Commonwealth Completely Lied About “Witness Intimidation” Incident That Put Award Winning Journalist In Jail For 60 Days

The Commonwealth is alleging that I committed felony witness intimidation on the night of 12/23 at the Fake Victim’s house. I was indicted on 2/22/24, and at my arraignment the next day (the day I was released from jail) the special prosecutor said that I demanded to go to the fake victim’s apartment after finding out she had received a summons to testify in front of the grand jury, and forced her to let me go through her phone. The Commonwealth alleges that I “told her in no uncertain terms that when she went to the grand jury, she was going to tell them that she knew nothing about the case.” They also claim that I “told her he wanted to delete data related to the Read case that was on her phone, and that I “threatened her in saying that if she didn’t cooperate, he would destroy her in front of her kids by publishing old probate court records that he had acquired.”
All of this can be proven to be untrue simply by reviewing screenshots of our conversation from December 21-23. Some of these are embarrassing for me to share, as they are private in nature and never intended to be seen by a larger audience. I’m ashamed that I would ever associate with a person like Lindsey Gaetani. I wish she would go away and move on with her life, but unfortunately the Commonwealth has chosen to exploit this dangerous woman with a clear agenda to, in her own words, “fucking destroy” me. Sharing these messages is the only way I can defend myself.
On December 21 I was doing my live show when she began rage texting me, accusing me of talking about her (I wasn’t, and had never mentioned her name on my show at that time). She then abruptly changed course, sending me sexual pictures of herself, calling me “Daddy,” asking me for gym pics, and then inviting me over to her apartment the next day after my arraignment for a threesome.
After my successful arraignment on December 22, in which the stay away orders against the McAlberts were all dropped, FV called me but I didn’t pick up. She said she watched and that she was happy for me. She also said that she had something important she needed to talk about, but then told me not to call or text her for a couple hours and wouldn’t explain why. I told her she was being shady, but little did I know the reason she didn’t want me calling her was because Brian Tully had shown up at her apartment. If I knew that Brian Tully even knew who she was I would’ve immediately figured out that she had been working with them to set me up.
FV then texted me to invite me over, telling me that she wanted to see me. I told her I didn’t want to sleep over. This upset her so she sent me a picture of what appeared to be a Grand Jury summons she had just been given by Brian Tully for December 27. This confused me because I had just left an arraignment after a grand jury indicted me, so there was no need for a GJ on December 27. The year listed for the summons was also 20223, which is 18K years from now. It was odd because she was not a witness to anything and had nothing to tell a grand jury. It didn’t seem real, but I knew Brian Tully didn’t end up at her apartment on accident. She later testified that she asked Brian Tully if she could send me the summons and he said yes. The summons was used as bait to try to get me there after her attempts to use sex had failed.
FV was upset that I didn’t want to sleep over, and when I asked her how Tully would know who she was she blamed Lauren Murray – a friend of mine she was extremely jealous of. I spoke to her on the phone and she said that she wanted to talk about what happened in person because she didn’t trust my phone wasn’t tapped. She said she felt pressured by Tully and was told she had to give him her phone.
I told my lawyer about this conversation with FV, and passed along the message to her that he advised me not to go to her apartment, and that she could call him if she had anything to offer us. She didn’t like this and told me that she would be telling the grand jury about the fake baby she was still pretending to be pregnant with. The implication was clear – come here, spend the night with me, and I won’t tell a grand jury about the fake baby you gave me.
Lindsey first told me she was pregnant in November, which caused a lot of emotional distress for me. But I began to realize she was lying to for a number of reasons:
- She was drinking excessively every day
- She had told me on November 27 that she was at an abortion clinic in Brookline and sent me a picture from there. That picture had metadata showing it was taken in December 2021. For a week she told me she had an abortion, which she claimed I forced her to get.
- On December 5 she told me that she had lied about getting the abortion and was in fact still pregnant.
