TB Investigates

Canton Coverup Part 472: Here Are 22 Outright Lies From Judge Jeanine From 10 Minutes Of Interviews About Her Upcoming Series On The Karen Read Case


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Last week Fox Nation announced that they were doing a true crime series on the Karen Read/John O’Keefe case on their subscription based platform. It’s being hosted by Judge Jeanine Pirro and is entitled “Karen Read: Killer or Convenient Outsider?”

I am as conservative as you get, but I don’t watch Fox News because I have no interest in people like Judge Jeanine Pirro. The people featured on Fox News for the most part are cookie cutter, made for TV personalities, who spit out cookie cutter right wing talking points. Sean Hannitty, Laura Ingraham, Jesse Waters, Harris Faulkner, Steve Doocy, Lawrence Jones, Brian Kilmeade, Will Cain, Pete Hegseth, Judge Jeanine, and every attractive blonde in high heels that they put on The Five all generally say the same thing – DEI bad, illegal immigration out of control, schools transing the kids, Hunter Biden crackhead. I’ve been to CPAC. I follow Charlie Kirk on Twitter. It’s the same exact thing any time you put on Fox News. Besides Tucker Carlson, none of them has ever had an original thought or taken a controversial angle on a story and actually made me think.

For the most part I agree with everything they’re saying. But every single person who appears on Fox News is just a dolled up, botoxed vessel that gets paid to reinforce my beliefs so I know that I’m not alone. They’re on TV because they’re theatrical and can get right wingers like myself fired up about conservative issues. Judge Jeanine is 73 years old and has a better plastic surgeon than Nancy Pelosi. She’s on TV because of the way she looks, her street cred as a former judge and prosecutor, and her swagger. Not because she’s a particularly deep thinker.

For that reason I knew this was going to be a let down. Judge Jeanine is not an investigator or a reporter. She has no interest in actually seeking justice. Her primary interest right now is the border crisis and tariffs, so the Karen Read case is not something she’s going to have time to look into. She will say whatever is fed to her. And because she’s a former prosecutor, and because conservatives instinct is to “back the blue,” I KNEW that this would be anti-KR propaganda. By the sounds of some of her interviews she has all but confirmed that. But I had no idea just how ignorant she was until I listened to a couple of her interviews teasing the series. Here are four videos of her spreading outright lies about the Karen Read case:

Here’s a list of her lies, followed by the truth:

1. The case is out of Boston

The case is out of Canton, which is in a completely different county than Boston. This shows how little she knows about the story and the state in general. To outsiders, everything in Massachusetts is Boston.


2. The defense is saying that the Boston police department is framing her. 

The Boston Police Department has nothing to do with the case. It’s just where John O’Keefe happened to work. They did not arrest her or frame her. They have conspicuously stayed away from the case completely, which is exactly the opposite of what police normally do when a fellow cop is murdered.


3. Karen alleges that the cops killed him. 

Judge Jeanine is making it sound like Karen Read is alleging that the same cops who are framing her are the ones who killed her. There were only 2 cops inside that house besides John O’Keefe – Brian Albert and Brian Higgins. Neither is a member of the State Police or Canton Police (although Higgins was an honorary member due to the fact that Ken Berkowitz had a man crush on him). Karen alleges that John was killed inside the house. It doesn’t matter who killed him, and it’s not her job to find out who killed him. The only thing that matters is she didn’t do it because John was inside the house.


4. “She goes out drinking and buys 9 drinks.”

Nowhere has it been alleged that Karen Read bought 9 drinks, let alone drank 9 drinks. They have her on video buying 4 drinks and consuming 0.


5. She admits that they argued on the way to 34 Fairview Road. 

This is completely made up. It was not alleged at trial or proffered as evidence by the Commonwealth. There are only 2 people who know what happened on the 7 minute driver from the Waterfall to 34 Fairview Road – Karen Read and John O’Keefe. One is dead, and the other has NEVER claimed that an argument happened along the way. In fact, she denies it. This is backed by video evidence, common sense, and logic, since Karen Read wouldn’t wait outside for John to text her back if she was upset with him, and surveillance video shows them being affectionate minutes before driving to Fairview.


