Poor Behavior

Grifting Fam Starts GoFundMe To Buy Son New Car After He Crashes Corvette Into School Bus While Speeding In Grafton


Last week a student on his way to Blackstone Valley Vocational High School crashed his Corvette into a school bus in Grafton, destroying the car and seriously injuring himself.

According to neighbors they could hear the student revving his engine loudly before a “big boom.”

Luckily no students on the bus or the bus driver were seriously injured.

Look, kids do stupid shit. My first night out with my license I crashed and totaled my Mom’s brand new Subaru Outback driving way too fast on Goddard Memorial Drive in Worcester on my way to pick up my girlfriend and take her to a Holy Name dance that I never made it to. She wouldn’t let me drive for 6 months after that because I had proven to her that I wasn’t emotionally mature enough to handle it.

But that was back in the old days when parents actually held their spawn accountable. The new age semen demon is never at fault, as can be seen through a GoFundMe for the teenager, which was created by his older brother Robert, and has raised almost $7K.

Apparently they need money for his medical expenses, legal fees, and maybe even buying him a new car.

We had GoFundMe’s back in my day. It was called “go get a part time job and stop blowing what limited money you do have on stupid bullshit.” The fact that they’d create a fundraiser like this and not feel any shame over it is evidence of entitlement epidemic plaguing this country. My parents would NEVER allow a fundraiser like this to be set up in my name. Legal fees? Looks like someone’s getting a weekend job. Medical fees? You’re lucky we let you stay on our health insurance. New car after you destroyed the sports car we never should’ve given you in the first place because you’re a moron? Better put some air in your 10 speed bike wheels.

The kid hasn’t been arrested, so I’m not sure what his “legal fees” are, but I’d make him pay for it himself. Reports are stating that he may have been driving close to 80 mph on Route 140. The fact that he’s alive is a miracle. Meanwhile, there were 14 innocent kids on the bus, and a bus driver, whose lives were directly endangered by Sam’s idiocy.



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    1. His dad’s picture isn’t going around. That’s some random old fat dude lol lowkey having a duck is sick though

  1. I find it funny how you took the time out of the day to write some garbage piece with your spin of the story. The GoFundMe is being arranged by a friend of the INJURED driver. That’s what good people do, not write garbage editorials perpetuating a half baked attack on a family whos suffered more than you can imagine.

      1. Sounds like you don’t have any good friends Mike, maybe reach out to your wife’s boyfriend and see if he wants to put the stick up your ass for you next time, fucking cuck😂

      2. you can tell mike thinks he matters

  2. This entire article is just you whining and complaining because nobody helped you when you crashed the car. Humans have empathy; give it a try next time.

  3. Is this the standard for journalism these days? 😂 Anybody with a website can just churn out whatever garbage narrative they want to push with no regard to the facts. Really “protecting democracy” with this one loser!

  4. you are a genuine waste of space. The sheer amount of carelessness put into this article is appalling. I find it insane that a person that has no knowledge of the incident and that has just heard things from bias news articles can talk about a situation in such a rude way. you have no clue as to what actually happened and you have no right to talk about someone else family this way. it is extremely rude and unforgiveable the way you word vomit in this whole article. if you had any self worth or morals you would take this down and apologize to the family in person. you are a disgusting human who should never have the right to post any news article worth a damn.

    1. Your a fuckin dip shit, the kid as trying to pass cars going 60+ on main roads. Doesn’t deserve a license let alone a new fuckin car. Do better bob

      1. were you there when the crash happened? or did you must read some bullshit article like this that spewed misinformation about it. because you have zero idea how fast he was going, your just some idiot who thinks its ok to belittle someone who is seriously injured. do better retard

      2. You’re a fucking idiot, kid wasn’t driving reckless going 40 mph and hit a pothole causing him to lose control. Go fuck yourself

        1. Bull shit. There’s no pothole on that road. He got a speeding ticket earlier that week. He was speeding. Revved his engine and spun out. Has no clue how to drive his RWD car and hit a school bus.

          1. I went right by the crash site and there was fresh asphalt in the holes hours later, also drive by almost everyday for work and hit the potholes on my way home so you can go fuck yourself you dumb bitch, shut your fat mouth and eat a dick

      3. You’re a fucking moron the kid was doing the speed limit and hit the ice. Why don’t you find some proof of him speeding and then make that argument.