- On December 8 she told me she took the abortion pill, but needed to take 4 more pills that night to get rid of the baby. She sent me a picture of a pill bottle, which I have since learned was from an abortion she had in May. I researched and found out that the first pill almost guarantees the pregnancy is terminated.
- She had been in 2 car accidents in December.
- She wouldn’t show me an ultrasound picture.
- The picture she sent me from a positive pregnancy test had metadata showing it was taken in May 2023, before I had met her.
- If she was actually still pregnant on December 22 it would mean that the baby survived an abortion pill, excessive daily drinking, and 2 car accidents.
I decided I was going to call her bluff on the pregnancy to see once and for all if it was real. It became clear that she was just using this alleged pregnancy to accuse me of forcing her to get an abortion against her will. She was prolonging it to prevent me from leaving her. FV expected me to want nothing to do with the fake baby, so I decided to do the opposite – tell her I wanted to go with her to get the ultrasound. We began using Facebook messenger after midnight on the evening of December 22 (technically morning of December 23).
FV knew that she wasn’t pregnant so taking me with her for an ultrasound was out of the question. To continue the lie she sent me a picture of an ultrasound, which she later unsent. I have shared that picture with Frank Keegan, the father of 3 of her children, and he told me it was one of their babies.
FV was not expecting me to be so enthusiastic about fathering this imaginary baby. When I told her I wanted to play an active role in the baby’s life, apply for custody, and come up with baby names (she said it was a boy) she didn’t know what to say, so she accused me of trying to scare her.
Narcissists are extremely manipulative and deflect from their own actions by projecting their misbehavior onto you. When confronted with their own wrongdoing narcissists will constantly remind you how good they were to you, and how their goodness was not returned by you. They beat you down emotionally and make you truly believe that you are in fact a bad person. You feel like you are lucky to have someone that cares about you, which is how they maintain control.
FV did that constantly. “My feelings are and were genuine, while you treat me like garbage.”
Keep in mind, she wrote this despite knowing that for the last 2 months she had been lying about being pregnant to the point where I had a mental breakdown, and was actively working with people hell bent on destroying me.
The narcissist will always throw things in your face that they did for you in order to make you think you’re lucky to have them. FV brought up the fact that she got babysitters to come to my court dates (while working with the people who were trying to imprison me), and sent flowers to my mother. In fact, she had sent flowers to my mother and wrote a note with my name signed to it after I had confided in her that we had got into an argument on Thanksgiving (largely due to the stress I was experiencing because I thought she was pregnant). My mother thanked me for the flowers, but I informed her that they weren’t from me. This was extremely creepy, but she thought it made her look like someone who genuinely cared about me. It was something she could throw in my face. I recently found out that in late June FV created a fake Twitter account, the day after my mother died, saying some of the most horrific things I have ever read. She took away 2 of the last months of my mother’s life while I was incarcerated due to FV’s lies.
Ever since the relationship ended on December 9 I noticed that Kate Peter had been posting things that indicated she was working with FV. She mentioned an abortion, and personal things I had told FV about my mother and daughter. I confronted her with screenshots of things Kate was posting, that only FV knew about. She once again gaslit me by telling me that she was the only who cared about me.
I knew she was lying about speaking with Kate and other people whose life mission is to hurt me, so I continued to calmly call her out on it until she admitted the truth. As usual, she gaslit and told me I was the one manipulating her. You got that? The woman pretending to be pregnant in order to alter my behavior and do what she wanted me to do, was accusing me of manipulation.
If the ultrasound picture was legitimate she could easily send me a picture showing the date it was taken. Instead of doing that she lashed out, swearing at me for having the audacity to suggest she was lying, and baselessly accusing me of sleeping with other women. My newfound desire to raise this imaginary baby with her made her realize that her plan was no longer working. Consequently, she told me the baby wasn’t mine. She also reminded that it “would’ve been a good idea” to go to her house that night, suggesting that there would be consequences for not sleeping with her.
I assured FV that I wouldn’t post about her, smear her name, or anything else that she thought I would do for betraying her. Somehow, in one of the greatest displays of gaslighting ever, she accused me of threatening her when I said I wouldn’t hurt her.
