Law and Order

Connecticut Man Arrested For Masturbating In Front Of Kids In Kingston Movie Theater Looks Exactly How I Imagined He Would Look


Boston 25 News: Viewers were left shocked after a man was allegedly caught pleasuring himself in a busy movie theatre, according to authorities. Kingston Police say that Dana Mcleod, 28, of Burlington, Connecticut, was apparently watching sexually explicit material and touching himself inappropriately inside Regal Cinemas at the Kingston Mall. Multiple people including at least one child allegedly saw Mcleod performing this act, according to officials.

Mcleod was arrested and a complaint application has been filed for him to face charges of lewd and lascivious behavior, obscene matter to a minor and disorderly conduct, among other charges. In a statement, Kingston Police praised the public for their alertness, saying, “the caller, witnesses and staff from Regal Cinemas and Kingston Collection did an exceptional job and were instrumental in making a strong case against this suspect.”

I could’ve told you just by looking at this guy that he was destined to end up on Turtleboy for whipping up some stiffy stir fry in a movie theater in a crowded public mall where lots of people could see him doing it.

He apparently had his phone out too, because the thrill of jerkin the gherkin at home isn’t nearly as exciting as paying for a movie ticket in the hopes that a juvenile will you see you, get so aroused by it, and give you a hand.

He’s made his Facebook private since the arrest, but before that James K. Stroke’s memes basically told you without directly telling you that it was only a matter of time until he got caught jackin the joystick in public.

Someone might wanna tell James K. Stroke that PRIDE month ended 2 weeks ago. You might be able to get away with that shit in June, but public masturbation is frowned upon the other 11 months of the year.


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