      4. The fact that you think he was speeding is kinda hilarious. The amount of people like you who just ASSuming what happened is hilarious. If you want to go to court with your “evidence” and “statement” then let me know cuz I’ll invite all my friends so we can all laugh when you get proven wrong.

  5. My son also totaled my car (and someone else’s) with a fresh license in his pocket. It was a Saturday morning and he had a part time job before the weekend was over. I told him he was going to have to tell the judge he had a job and HE was gong to pay for the tickets/deductibles etc… He did not get another car for at least a year. When he totaled a second several years later in college another 2 years before I allowed him a car. 😂😂 I am old school – he is now 29, college graduate and owns his own house- with a cute little fiancé living with him! He is HER problem now!!😂😂😂

  6. Notice the Mc Alberts out in force here. Enjoy your freedom douchebags. You’re all going down and I for one can’t wait.

    1. Kate you sound like a fucking bitch, I’m happy for your kids, you obviously couldn’t be a good parent

  7. This article is absolutely ridiculous. Not only are you defaming a family who is going through tough times, none of the facts of the story are correct. His father has nothing to do with the GoFundMe that was created, and if you truly did your research you would know this. It was created by his brother and his friend. This entire article is a 43 year old man punching down at a 16 year old kid who is currently in the hospital with his life at risk. None of this has anything to do with his father, who you decided to call out and slander without reason. The most ironic part of all of this is the fact that while reading the article, you are prompted to donate to the website multiple times. Telling someone who is bedridden in the hospital to get a job to pay off his medical bills is ridiculous. When writing this article, did you ever stop to think that the kid might actually need the money for medical bills and court fees, and his friends put up a fundraiser to help someone close to them? If you decide to post an article like this, basic research should be done beforehand, and it should be carried out professionally. In the words of your own criminal case, “We try people in the court and not on the internet and for a reason. The internet has no rules of evidence. The internet has no punishment for perjury. And the internet does not know all the facts. Conspiracy theories are not evidence.”

    1. I’m sorry but if my kid is speeding down 140 and wrecking his car I’m making him pay for it. Clearly he was going fast enough to shred his car and hit a SCHOOL BUS! Pls turn your license in immediately

      1. He was going 40 and hit ice in a pothole and lost control since it’s a rwd car, don’t speak on shit you know nothing about Mike you fucking idiot😂😂😂

      2. Mike I hope the Mexican cartel gets your ass and fucking pegs you in front of your entire family as you’re being recorded and posted on some random ass gore website

    2. Good. I’m glad the stupid kid’s life is at risk. He played a stupid game and won a stupid prize. F that punk ass kid. He was 16 and old enough to know what he was doing was wrong. If a bunch of kids on that bus got killed or hurt they’d have to put guards outside that fuckers bed to stop an angry mob from lynching that fucker.

      1. You don’t know anything about the kid who crashed and I pray to god that you yourself crash and die, scums like you don’t deserve to live and I pray one of your kids gets in a crash just as bad and nobody comes to help them. You are a pathetic person who’s father should’ve put it in your fat mothers ass, eat a dick you fucking dyke

      2. Kill yourself you worthless sack of shit. You bring nothing to the lives of those who are tortured to be near you. Genuinely kill yourself. You fat retarded shitface. Fuck you

    3. I wish I could feel bad for this Aiden “turtle boy” Kearney and not having any friends who would do this for him but at this point how do you care about someone who just keeps spreading misinformation and assuming that all kids who have nice cars and spoiled and all kids who crash their cars are at fault no matter of what happened. Oh and don’t forget about that fact that apparently all teens with friends who care about them apparently don’t work hard for things. The funniest part is that you’re taking time out of your day to flame a minor about something that wasn’t his fault and so his friends start a fundraiser because they care for him. Just because your family that you don’t have anymore because you have so many charges pressed against you don’t mean that you have to flame everyone who you’re jealous of. I bet you just wish you had friends who cared about you and wish you could say that you worked hard enough to buy multiple corvettes at 15. There’s a reason why you your family left and if you need guidance finding that reason Sir Aiden “turtle boy” Kearney then let me know and I’ll help you out. Maybe I’ll also start a go fund me for you so people can start flaming you. Anyways some of us actually have lives to live, families to tend to. Lowkey you seem like the type of guy who asks for feet pics and writes all the stupid articles off of no real information just to hide the fact that your dick(if you even have one) is smaller than a human hair. Maybe if you worked hard and didn’t have so many charges you had to pay than you would have money to make it bigger. Well anyways I have to go because my friends actually care about me