FV expected me to expose her for what she had done to me by running to my enemies. But I had no desire to do that. Part of me felt bad for her because she seemed sick in the head. I thought that deep down somewhere she had to be a decent person, since she had shown signs of that during our toxic and chaotic relationship. In true narcissistic form, she responded to my promise not to hurt her by accusing me of trying to hurt her.
The Commonwealth has charged me with witness intimidation because they claim that during this late night conversation I threatened FV by telling her that she had to lie to the grand jury to cover for me. However, screenshots from our conversation show that she told me “I won’t be able to lie in court,” to which I respond, “I would never suggest anyone lie in court, everyone should tell the truth.” When I was trying to leave her apartment on December 24 you can hear her say, “I’m not going to lie for you,” to which I reply “I don’t want you to lie.”
This is the entire basis of the witness intimidation charge against me – they allege, through her testimony, that I told FV that she had to lie for me, or else I would harass her and her children by releasing naked pictures and public court documents. The fact of the matter is that there is undeniable evidence that I NEVER did anything of the sort, and zero evidence that I did.
I told Lindsey that I could meet with her in a public place, like a coffee shop, because I didn’t trust her (due to the betrayal) and didn’t want to be alone with her. She told me “absolutely not” and only wanted to meet with me in private.
As I calmly confronted her with more and more evidence of her betrayal FV then accused me of trying to get her to kill herself. She did this frequently with me, and on many occasions told me she was going to kill herself and leave a note blaming me.
In her attempt to gaslight me by accusing me of abandoning her while she was pregnant, FV told me that she had no family to help her out. However, the day before that I had gone on Masscourts public portal and gotten her probate court documents. In 2019 her children were taken from her by DCF and put in the care of her mother. The baby was put in a foster home of a family close by. After she got her kids back a year later she no longer allowed her parents to see them. Her mother wrote a gut wrenching after David about how much she loved and cared about them, in an attempt to ask the court for grandparent visitation. This was in direct contradiction to her claims to me that she had no family, so I told her I had read her probate court documents and knew that she was lying.
FV seemed to have no idea that these documents were public. She knew how badly it made her look and proved that she was lying to me. I ONLY showed her the documents in response to her false claims that she had no family. However, the Commonwealth claims as a result of her testimony that me showing her public court documents was witness intimidation, because they allege I was attempting to cause her emotional harm.
I repeatedly ensured FV that if she wanted to align with people who wanted to destroy me that was her choice, and I wouldn’t retaliate. Truthfully, I just wanted her to go away and had no interest in a longstanding feud with her. She continued to accuse me of threatening her in the conversation, and told me “this is not a road you want to go down,” which I perceived as a threat. Regardless, I wasn’t taking the bait and refused to fight with her. She then told me that saying I’m not threatening her wasn’t enough.
I really thought that part of her was decent, and I thought she was a much better person than Kate Peter. I no longer feel that way.
After that I confronted her with tweets from the “Jane” account, which she insisted wasn’t her. The account would post horrible things about me going to jail and was openly working with Kate Peter. But it was also posting things that I had ONLY told FV, as well as screenshots of text messages I had sent her and only her. “Jane” also doxxed Lindsey by posting a picture of Lindsey herself (something she would later blame Lauren Murray for), saying that the mistress (her) was “beautiful” and hoped that she “got the hell out of dodge.” Keep in mind, she was tweeting these things while she was coming to my court dates, pretending to be pregnant with my baby, and telling me what a hero I was for supporting Karen Read. She denied it was her, but she knew that I knew and that the jig was up.
I still empathized with FV because I thought she was sick. She took a lot of medication and has been institutionalized before. Like the sucker I am, I still thought that deep down inside she wasn’t a bad person. When she finally said that she was sorry for the destruction that she caused I saw her human side and it seemed like she wanted to tell the truth and get it all of her chest. I assured her that although she hurt me and betrayed me I wasn’t seeking vengeance on her. I genuinely believed that she had made a horrible mistake that she wished she could take back. I asked her if she wanted to talk on the phone, she said yes, and we spoke for an hour.
