Canton Tech School Principal Calls Cops, Sets Up Counseling Sessions After 3 Girls Make 4 Second Video Using The N Word
WHDH: Blue Hills Regional Technical School in Canton is investigating a video that appears to show multiple students using a racial slur. The school was notified early Friday morning of the video, which does not appear to have been filmed on school grounds, Superintendent Jill Rossetti announced. It is unclear when the video was taken. The school district notified Canton police as they launched their own internal investigation.
“At Blue Hills Regional, we thoroughly investigate all allegations of racist behavior and we condemn such behavior, as there is no place for such despicable language or actions in our society,” Rossetti said. “At this time we have launched our own internal investigation into the matter and will work closely with the Canton Police Department to assist them in their investigation. We are committed to maintaining a safe and accepting environment for everyone at Blue Hills.”
Guidance counselors are being made available Friday for any students who wish to talk about the incident.
They called the cops over a video of kids using the n word on their own time? Must’ve been pretty bad. Let’s see it.
Yup. They called the cops over that. What exactly are the cops going to investigate? What crime was committed? I have no idea why those girls thought it would be wise to do that, but it’s probably because they’re kids and kids are idiots. Or else it’s from a song or something and they’re too young and not subscribed to the woke email list, so they don’t get the daily updates on what words they’re allowed to say that other people are allowed to say.
And seriously, guidance counselors for kids who wanna talk about the incident? Da fuq is there to talk about? You saw a stupid video of three white girls saying the most commonly used term in every rap song ever made. No one is traumatized by that. It’s just an excuse for kids to get out of their math quiz by pretending to be fragile.
Look, I’m not a fan of racial slurs and I don’t use them. But the fact of the matter is that racial slurs are free speech, regardless of how much this hurts your feelings or how loud you scream about George Floyd. When kids are living their lives outside of school they can be racist, they can say racist things, and there isn’t a damn thing the school can or should do about it. If they were targeting a particular black kid by using that word it would be bullying and you handle it that way. But three white girls saying the word for a bootleg Tik Tok really just isn’t that big a deal and it shouldn’t necessitate the cops because no crime was committed.
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