. Not only did he assault me while I was filming the mob of McAlberts sexually harass my girlfriend outside of CF McCarthy’s, he told me on video that he would do it again if I pointed the camera at him. Jim Farris is a McAlbert in training, therefore he believes he has the right to assault anyone he wants at any time and there are no consequences for that.
Jill Daniels likewise though she could get away with this abhorrent behavior.
If these people aren’t afraid to assault people outside of a courthouse or a restaurant in broad daylight, think what they’d do to someone like John O’Keefe behind closed doors after a night of drinking.

A client and attorney made for each other. They both look like the remains of the Old 96er.
Unfortunately TOMCPU and his SHOE-CAM got nothing on film as usual.
You are the hardest worker by far TB, but Tom works really hard, spends gas money and is always boots on the ground.
Glad Tom caught this on video today.
He is due for a well earned promotion:
Tom CPU First Class