Dudley Teacher Who Won’t Return To Work Due To COVID Attended BLM Protest In Webster With No Social Distancing And Lack Of Masks

Earlier today I published a blog about three teachers in Dudley who were comparing school shootings to COVID on Facebook. One of the teachers said that she only signed up to sing and dance, but also bragged that she’d save the lives of kids in the event of a school shooter, while simultaneously saying she was scared to teach because of a virus that does not pose a serious threat to her. Another called parents who wanted her to show up to work and do her job “idiots,” while a third teacher said that she would do nothing to protect children in the even of a school shooter because “teachers have kids too, I pick mine over yours every single day and twice on Sunday.”
Within hours the blog made the rounds and the superintendent sent out an email to parents and faculty at all the schools in the Dudley-Charlton Regional School District.
I don’t want any of these women to lose their jobs if they’re sorry and truly understand what was wrong with what they posted. They’ve all taken down their pages so it looks like they realize they’re in trouble. I’ve been there before. But the arrogance and hypocrisy of these teachers openly talking about how they’re heroes in one breath, and then saying they can’t work because of COVID and would sacrifice your children in order to save themselves, is off the charts. This is an issue that affects me and many other people because the overwhelming amount of parents want their kids to return to school because we care about our children’s education. The teacher’s union is getting in the way of that and using fear, hyperbole, and ridiculous theatrics in order to prevent that from happening. None of them have suggested being furloughed or not collecting a check though. None of them are offering to help parents who will have to quit their jobs to babysit their children during “remote learning.” They don’t care about our kids and no one else is calling them out for it.
One of the teachers also posted this two months ago.
The same teacher who is too scared to go to school and educate your children wasn’t afraid to join a large mob where no one was socially distancing, and several people didn’t have masks on. It was the same protest where the Webster Chief of Police emasculated himself by lying face down (where anyone could grab his gun) with his hands behind his back as someone yelled, “It’s not enough but it’s a start” and the crowd cheered that comment on.
Police Chief Michael Shaw has surrendered.
My jaw is on the floor.
Webster, PA must be so proud.
— Femme🇺🇸 (@RealBasedMAGA) June 7, 2020
Look at all the people breathing all over each other, many of who had no masks on.
This is a teacher who thinks attending a protest that ultimately accomplished nothing is more important than educating children. People who think like that are unfit to teach. It’s a privilege and an honor to be a teacher. If she really believes her right to protest is more important than my child’s right to an education then she should have some respect for the profession and quit.
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