TB Investigates

Famed First Amendment Attorney Marc Randazza Joins TB For Special Live Show Interview Tonight


Attorney Marc Randazza has been described as the “Clarence Darrow of the First Amendment.” He is arguably America’s most infamous free speech attorney, and has defended high profile clients including the porn industry, neo-Nazis, the KKK, Alex Jones, Mike Cernovich, an anonymous organizer of the Charlottesville protest, and many others whose speech some people find offensive. His philosophy on free speech is basically that although he may disagree completely with the things you say, he will defend to the death your right to say it. He’s defended a client against Glenn Beck after a satire site hurt Glenn’s feelings. He briefly represented the Satanic Temple in a lawsuit against Twitter after they were banned from the platform. He’s gone head to head against Alan Dershowitz and won, and he’s been a pioneer in anti-SLAPP cases designed to prevent plaintiffs from filing frivolous, expensive lawsuits.

In other words, everything he’s spent his entire career going up against the same people Turtleboy has, so we have a lot to talk about. I’ll be interviewing Marc for a special episode of the Live show tonight at 9 PM. You can subscribe to our YouTube channel and never miss an episode clicking hereSee you at 9.



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