Carlos Asencio Was Living With 2 Addicts In A Grafton Street Trailer With Molotov Cocktails Before Killing Amanda Dabrowski

It’s been a week since Amanda Dabrowski was murdered inside O’Connor’s Restaurant by her ex-boyfriend Carlos Asencio, and many questions are still unanswered.
- We don’t know how he got back into the United States from Mexico, despite having felony warrants out for his arrest after he broke into Dabrowski’s Ayer apartment while armed, assaulted her with a stun gun, and fled to Canada.
- We don’t know what border crossing he used, if he flew back, or if he paid a coyote to get him across.
- We don’t know how he knew Amanda Dabrowski would be at O’Connor’s restaurant that night.
- We don’t know why Amanda Dabrowski, a smart, good looking woman, would have any interest in someone like Carlos Asencio.
On Easter morning, Amanda Dabrowski was forced to her knees by a masked intruder who held a gun to her head. She looked into his eyes and saw fear. Fighting back, she pushed him out a window. Dabrowski said the assailant reminded her of Carlos Asencio.
— masslivenews (@masslivenews) July 5, 2019
But we do know now that he was a 2012 UConn graduate, came from a normal home in Derry, NH, had a degree in cellular and molecular biology, and worked with her at Bristol-Myers Squibb in Danvers. We know that one of the last things a witness heard her say was, “how did you get back into the country?” We also know now that he was living with two junkies in a trailer in Worcester, because one of them decided to speak with Masslive:
Lydia Willey, 25, had met Asencio weeks earlier hanging out at a Worcester bus stop. She was living homeless in the city with her fiancé, 26-year-old Richie Contreras, and had sensed something was wrong. The 28-year-old Asencio wasn’t one of the usual faces on the street. She gave him her cell phone number. A week later he called, looking for help.
Willey and Contreras invited Asencio to stay with them in the abandoned trailer they were living in off Grafton Street. They didn’t know a lot about their new friend, but they knew he was suicidal. At the time, they didn’t know two bags that Asencio kept with him held homemade explosives. They wouldn’t discover the contents of those bags until it was too late.
“The instant I met him I knew there was something wrong,” she said. “I knew I had to help him, that I wanted to fix him. I just didn’t know how ill-equipped I really was.”
For two days, Willey said she walked around the city with Asencio. He told her he’d tried to kill himself before. He told the couple he had been staying wherever he could, sleeping on a set of steps in Worcester one night. Other nights he stayed at a crack house, although he said he didn’t do drugs. He had money on him and people were trying to get it from him, he told them.
Stop right there. I don’t believe this for a second. Homeless people don’t just invite random strangers to stay in their trailer. I don’t think these particular junkies had anything to do with this, but I just don’t buy for a second that they did this out of the goodness of their hearts. Junkies are manipulative professional liars. She might’ve wanted to help to help, but I’m also guessing that they saw someone who wasn’t a drug addict, probably had a family that could wire him money, and saw a chance to use him to fund their habits.
He told them he’d gotten into a fight with his ex-girlfriend and another man, that he’d pulled out a gun to defend himself and that’s why he was wanted. They suspected there was more to the story and hoped that he would open up to them.
Translation – they had knowledge that the man living with them was wanted by police on gun related charges, and they allowed him to stay with them. Had they alerted authorities Amanda Dabrowski would be alive today.
Carlos Asencio is arraigned in Central District Court in #Worcester He’s charged with murder after attack in O’Connor’s Restaurant @telegramdotcom
— Rick Cinclair (@RickCinclair) July 5, 2019
Can’t say I believe this either.
They’d been hoping to head to Boston to start over, but when they met Asencio, they decided to stay another day. They wanted to help him, maybe convince him to come with them.
So they had big plans to be homeless in Boston (closer to meth mile), instead of being homeless in Worcester, but they decided to put their big plans on hold because of this random shady dude they just met. Nah.
Back at the trailer, one of Asencio’s bags had gotten knocked over. Gasoline came pouring out. In the bag the couple found duct tape, binoculars, a box of screws and fully made Molotov cocktails. They saw he had a U.S. passport.
In court on Friday, forensic psychologist Dr. Stephanie Hansen, who examined Asencio, said the man had been hearing voices in his head for the past two years. In recent months, it has progressed into explosive episodes and anger. Issues stretched back years, however, with Hansen reporting Asencio had attempted suicide back in 2008. Recently, he’d put a knife to his own neck, Hansen said.
One word – premeditated. This guy is sitting in Bridgewater right now with the nutjobs, pretending that this was some sort of act of insanity. It wasn’t. This was a smart, well educated person who couldn’t handle rejection. He plotted for months to kill this woman because he couldn’t move on with his life, and he wanted to die in the process. If he wanted to do that then he should’ve used gun. Now he has to pay for the damage he caused the victim’s family.
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hey will never race any real consequence and will be out of prison someday…no one dies of old age in massachusetts(or anywhere else in the US for that matter)in prison.
Devens! They worked at Bristol Myers Squibb in Devens! Not Danvers! Wrong part of the State!
Wonder what cell phone plan these homeless ppl have? Think they get Netflix on their phones.
Just because you’re homeless doesnt mean you cant afford some things. It’s just being without a home.
Also, why cant 2 homeless addicts do something out of the kindness of their hearts. Addiction doesn’t discriminate and junkies aren’t the stereotypical 90s junkies you picture or see on tv.
If we blamed others for the doings of one person we would all be guilty of missing the red flags or signals of the wrong doings of people around us. Do you blame the parents of the school shooters for not seeing the little clues that lead to the shooting? No. So why blame 2 “junkies” for what Ascencio did?
I hope that no one close to you or yourself ever has to suffer through what addicts and alcoholics have to go through. Cause it would change you and your judgements.
What Carlos did falls on him. Regardless of who he was staying with or hanging around