Law and Order

Former Youth Football Coach Caught In Vigilante Sting At Lunenburg Walmart Trying To Meet Up With Teen Is A Registered Sex Offender Arrested 5 Years Ago


Update on this story – Benjamin Brause was already facing charges of probation violation after threatening to kill and castrate a whistle blower from the Peterson School in Worcester. Click here to read about it.

A Leominster man is in some hot water after being caught in a vigilante sting at the Lunenburg Walmart, after going there to meet up with a child for sex.

The great tragedy of this film is that the camerman remembered to film it horizontally, but only after he initially started recording it vertically, so the result is a cramped neck for everyone who watched that awkward exchange. I would imagine that going to Walmart and hoping to get your rocks off but ending up on Turtleboy instead isn’t the happy ending he was hoping for.

My only issue with this sort of vigilantism is that they didn’t tell him they were calling the police. Maybe they did afterwards, but during the video their whole tone was basically, “get help, or else I’m gonna knock the gravy out of your pores.”

Except this rotund skinner isn’t going to get help because having sex with kids is kind of his thing. His name is Benjamin Brause, he’s a former youth football coach, and he’s a registered sex offender. In 2014 he was arrested for raping a former player of his, who was 14 at the time, after providing him with alcohol and porn.

A former Leominster and Lunenburg youth-football coach is free on $15,000 cash bail after being arraigned Monday on charges that he raped a former player after he allegedly supplied him with alcohol and showed him pornography. Benjamin B. Brause, 36, of 36 North Main St., Apt. 2, Leominster, was arraigned in Leominster District Court on two counts of aggravated rape, one count of indecent assault and battery on a child under 14, supplying alcohol to a person under 21 and giving obscene matter to a minor. He was ordered held on $100,000 cash bail over the weekend. In her reasons for asking the bail amount to stand, Assistant District Attorney Courtney Price said Brause allegedly sexually abused a boy he was coaching. She said the boy was between 12 and 16 at the time. Court documents allege the abuse involved oral and anal sex.

According to a narrative by Officer Kimberly Phillips, the sexual acts allegedly occurred between January 2010 and December 2012 at Brause’s apartment and in a parking lot within the city limits. Brause furnished the boy with alcohol and showed him pornographic videos on at least one occasion, according to Phillips’ report. As part of his conditions of release, Brause must stay away from the boy, who is now 17, to stay away from Lunenburg and Leominster high schools, to have no contact with children younger than 16, have no unsupervised contact with any family members under 16, stay from athletic fields in both communities, and refrain from coaching, mentoring or working with children while the case is pending.

This arrest was less than six years ago, and not only is he not in jail, he’s still up to his old tricks. He’s allowed to use the Internet freely to find new victims, so it took two Fitchburg vigilantes with a sideways iPhone to show the world that he hasn’t changed his ways.

I truly believe that being attracted to little boys is a disease. However, acting on that impulse is a crime, not a symptom of a disease. When you have a cold you don’t cough on people. Ben Brause doesn’t want help. He wants to have sex with boys, and he’s going to keep doing it until he’s locked up. He’s selfish and conniving, and if an arrest 5 years ago isn’t enough to get him help then being caught in a Walmart sting by two citizens isn’t going to get him to stop either.

On the bright side, if a 14 year old boy who had an attraction to older men agreed to meet up with a guy for sex and walked into Walmart and found this waiting for him:

He’d probably try to find someone his own age too.


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