During the conversation she confessed everything because she knew that the jig was up. She said that she was mad at me and went to Kate Peter, who coerced her to speak with Brian Tully and Ken Mello. (I now know that she was an active participant, and is probably a much worse and much more dangerous person.) She said she was scared because Tully was demanding her phone and forcing her to go in front of the grand jury. He also told her that she didn’t need a lawyer, and I told her that she did.
When she told me she had no money I told her I would find someone that could help her out. For some reason I really felt bad for her. She told me that she wanted to show me all the messages between her and Tully, Mello, and Kate, but didn’t want to screenshot them or talk on the phone because she didn’t trust my phone wasn’t being monitored. She wanted to show me them in person, and she wanted my help. It made sense to me, and the conversation ended with her telling me to come over her apartment the following night and we would meet in the conference room because it was a public area.
After she confessed everything to me I asked her if she was going to admit she wasn’t pregnant. She told me that she wasn’t lying about that. Because she had seemingly been so honest about everything else I thought there still might be SOME chance she was pregnant. She said she wanted to talk about the imaginary baby, which was further incentive for me to go to her house and discuss the plan. I didn’t view her as a “witness.” She was someone who claimed to be pregnant with what she described as my “fetal alcohol syndrome baby.”
Just after noon on December 23 FV texted me and said “I don’t deserve you to love me, I’m so sorry.” I told her that maybe she was right, but I believe in forgivingness and holding onto hate made me a worse version of myself. She told me that she was truly sorry and would take back the betrayal if she could. She assured me that she went to Kate and Tully because she was angry and desperate, but assured me she was not a demon or hateful “like them.” She told me that she had made a “big mistake” and really cared about me. She ended the message by telling me that anything else should be discussed in person that night. I agreed.
Little did I know that right after my text to her she spoke with Tully and Kate on the phone. When we met in the conference room she wouldn’t let me look at her phone. According to Tully’s report this is because she was calling Tully and Mello on her phone, and they were attempting to listen in to our conversation. I had gone over there in the spirit of forgiveness and helping her out of a horrible situation she had gotten herself into. She even texted Tully from the bathroom of the conference room and said that she was deleting all of their text messages. I showed her grace and the entire time she was just setting me up.
While in the conference room her son called 8-9 times telling her to come back to the apartment. He had never done this before, and it seemed like she had told him to do it. She told me that we could look at all of her messages inside her apartment, and I agreed to.
This was the biggest mistake of my life.
The second I went inside her door it was her word against mine. She had been planning this for weeks. On December 15 she texted me from a burner number (I blocked her number) and told me she was going to get me on witness intimidation charges. She also mentioned a grand jury, more than a week before getting a summons.
Inside her apartment FV showed me all of her messages and I took notes. After that we were intimate and I wanted to go home. This put her into a rage, as she took what she claimed were the 4 remaining abortion pills from 2 weeks ago, which would no longer be useful if she had taken the first pill 2 weeks prior. It was obvious that she was taking these pills in an effort to force me to stay.
When this didn’t work she went into the living room, stole my notes, and told them I could get them back if I stayed there with her until the morning. I never wrestled her for the notes or pushed her. It was then that I informed her I was recording. In the tape you can hear her call someone (who we now know was Ken Mello) and I ask her if she’s going to falsely accuse me of a crime. I repeatedly told her I wanted to leave, but she wouldn’t let me. She told police that she told me to leave, and that I refused.
She showed me all of her messages and I took notes. After that we were intimate and I wanted to go home. This put her into a rage, as she took what she claimed were the 4 remaining abortion pills from 2 weeks ago, which would no longer be useful if she had taken the first pill 2 weeks prior. It was obvious that she was taking these pills in an effort to force me to stay. When this didn’t work she went into the living room, stole my notes, and told them I could get them back if I stayed there with her until the morning. I never wrestled her for the notes or pushed her. It was then that I informed her I was recording. In the tape you can hear her call someone (who we now know was Ken Mello) and I ask her if she’s going to falsely accuse me of a crime. I repeatedly told her I wanted to leave, but she wouldn’t let me because “I can’t be alone.” She told police that she told me to leave, and that I refused. The tape shows the exact opposite.