6. Vehicle data shows she backed up 60 feet at 24 mph at 12:45. 

Nowhere has any evidence ever been shown that Karen Read reversed her car to 24 mph in 62 feet at any specific time, let alone 12:45. Her phone data shows she hooked up to John O’Keefe’s wifi at 12:36, which means she couldn’t be at Fairview Road at 12:45. The tech stream data shows “triggering events,” including what the Commonwealth claims is her reversing 62 feet and accelerating to 24 mph. There is no time for this, and is simply listed as a key cycle. According to Trooper Paul’s testimony that triggering event took place in Dighton at her parents’ house.


7. The prosecution has the evidence that contradicts the defense’s theory. 

The defense’s theory is that John wasn’t hit by a car, but rather was beaten inside Brian Albert’s house, bitten by their dog, and thrown onto the lawn to frame her. The prosecution doesn’t have any evidence to contradict the ARCCA experts testimony that John couldn’t have been hit by a car, Dr. Russell’s testimony that John had dog bites on his arm, or Lucky Loughran’s testimony that there was no body on the front lawn at 2:45.


8. “She goes out looking for him with girlfriends.”

Jen McCabe and Kerry Roberts were not Karen’s “girlfriends.”


9. His hair is found on the bumper of the car. 

John’s hair was allegedly found on the right read quarter panel (side of the car), not the bumper. She neglects to point out that this hair miraculously remained on the vehicle for a 70 mile back and forth trip to Dighton in a blizzard.


10. His DNA is on the taillight. 

John essentially lived with Karen Read. It would not be unusual for his DNA to be on her taillight. The State Police allege that her taillight effectively acted as a knife, cutting his arm up into linear gashes. Yet there is no blood anywhere on any of the 45 pieces of taillight that revealed itself over the next 3 weeks.


11. John O’Keefe’s was drinking an alcoholic beverage out of a glass while inside her car, he spilled it on her bumper, it was frozen, they tested it, and it was the kind of alcohol he was drinking. 

All of this is completely made up. John stole an empty glass from the Waterfall, which as it turns out was not the type of transparent glass the Canton Police found near his body with their leaf blower. No one has ever alleged he was drinking inside the car, no alcohol was found on the bumper or tested, alcohol doesn’t freeze, and it was never alleged that the non-existent alcohol frozen to the bumper was tested and came back as the kind of alcohol John was drinking (he was seen with beers).


12. They have turned this woman into a hero in Boston. 

Karen Read is not a hero, she is a victim. She did not ask to be put in this role, but she fights on for all of us so that corruption can be exposed. We are cheering her on because mostly we feel bad for her, because many of us can imagine what it would feel like to have a loved one in her position.


13. The defense is claiming that his cop friends are framing him for murder.

John O’Keefe wasn’t friends with Michael Proctor or any of the other people framing Karen Read for his murder. Michael Proctor framed her in order to protect the people who murdered him, who happen to be close family friends, two of whom are cops.


14. She said to her girlfriends “did I hit him?”

Jennifer McCabe initially said that Karen Read said that, before changing her story to “I hit him.” This has been thoroughly debunked by police reports and testimony from first responders. It was a lie that began with Katie McLaughlin, who lied on the stand about her close personal friendship with Caitlin Albert, who was inside the house and would be implicated in the murder if Karen Read wasn’t charged.


15. “As if the police need to frame her when his DNA is found on the taillight and his hair is found on the bumper.”

DNA on a taillight and a hair isn’t enough to indict Karen Read, let alone convict her. The taillight was by far the most important evidence used against her, and it wasn’t there at 7 AM when Canton Police did a thorough search for it.