  8. This article strikes me as incredibly problematic for several reasons. First, it seems to heavily lean on sensationalism rather than facts. The GoFundMe was organized by the boy’s brother and friend, not his father, and that should have been clarified before publishing such accusatory language. Misrepresenting who is behind the fundraiser undermines the credibility of the entire piece. Second, the tone of the article feels unnecessarily cruel. This is a 16-year-old who has just experienced a traumatic event and is hospitalized with serious injuries. To mock his situation and suggest he “get a job” to pay off medical bills comes across as heartless. Additionally, targeting the father with such vitriol seems baseless if he truly had no involvement in the fundraiser. Publicly shaming someone without concrete evidence feels less like journalism and more like a personal attack. It’s a glaring example of the internet “trying” people without accountability, as even the article itself acknowledges. Finally, the larger question needs to be asked: What’s the purpose of this article? Is it to inform readers, or just tear down a family during a vulnerable moment? Even if you disagree with the fundraiser’s premise, the situation clearly deserves a more compassionate and fact-driven approach. Journalism should aim to uncover truths, not to punch down at a teenager and his family in their time of need.

  9. Everyone in the comments agreeing with this “journalism” is clinically retarded and needs a lobotomy starting with the author of this egregious blog

  10. If u agree with this u should be ashamed, fucking idiots talking about stuff they don’t know the whole story to and saying stuff about the kid they never met🤦 whoever wrote this should seriously think about their life and find better things to do with it.

  11. Hahaha the comments have Kate, her cronies & the McAlberts, Higgins all over it…what a waste of air they breath in…they don’t know anything about “being responsible” or “taking accountability” for their actions, I mean after all, she was deemed an unfit “mother” and they couldn’t remove those kids fast enough and well…the McAlberts & Higgins, they aren’t fooling anyone, we ALL know you murdered Ofr. John O’Keefe and pinned it “on the girl”…we ARE DONE looking the other way you nasty, pathetic, hollow, waste of humans…

  12. To the author who I know will see this, I hope that you get in a crash just as bad and nobody helps you because there is no reason for a grown man to be talking down on a kid who nearly died, especially when you say he needs to get a job when you sit on blog about other people’s life, get a grip of yourself you retard

  13. Not on twitter, so commenting here about the standout and Rita.
    Rita is a hypocrite.
    She definitely was mad about the non invite and has made it clear. I’m sure she had a tantrum like she does at every select board meeting. She talks about town division yet she led the way. Now she’s backing off?
    She’s a poser. People are so sick of her, she couldn’t even win election. Her crying on camera after meetings was embarrassing.
    She should just take a break and get her emotions in check.

  14. you gotta kill yourself. i bet nobody is donating 7k to your worthless little faggot blog. get a real job and some bitches on your dick. pussy

  15. Turtleshit and Mike can maybe get together since they’re both filled with hatred for people, I hope Mike and turdshit both get in crashes and nobody helps them with expenses because someone else lied about their situation, also the bitch who lost her kids, womp womp be a better parent. Mike go fuck yourself, and tiny dick turtleboy should consider jumping in front of a bus himself

  16. The only idiocy I see here is a sad fuck who doesn’t know the whole story maybe get your facts right before you go attacking some poor kid and his family. Honestly why waste your time writing an article on a story you’re clearly clueless on. Maybe just stick to watching your wife getting fucked while you sit in your cuck chair you prick

  17. “ My parents would’ve been ashamed and embarrassed to ask for handouts to pay for one of my fuck ups.” But apparently you aren’t because you have links begging for money all over your page while talking shit and spreading misinformation about a kid you don’t even know.