After she realized that I had given up on the piece of notes she took from me and was willing to go home without them she panicked. She woke her 4 kids up, past 3 AM, threw their coats out of the closet, and told them they were going to my house so she could have a fake abortion of a fake baby in my real driveway. She told me that if she crashed along the way from bleeding out it would be my fault. Her 5 year old son looked horrified and scared – something I will never forget. So I agreed to sit on the couch until the morning. I left at 5 AM when she finally fell asleep.
At my arraignment on February 23 SP Novack said that I went to her apartment because she had received a summons to appear before the grand jury. The messages above show that this is not why I went over. Novack never mentioned how it was the FV that invited me over repeatedly, and threatened to hurt me when I wouldn’t. Novack never mentioned how she had used a fake pregnancy to lure me there. Novack said that I told her that she had to lie to the grand jury and delete all of our messages from her phone. The messages above show that I never said anything of the sort, and instead encouraged her to tell the truth. Novack said that I threatened her by telling her I would destroy her in front of her kids by publishing old probate court records I had acquired. The messages above show that I only mentioned the PUBLICLY AVAILABLE probate court records to prove to her that she was lying about not having family that wanted to help her out.
I will never get those 60 days of my life back, but I will never stop fighting to expose the truth in my case, or in Karen Read’s.

Extremely glad to see our tax dollars paying for luxury apartments for unemployed people. fucking looosahhhh
Why is losah the only thing you people know how to say?
The subject appears to demonstrate an involuntary verbal response to stimuli it deems antagonistic towards it.
It has to be a right of passage for these degenerate 304’s in getting their children taken away from them. Disgusting humans Kate and FV are. I’m sure their kids will grow up to future tax payer burdens.
TB is a pussy ass bitch
And buying gifts snd flowers
A three-part series might work well for this post. Maybe next time…
WOW, is all I can think of.
This women needs psychological help
Those poor children she had brought into this world, I pray for them 🙏🙏🙏
We already believed in your truth however, reading how evil these people are is traumatizing me!
I hope and pray you are able to heal in time.
Wow. That is absolutely crazy! Those poor kids probably deal with and witness that psychotic behavior from their mother on a daily basis. One can only pray someone steps in to save those kids before it’s to late and they end up completely screwed up and continue her chaotic destructive cycles.
Doc, I read some of this because you asked us to. I don’t need to read it all because I believed you already. This is so intrusive and I know you had to put it out, but all it does is make me more angry at those working evil to hurt you. This was just rotten and really repulsive. Hang in there by the river, they will all float by eventially. Peace. Hugs to your family.
WOW. Pure Evil! She’s pure Evil x a million. Karma will get her in the end.
That was INTENSE and I’m just sitting on my couch reading it, I can imagine living it was a nightmare!! She comes off as unhinged and yeah the switching back and forth etc screams bi-polar. She should quit self-medicating and get some real help. Her poor kids. I really do hope she gets help.