16. “There’s a lot of feeling on both sides of this, but I think the evidence is only one side.”

Evidence is overwhelmingly on the defense’s side, which is why public opinion polls show that over 90% of trial watchers believe she is not guilty.


17. “Wouldn’t you run out and say “where is he?” instead of calling 2 girlfriends?”

That is exactly what she did. She called Jen McCabe to find out where John was because Jen McCabe was the one who invited him to the house that Karen Read saw him go inside of. Jen was awake all night waiting for her call in order to make sure that she would be with Karen when the body was discovered. She had to be able to speak with police before Karen did.


18. Karen’s defense is “They should’ve seen he was sprawled out on the lawn. Hogwash! He wasn’t sprawled out. He was where she left him.”

This woman clearly knows nothing about this case at all. The Commonwealth alleged that he was lying 10 feet from the curb, sprawled out on the lawn. That’s where his body was discovered. Seven people who were inside the house drove directly passed where his body allegedly was and no one reported seeing him.


19. “Don’t the police try to frame everyone?”

She is trying to frame Karen Read as a typical guilty defendant, accusing the police of framing her without any evidence. This is far from that. Karen Read has the support of millions of people, including many like me who have supported the police our entire lives and are incredibly skeptical of conspiracy theories.


20. “When you have motive.”

Karen Read had no motive to murder John O’Keefe, which is why the jury voted to acquit her. She could’ve easily broken up with him whenever she wanted instead of killing him, and had to be coerced by John to hang out with him that night. No one in the house had a motive to kill him either, although there could have been tension with Brian Higgins and/or Colin Albert. But no one had a motive to murder, which is why I believe that they didn’t intend to kill him. It was just a fight that went too far.


21.  “For some reason they (FKR supporters) are taken to her.”

The fact that she doesn’t understand why there are so many people outside the courthouse supporting Karen Read shows you just how little she knows about this case. I was not asked to take part in this series at all, which tells you that they know very little about why millions of people are fighting for Karen Read.


22. “She’s showing up every day and waving. That celebrity thing has gotten to her.”

What do you expect her to do to complete strangers giving up their free time to support her? Ignore them?

One of the things that talking heads at Fox News like Judge Jeanine like to rant about are entrenched Democratic District Attorneys from urban areas who let criminals roam free. Michael Morrissey is the poster child for that. He was a DNC delegate for Kamala Harris, and has been sucking off the taxpayers as an unchallenged elected official since the 1970’s. Yet Judge Jeanine seems to know nothing about that, or the federal investigation into his office’s investigation. She knows nothing about the deleted Google searches and phones calls, the butt dials, the Apple Health data putting John inside the house, the missing dog, the dog bites, the ARCCA experts, or the plethora other evidence that is the reason for the crowds outside. Because at the end of the day Judge Jeanine is a botoxed, millionaire hack who doesn’t care the least bit about anything except listening to the sound of her own obnoxious voice. She is a pre-packaged vessel that will say whatever her corporate masters tell her to say. My question is, who’s feeding her these lies and using her immense platform to spread disinformation which is designed to do what they accuse me of doing – tainting the jury pool.


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    1. Let’s enlist Ted Daniels to damage control Ms Jeanine Piro. Aidan you rock, Thank you for inspiring a host of great legal minds to assist Massachusetts in its return to justice. The world is watching

    1. “13. The defense is claiming that his cop friends are framing him for murder.”


      I’m not trying to nit-pick… This is a overall excellent piece [as most here are] but given that you’re pointing out Pirro’s lazy ‘read what they give her’ slackness, a more thorough proof read seems essential..

  1. Aidan, your Boston2015 persona is starting to crack over at the Boston Globe. Newsflash, Karen Read killed JOK.

        1. Get the fuck out of here! You are the idiot. Just a chubby old unattractive unemployed Karen Read hater. Gross!

          1. Chubby? You’re one of the pink clad fatties rooting for a killer like Karen Read, waving at her with your flabby arms only growing fatter while you live on a diet of White Claw and Lifetime TV movies. Moron.

