Poor Behavior

Cranston Woman Calls Police On Mother Bringing Clothes And Medicine To Neighbor’s House Due To Massachusetts License Plates


Shanon Horridge is a Cranston woman who is the director of the Rhode Island Bully Police, in connection with Jared’s Story, an organization that fights to prevent teen suicide and bullying.

However, during the lockdown she has appointed herself a different kind of police, and seems to be the one most guilty of bullying. This weekend she elected to harass, photograph, and publicly shame a woman she saw going into her neighbor’s house.

As you can see that blue Jeep is clearly not in her driveway, but facts and logic no longer matter to Team Lockdown. Luckily this menacing woman with her children won’t be able to terrorize the community with her “party stuff” anymore, thanks to Captain Karengaroo.

I’m sure her husband (or son?) must love living with this very pleasant woman.

Turns out that is in fact her husband, and he works for UPS which means he touches packages all day that have been touched by other people. He could have the commie cold on his shoes, hands, or anywhere really, and yet she lets him in the house. Thank God Shanon is focusing on the women and her children next door. Who does that woman think she is telling Shanon to mind her own business? Didn’t you hear? Old people are dying, and Karen is out here saving lives by shaming these murderers on Facebook.

Turns out there was more to the story.


So what’s Shanon’s solution to ending this crisis?

She’s praying for a vaccine. The funny part is that this is basically Team Lockdown’s plan in its entirety. When society “reopens” the bug will still exist because the vaccine won’t be ready yet. It will spread again and the curve will go back up. The only way to stop the spread is to force everyone to stay home until a vaccine is ready, and then force everyone to take the vaccine.

Sounds like a well thought out plan.


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