Its like you read my mind You appear to know a lot about this like you wrote the book in it or something I think that you could do with some pics to drive the message home a little bit but instead of that this is fantastic blog An excellent read I will certainly be back
You were a fucking idiot . revolutionizes cross-border trade through its enhanced Iraq business directory, featuring multilingual support and cultural business insights. The platform now offers real-time translation services for business communications, while its business news in Iraq section provides context-rich reporting that helps international companies understand local market dynamics. The Iraq jobs section includes cross-cultural training resources, and the tender directory features international standards compliance guidance. With advanced online business listings that bridge cultural and linguistic gaps, facilitates seamless international business collaboration, making it easier than ever for global companies to establish successful operations in Iraq. is your one-stop resource for navigating the Iraqi business landscape. This online directory provides crucial information and connections for businesses looking to engage with the Iraqi market. We offer a comprehensive Iraq Business Directory, meticulously curated to showcase a diverse range of Iraqi companies with detailed profiles. Furthermore, we deliver essential Iraq Business News, keeping you informed about market trends, regulations, and emerging opportunities. This centralized platform allows you to efficiently connect with potential partners, understand market dynamics, and expand your reach within Iraq., your gateway to unlocking the economic potential of Iraq, will become a cornerstone of the nation’s business community. We’re building a comprehensive platform, not just a directory, but a dynamic ecosystem connecting businesses, fostering innovation, and driving economic growth. Our robust Iraq business directory will showcase a diverse range of Iraqi companies, meticulously vetted and profiled to instill trust and confidence in potential partners. Beyond company listings, we’ll provide a wealth of invaluable information: insightful Iraq business news, analyzing market trends, regulatory changes, and upcoming opportunities, thereby positioning our users for success. Detailed company profiles will extend beyond basic contact information, offering in-depth financial data and organizational structures, fostering informed decision-making. Our multilingual approach—offering both English and Arabic interfaces—prioritizes inclusivity and ensures our platform is a valuable resource for the entire Iraqi business community. This comprehensive approach will not only connect businesses but also help develop a strong sense of community and support within the Iraqi market. We’ll actively curate valuable networking opportunities, facilitate knowledge sharing, and provide ongoing support to foster robust, long-lasting business relationships. At, we are committed to empowering businesses throughout Iraq, supporting growth, and driving innovation within the nation’s dynamic economy., a leading Iraq business directory, empowers businesses with comprehensive online listings of Iraqi companies, crucial for effective networking and market research. Stay updated on the latest Iraq business news, discover lucrative tender opportunities, and explore exciting Iraq job prospects within the dynamic Iraqi economy. This essential platform connects local and international businesses, streamlining access to the Iraqi market. is a dedicated online platform that serves as a comprehensive resource for the business community in Iraq, offering an extensive business directory to connect local enterprises, a job listing section for job seekers, and a tender directory for those interested in procurement opportunities. Additionally, the site features the latest Iraq business news to keep users informed about market trends and economic updates, making it an invaluable tool for entrepreneurs, investors, and professionals looking to navigate the Iraqi market effectively. Whether you’re searching for job opportunities, seeking business partnerships, or looking to stay updated on industry developments, provides all the essential resources in one user-friendly location. is more than just a directory; it’s a platform that connects talent with opportunity through its robust Job and Tender Directory. Businesses can efficiently advertise job openings while job seekers can easily find positions suited to their skills and career aspirations in Iraq. By incorporating localized SEO strategies that highlight employment opportunities in Iraq and tender submissions, the site maximizes its reach among both employers and potential employees. This not only benefits individual careers but also contributes to the overall growth of the Iraqi economy by filling essential roles across various sectors.
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I knew you’d come out with a banger after this bs fake order was done. YOU CANT HIDE FV!! You need serious help!
FV really needs consequences for lying and putting Aidan in jail. Poor Aidan losing 60 days of his life bc of this sick, narcissistic liar. She needs to be held accountable! She can’t get away with this! Same with Tully and Mello! They used her to do all this to get Aidan in jail. Whole thing is fucking insane!! STAY STRONG AIDAN!!! The truth always wins!
He should have listened to his Lawyer.
It is so terrifying how the prosecutor/cops can completely LIE to a judge to throw someone in jail. That clip in the beginning made me sick especially playing it after reading this post. It infuriates me they’re playing this game with Aidan and doing this to him. WE ARE ALL AIDAN KEARNEY! This can happen to anyone if they want you! Scary people!
