Granby Parents Defraud Friends And Family For Over $7K With Brain Cancer GoFundMe Scam

Erin Slattery and Shane Farrington are the parents of two young children from Granby, CT.
She’s got tittoos, dog filters, and glamour photos on Subarus.
His name is Shane.
They were destined to produce out of wedlock children and end up on TB.
A little over a week ago Shane started a GoFundMe for Erin because she suddenly had brain cancer and was on the verge of dying if they didn’t raise money for the chemo that insurance apparently didn’t cover.
They wisely used the kids as bait in the cover photo which netted them over $7K in donations.
Literally four days later this happened.
“So I told a little white lie about (checks notes) having terminal brain cancer. But you can trust me now when I’m saying that I still have cancer, just not as bad as you thought it was before. I also blew all your donations but I pinky swear that I will get them back to you for real this time.”
She made a mistake. Lots of people make mistakes. Some people leave the laundry in the washing machine all night and they come out smelling worse than when you put them in, while other people lie about having terminal brain cancer in order to defraud friends and family. These are just mistakes.
Meanwhile Shane is pulling the “I didn’t know that my baby momma didn’t really have brain cancer dindu nuffin” card.
“For anyone affected by my previous relationship from literally 4 days ago, involving a fundraiser I created and shared multiple times on social media, you’ll have to take my word for it that I’m a victim too here.”
Luckily for Shane she’s going along with that whopper too.
According to her though he’s abusive to her and the kids, which is why she left him.
But according to him he found out that she was lying about having brain cancer this whole time, she tried to get him to go along with it, and he decided that this was a deal breaker.
Now they’ve apparently gotten a visit from the DCF Fairy and they’re selling a car hoping to pay back some of the $7K they defrauded from friends and family.
The worst part about this story is that they’re not even junkies. At least junkies have an excuse. These two gutter slugs just felt like splurging on tittoos and Axe body spray for their next performance on Only Fans. This is why you don’t name your kid Shane. They will end up on TB one day. That’s just science.
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