Poor Behavior

Dana Farber Doctor Says You Are A “Selfish, Ignorant Shithead” Who Killed Multiple People If You Visited Family Over Holidays Or Went Out On New Years


This is Dr. Paul Morrison, the Principal Scientist at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Director of the Molecular Biology Core Facilities at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, – Director of the Molecular Biology Core Facilities at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Associate Director of the Blais Proteomics Center, Director of the Microarray Core Facility (DFCI), Director of the Microarray Core Facility (DFCI), and much more.

He shares lot of opinions on social media about COVID and politics, and according to sources has previously been reprimanded for some racially insensitive tweets he posted, which he was forced to remove.

Dr. Morrison is very smart. Way smarter than you. He recently took to Facebook to let people know that if they visited family on Thanksgiving then they killed people, and if they went out on New Years Eve they killed even more people than that.

“Going out on New Years? Go ahead you selfish ignorant shitheads. Go kill someone.” – Doctor who demands we respect him because he’s an essential healthcare worker collecting a nice paycheck to do his job while whining about how hard it is.

He’s also spreading completely inaccurate information that kids as young as 5 are dying from coronavirus like hot cakes.

And if you doubt any of this then the pandemic is your fault because you’re willingly killing people, according to science.

Athough it might seem unprofessional for a doctor at Dana Farber to post vulgar language like this, he’s only doing it because you’re too stupid to understand if he speaks in grownup language.

Dr. Morrison hasn’t posted anything about how you can exercise and keep your body healthy in order to better fight off COVID if you get it. Instead he’s advising folks to fight COVID the scientific way – by telling people to get the f*** away from him at Market Basket before hitting them over the head with a six foot 2×4.

He regularly posts data on his Facebook page, but admits that he’s doing it to scare the locals in Gloucester.

His colleagues agree – fear porn from rational people like Dr. Paul Morrison is the best way to combat the virus.

Shockingly he hates Donald Trump and believes everyone who voted for him is a racist asshole who should crawl into a hole.

You should have nothing but contempt for healthcare workers like this. They’re partisan, fear-mongering liars. Ignore everything they say. I don’t care if the hospitals are overcrowded (they’re not), it’s your job, you signed up to do it, and if you’re not up for it then retire. I don’t have to stop living my life or smother myself with a face diaper because you tell me to. Doctors like this kill people every day by forcing them into their homes where 74% of transmission occurs. They harm your children by lying about COVID killing kids, which keeps schools closed for longer. They harm business owners while collecting six figure salaries and living in beach towns.

Most doctors and nurses do a great job and don’t tell the rest of us that we’re murderers for seeing family around the holidays. But people like Paul Morrison disgrace the profession and Dana Farber should fire this pathetic, whiny boomer. Feel free to email him with your thoughts at [email protected].



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