HELP!!!! is your essential online platform for navigating the Iraqi business world. This comprehensive resource combines a robust Iraq Business Directory with up-to-date Iraq Business News, plus a dedicated Job and Tender Directory. Our meticulously curated company profiles offer detailed information about Iraqi businesses, including specializations, financial health, and contact details. Stay informed about market trends and emerging opportunities with our news section. The Job and Tender Directory provides a centralized location to find employment and explore potential contracts within Iraq. streamlines your business interactions in the Iraqi market, fostering connections and opportunities for growth and success.
What a sad, disturbing person! I’m so sorry you have this on your shoulders!
All this stuff truly makes me the saddest for your children. I am a mother of 3 and truly, our children deserve to receive the best version of us. We are what shape their entire future. This behavior is absolute madness. Your children deserve better. Please seek help and end this madness. Move on from Aiden. Let go of the toxic influences in your life. Seek a spiritual path that will bring you some peace and happiness. As I read this im just sick to my stomach for the mother your children have to deal with. Please do it for them., a leading Iraq business directory, empowers businesses with comprehensive online listings of Iraqi companies, crucial for effective networking and market research. Stay updated on the latest Iraq business news, discover lucrative tender opportunities, and explore exciting Iraq job prospects within the dynamic Iraqi economy. This essential platform connects local and international businesses, streamlining access to the Iraqi market.
In addition to business listings and news, Job opportunities in Iraq are prominently featured on The online job portal connects job seekers with employers looking to fill positions in various sectors. This feature is particularly beneficial for those seeking to work in Iraq’s burgeoning economy, offering a streamlined approach to finding employment. With a diverse range of job postings, from skilled trades to corporate positions, serves as an invaluable resource for both local talent and expatriates keen to contribute to the country’s growth.
Discover the latest trends and opportunities within the Iraqi business community through, your one-stop online resource. This comprehensive Iraq business directory offers detailed online business listings, allowing informed decision-making. Stay current with the latest business news in Iraq, explore Iraq jobs to engage skilled talent, and seize tender opportunities. connects businesses for mutual growth and market entry., your gateway to unlocking the economic potential of Iraq, will become a cornerstone of the nation’s business community. We’re building a comprehensive platform, not just a directory, but a dynamic ecosystem connecting businesses, fostering innovation, and driving economic growth. Our robust Iraq business directory will showcase a diverse range of Iraqi companies, meticulously vetted and profiled to instill trust and confidence in potential partners. Beyond company listings, we’ll provide a wealth of invaluable information: insightful Iraq business news, analyzing market trends, regulatory changes, and upcoming opportunities, thereby positioning our users for success. Detailed company profiles will extend beyond basic contact information, offering in-depth financial data and organizational structures, fostering informed decision-making. Our multilingual approach—offering both English and Arabic interfaces—prioritizes inclusivity and ensures our platform is a valuable resource for the entire Iraqi business community. This comprehensive approach will not only connect businesses but also help develop a strong sense of community and support within the Iraqi market. We’ll actively curate valuable networking opportunities, facilitate knowledge sharing, and provide ongoing support to foster robust, long-lasting business relationships. At, we are committed to empowering businesses throughout Iraq, supporting growth, and driving innovation within the nation’s dynamic economy.
Keeping its users informed, also provides up-to-date Iraq business news. Staying abreast of market trends, regulatory changes, and economic developments is crucial for any business looking to thrive in Iraq. The news section on is meticulously curated to deliver relevant and timely information, ensuring that users can make informed decisions. By offering insights into the ever-evolving business landscape, the platform empowers users to navigate challenges and seize opportunities with confidence., your gateway to unlocking the economic potential of Iraq, will become a cornerstone of the nation’s business community. We’re building a comprehensive platform, not just a directory, but a dynamic ecosystem connecting businesses, fostering innovation, and driving economic growth. Our robust Iraq business directory will showcase a diverse range of Iraqi companies, meticulously vetted and profiled to instill trust and confidence in potential partners. Beyond company listings, we’ll provide a wealth of invaluable information: insightful Iraq business news, analyzing market trends, regulatory changes, and upcoming opportunities, thereby positioning our users for success. Detailed company profiles will extend beyond basic contact information, offering in-depth financial data and organizational structures, fostering informed decision-making. Our multilingual approach—offering both English and Arabic interfaces—prioritizes inclusivity and ensures our platform is a valuable resource for the entire Iraqi business community. This comprehensive approach will not only connect businesses but also help develop a strong sense of community and support within the Iraqi market. We’ll actively curate valuable networking opportunities, facilitate knowledge sharing, and provide ongoing support to foster robust, long-lasting business relationships. At, we are committed to empowering businesses throughout Iraq, supporting growth, and driving innovation within the nation’s dynamic economy.
