Law and Order

Golf Clubs, Gun Stores Reopened As Business Owners Push Back Against Charlie Baker’s Tyranny


In the last 24 hours the following have been forced to be allowed to open up both golf course and gun shops.

The citizens of Massachusetts have had enough. They gave the government a chance. They played by the rules. They bought into the lie that we were “all in this together.” And after they found out that the government had no intention whatsoever of reopening the economy, and that they had been lied to this whole time, they fought back, albeit in different ways.

Cara Cara Cullen from Wachusett Country Club in West Boylston and Neil Lummis from Clearview Country Club in Millbury are patriots and heroes. The former flat out announced that she was opening, got the attention of Fox News, raised the questions that needed to be asked, and shamed Charlie Baker into giving in. The former went rogue and was basically open anyway, showing the absurdity of the Millbury Police Chief who had nothing better to do than to spy on people golfing.

As for the guns, it turns out a virus that presents no real danger to the vast majority of people reading this right now can’t be used to deny people their constitutional rights.

“There’s no justification here,” US District Judge Douglas P. Woodlock said during a two-hour virtual hearing, arguing he doesn’t see a fit “between the goals of the emergency declared by the Commonwealth and the burdening of the constitutional rights of the defendants in this narrow area.”

“I have enough information to say, in this very small corner of this emergency, we don’t surrender our constitutional rights,” the judge said. “These plaintiffs . . . have constitutional rights that deserve respect and vindication. And it becomes necessary for a court to do that.”

“There may be, in the background, a distaste or a lack of enthusiasm for the firearms industry in Massachusetts among political leaders. They’re entitled to their views as well. They just can’t transgress constitutional rights,” Woodlock said, saying he’s seen “a lack of enthusiasm to address this issue” from state officials.

Turns out blatantly ignoring the constitution has consequences. These tyrants have been able to get away with violating our rights because no one pushed back. But when people started pushing back we found out that they can’t actually do any of this because some people are scared of a virus. Credit to all of these gun shops and citizens for not taking this bullshit lying down:

The plaintiffs included the operators of Troy City Tactical LLC in Fall River, Precision Point Firearms in Woburn, Shooting Supply LLC in Westport and Cape Gun Works in Hyannis as well as Michael McCarthy of Boston, William R. Biewenga of Wellfleet, Timothy Galligan of Easton, Jim Simmons of New Bedford, David Lantagne of Dunstable and Alfred Morin of Brewster.

Nothing in the constitution says we have a right to golf, but the 2nd Amendment gives people the right to buy guns. And there has never been a more important time to buy guns then right now. They outlawed our ability to protest and arm ourselves, and they did it with almost no pushback. The entire purpose for the Revolution was thrown out the window in the blink of an eye. Now we know (many already knew) what they will do when they are given absolute power, and we know that gun ownership is more important than ever. Buy as many as you can immediately.

Make no doubt about it – this will end in bloodshed if the government doesn’t put an end to this as soon as possible. It’s really only a matter of time until a police officer gets killed and a whole bunch of civilians go down with them. I’m not advocating for that, but it’s going to happen. People are desperate and their government is being run by tyrannical Karens. How do you think this ends if it’s allowed to continue down this path?

But it doesn’t have to come to that. All you have to do is start standing up to these tyrants like gun shops and golf clubs did.


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