        2. Seriously, I’d tell you to find a hobby or to get a job, but I know how the Anti KR group just loves to milk the system. How many kids do we support for you?

          1. None, you abject dolt. And, it sounds like you’re the one sponging off the system, you cop-killer lover.

    1. NO SHE DID NOT!! Just stop with the lies! It’s fucking infuriating how awful you guys lie. You should be ashamed! We see you….

      1. Sorry Mike um YOU ARE READING TURTLEBOY!! You are here stalking him moron. Also sorry that noone would touch you in high school but you got to get over it. Maybe one day here s hoping!!

    2. No she didn’t and five minutes of looking at her intact taillight at five a.m. Jan 29 proves it. It was cracked but mostly intact. What’s wrong with you? That’s a rhetorical.

    3. Evidence, pls? Whenever you’re ready. I got all night. Will that help you, or, do you need more time? Maybe this is a better question: is there any amount of time that will help you gather any compelling incriminating evidence? We’re here for you, take all the time you need. There there.

  2. I have been following this case and do occasionally watch fox. I do not agree with anything she is saying about this case. It really was the ARCCA experts that tipped the scale for me. If she saw just part of the trial I think she would re-think her view. (if she is a true supporter of justice)

  3. Let’s bombard her with feedback emails with the truth!! What an frigging moron. Thos has to be against the law or something to do this! WTF!!!!!!

  4. “She goes out drinking and buys 9 drinks.”
    Shocking! Usually that involves ‘buying a round’, & is considered a ‘nice gesture’ when one goes out with a group, & doesn’t know the others very well.

  5. Well the only thing that will come out of another hit piece like this. Is hopefully everyone that sees it will actually Google it an your series comes up. Even better is more people watch the trial. That’s just about the only good thing. Every time I see something like this I dig alil an allways find out that it’s 1/2thruths or none at all. Honestly 2025 will probably be your best year so far…

  6. Nothing against her , but I would bet her staff put this all together by googling Karen Read story. This is a perfect example how journalism is completely dead in this country. From the Ledger, Boston Globe and even the Herald do a lazy job writing about this story and not knowing any of the facts. This story is wild and should be told that way. Identifying all the players, there roles, the police cover up/corruption.
    Most of the media are in the business of protection institutions.[ I.E. the police, the courts, elected leaders] .

  7. Just a further point regarding the DNA found on the taillight of his girlfriend’s car…it was touch DNA. A fingerprint.

    If Karen Read and JO were breaking up, why were they planning another vacation together?

  8. I truly Believe John DePetro asked his daughter to have someone do this story..
    Kate DePetro works with Judge on the five and i will bet money that John asked his daughter to have someone do this story..
    John is baffled that he can’t convince his listeners that Karen read is guilty.. He gets frustrated because anyone with a brain knows John didnt get hit by a car.
    He has said before he has asked his kid for help in the past on stories…
    I Really feel John and Kate are behind the judge doing this story.. Kate probably wrote it just the way her dad told her too.

  9. The only part I disagree with is the people in the house had a motive. I hope it comes out if/when the Feds start charging and someone cracks. But I think there’s a reason they jumped him. John found something out that caused waves. RIP

    1. Brian Higgins hots for Karen is my guess, why else would John want to go there. Except to have a discussion with Higgins. Unfortunately he was banned up on.

    2. Agreed. Wasn’t Officer O’Keefe assigned to BPD sex offender registry to accommodate his parental responsibility. The life-ending brutality Officer O’Keefe faced points to something more serious than fallout from hitting on fellow officers girlfriends and wives

  10. The lawsuits Karen will have once she is aquitted are just amazing!! All of these lies being stated as facts. FKR

  11. So we have two judges that both hate Karen read…. Anyone wanna dive in see if they know each other in anyway.!?

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