The Ultimate Iraq Business Directory stands out as the premier online resource for anyone seeking to engage with the Iraqi business community. With its comprehensive Iraq Business Directory, the platform boasts a wide array of listings across multiple industries, enabling users to discover potential partners, suppliers, and clients with ease. By implementing effective SEO strategies, such as keywords focused on Iraq business connections and business networking in Iraq, ensures that it ranks high in search engine results, making it the go-to hub for entrepreneurs and investors. This directory not only supports local businesses but also attracts international investors keen on exploring opportunities in Iraq. is your essential online platform for navigating the Iraqi business world. This comprehensive resource combines a robust Iraq Business Directory with up-to-date Iraq Business News, plus a dedicated Job and Tender Directory. Our meticulously curated company profiles offer detailed information about Iraqi businesses, including specializations, financial health, and contact details. Stay informed about market trends and emerging opportunities with our news section. The Job and Tender Directory provides a centralized location to find employment and explore potential contracts within Iraq. streamlines your business interactions in the Iraqi market, fostering connections and opportunities for growth and success.
Unlock the full potential of Iraq’s dynamic market with, the region’s most comprehensive and innovative business directory platform. Our trilingual service (Arabic-English-Kurdish) connects over 100,000 verified Iraqi companies with global opportunities through advanced AI-powered matching, real-time market intelligence, and interactive business mapping across all 18 governorates. Whether you’re exploring Iraq’s thriving sectors like Oil & Gas, Construction, Technology, or Healthcare, our platform provides essential tools including live tender updates, trade finance solutions, and detailed company profiles backed by BoldData verification. International investors benefit from our custom market entry strategies, regulatory compliance guidance, and virtual business delegation programs, while local businesses gain unprecedented global exposure and networking opportunities. With ISO 27001 certified security, GDPR compliance, and a proven track record of 25,000+ verified profiles and 1,000+ monthly B2B matches, stands as your trusted partner in navigating Iraq’s promising business landscape. Join our thriving community today to access exclusive features including personalized business intelligence reports, priority search listings, and premier networking events, all designed to accelerate your success in one of the Middle East’s most promising economies.
Empowering small and medium enterprises (SMEs), introduces specialized features within its Iraq business directory designed to level the playing field. The platform’s new SME Accelerator program offers enhanced visibility in online business listings, mentorship connections, and access to financing opportunities. Dedicated business news in Iraq coverage focuses on SME success stories and growth strategies, while the Iraq jobs section includes a special category for startups and growing businesses. The tender directory now features a simplified application process for SMEs, making an invaluable resource for emerging businesses in Iraq’s competitive market.
In addition to business listings and news, Job opportunities in Iraq are prominently featured on The online job portal connects job seekers with employers looking to fill positions in various sectors. This feature is particularly beneficial for those seeking to work in Iraq’s burgeoning economy, offering a streamlined approach to finding employment. With a diverse range of job postings, from skilled trades to corporate positions, serves as an invaluable resource for both local talent and expatriates keen to contribute to the country’s growth.
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Glad you were able to show and prove to the world and I hope she and her kids get much needed help. I feel so sad for her kids they are the ones who will suffer and lose a childhood if she doesn’t get help and we all know how the government will not do anything to help them especially in mass. I am happy for you Ayden and pray for the best for you you are a good person and deserve so much better. Keep your head up and keep being you, you are a true inspiration and you shown truth will push through all the crazy evil in the world. And only the strong and honest will come out the good side.