Former Politician Fired From Providence Old Folks Home After Being Exposed As Pedophile On TB, Claims He Is Victim Of Right Wing Smear Attack To Affect 2020 Election

Last week we published a blog about a former Democratic State Rep candidate from North Attleborough named Matt Trowbridge, who was caught two years ago trying to meet up with what he thought was a 14 year old boy for sex. The latest news was that Trowbridge had assumed a new name of Matt Ryan (and previously Matt Kelly) and was working at an old folks home in Providence called Wingate Residences on Blackstone Boulevard. According to a Facebook post made by a biker group called Nam Knights of America Motorcycle Club, they had given Trowbridge and other staff an American flag after honoring the veterans who live there.
Since the blog was published both the old folks home and the biker group have removed their posts, and Trowbridge has been terminated from his position. The Nam Knights in particular sent me a statement clarifying their position.
The chapter did honor this person; however, we were misinformed about who he was because it’s impossible to conduct background checks on everyone we meet. Of course, the Nam Knights of America, Nathanael Greene Chapter, condemns pedophilia and pedophiles. It’s destructive to children and harmful to a civilized society. We withdrew any honor we gave him when we discovered who he was (removed social media posts, which you already validated). You should know we conduct background checks on all our prospective members, before they join, in order to prevent criminals out of our organization.
Matthew Trowbridge is a dangerous predator who truly believes he did nothing wrong and that he is some sort of victim. In August he finally addressed the sting operation on Facebook, claiming that he was the target of a “right wing, homophobic, vigilante group,” that doctored evidence, stalked him, and only targeted him because he was a Democrat who ran for office 10 years ago. He claimed that the purpose of Mass Predator Poachers wasn’t to catch predators, but to sway the outcome of the 2020 Presidential election in favor of Republicans.
He has a sex addiction and eating disorder. He’s the real victim here.
For the record, I would bet good money that Jay from Mass Predator Poachers doesn’t even vote, never mind care about politics. He is not a Republican operative, and he had no idea who Matthew Trowbridge was besides being a grown man on Tinder who told what he thought was a 14 year old boy to worship his balls when they met up for sex. Jay does not go out seeking pedophiles, they find him when they message his decoy accounts. Additionally, nothing was doctored, as Jay played a video screen recording of the entire conversation.
Nothing about those screenshots was doctored or misinterpreted. Those were his own words. He did manage to get the video removed by YouTube, but we still have a copy:
His post went on to blame “those who deserted” him when he needed them the most, including people who he babysat for and whose kids he taught in Sunday school, because they rightfully chose to disassociate with a pedophile. He called Turtleboy a disgusting website, and called out those who believed us for simply commenting on the undeniable fact that he tried to meet up with a child for sex.
I couldn’t be prouder that a pedophile thinks I run a disgusting website. Personally, I think having sex with children is the most disgusting thing a person could do, and I’m thrilled to know that people like Matt Trowbridge don’t like the content I create. They shouldn’t, because I come after people like them hard.
“I forgive you for abandoning me.”
Get over yourself. You’re in no position to forgive anyone. You should be begging for forgiveness, but you’re a narcissist so you are incapable of any sort of self reflection. Don’t you dare bring up “Father in Heaven,” because pedos don’t go to heaven, and there’s no way you believe in God if you’re going around trying bang kids. Imagine how full of yourself you have to be to lecture parents about how bad they are because they don’t want their children around a pedophile.
Some of his idiotic friends fell for it.
But the fact that he had to mention people abandoning him brought joy to my life.
Most pedophiles would move after being exposed like Matt Trowbridge was, but he’s far too arrogant to do that. We have now gotten him fired from two jobs working with the elderly in Providence, one of which he tried to bring drag queens to. There is no doubt in my mind he would play Santa or Batman again in a heartbeat if he could.
Matt, I know you’re going to read this so let me make it clear. You will not go on living a normal life anywhere around here. Every time you obtain employment somewhere we will contact your boss to let them know who you really are. No one buys your nonsense about being a victim, because you’re not a victim, you’re a predator. You have no remorse, and you would reoffend in a heartbeat if given the opportunity to. For that reason we will always find you, and we will expose if you continue to stay in the area. Your best bet is to move far away, start a new life, and hope Turtleboy doesn’t expand to whatever corner of the country you wish to start over in.