  18. Mike your genuinely a brick ur spreading false information his dad didn’t even make the go fund me his friends did, he wasn’t even being an endangerment he flew out on ice and had a genuine accident. Ur a clown hating on a kid on the internet your wife not giving u any action so your out here spreading false information about a minor to keep ur self occupied it’s sad😭🤣

  19. Spicy boys in the comments. Looks like you touched a nerve. MF’er, the dreaded R word, this boys got clout (to compliment the feeding tubes, very big on the Tok these days)

  20. People always told me, “Be careful of what you do
    Don’t go around breakin’ young girls’ hearts” (hee-hee)
    And mother always told me, “Be careful of who you love
    And be careful of what you do (oh-oh)
    ‘Cause the lie becomes the truth” (oh-oh), hey-ey
    Billie Jean is not my lover
    She’s just a girl who claims that I am the one (oh, baby)
    But the kid is not my son (hoo)
    She says I am the one (oh, baby)
    But the kid is not my son (hee-hee-hee, no-no, hee-hee-hee, hoo)

  21. People always told me, “Be careful of what you do
    Don’t go around breakin’ young girls’ hearts” (hee-hee)
    And mother always told me, “Be careful of who you love
    And be careful of what you do (oh-oh)
    ‘Cause the lie becomes the truth” (oh-oh), hey-ey
    Billie Jean is not my lover
    She’s just a girl who claims that I am the one (oh, baby))

  22. Pretty funny that this guy just sits around all day and thinks he right about everything. Honestly I’m surprised you haven’t been shot or anything yet. It’s probably because you have a group of people who you constantly suck off just to protect you from these “scary” people

  23. . You left out multiple points like how the school bus was speeding or how Sam was going the speed limit and just lost control of his car in the ice. The information you did pull out of your ass like who set up the go fund me. I would love to know your sources. It is a shame that someone like you without any knowledge of the situation can post misinformation and then have the balls to ask for donations to your website.

    1. You are also spreading falsehoods. The school bus was not speeding. Trying to act like this could have been the school bus drivers fault in any way is sick. The inexperienced driver lost control of his car. That’s all.
      I am sure the police have seen/studied the bus camera footage. Too bad the teen didn’t have a dash cam, that would clear up if he was speeding or not.
      The fact that his friends immediately feel he will need money for legal fees, gives the impression that there is guilt.
      By the way, who is that guy in the pictures in this article? I am almost positive that is not even Sam’s father. I don’t think his father is even named Robert!

          1. Not facts, I know ppl who saw the dashcam and the kid wasn’t speeding, don’t speak on shit you don’t know anything about so please just shut your mouth you stupid bitch, also it doesn’t help that police won’t give the dashcam footage to the family from what I’ve heard from ppl that go to school with him. His friends set up a go fund me because the kid shouldn’t have to worry about being in debt his whole life after almost losing it multiple times, you seriously piss me off and should be ashamed of yourself

          2. Angry, huh, bud? Your reading comprehension skills are pretty bad if you think I said anything bad about Sam.
            I feel bad for him. He’s injured and lost his car.
            I was just clearing up that accusations towards the bus driver are sick. She did nothing wrong. (How do I know? I SAW the video footage, you little twat) You know people who saw it? LOL, ok, sure you do. Ask them what color hat the bus driver was wearing.
            I do think his friends made a mistake by setting up that fund so soon. It can give the impression of guilt. That is a fact. Just look at this post. People are crucifying the poor kid based on their opinion. BECAUSE of the go fund me.
            The original TB story had pictures of a man, who it implied was his father, and I’m pretty sure those pictures weren’t of his father, nor is Sam’s fathers name even Robert! (Did you know that? Probably not. So how about YOU stop speaking on things you don’t know.)
            You don’t know me, but I know a lot more about this family and incident than you think. But go ahead, keep mouthing off.

          3. I did for a fact know that same fathers name is not Robert and I know Sam myself quite well, the gofund me was started to purely help the kid as he can’t afford to pay for these expenses himself and never once did I say that the bus was speeding so ur comprehension skills are something you need to work on.

  24. I love how people circling the wagon for this entitled teen. “The family is going through a lot” just like nearly every family in America yet he is the unicorn who shouldn’t face discipline? A Go Fund Me for court fees or “medical expenses” might be my favorite admission of guilt.

    Would have been hilarious of the high school kids on the bus got off and started kicking his teeth in.

    1. You have no idea what you’re saying I genuinely hope you can find peace and something to do in life instead of spending time whining about how a 16-year-old kid worked harder than you and can afford a Corvette.

    2. Court hearings are bound to happen when an accident happens with a government vehicle, and how is that or medical expenses an admission of guilt? You’re an adult talking about how funny it would be if a child got his teeth kicked in while in critical condition. Get a grip clown. Do you hear yourself?

  25. Can you answer the question? Which was it? And yes I said it about a “kid” who endangered innocent KIDS. I can not wait for the court hearings.

    And since you were wondering, I’m doing just fine over here lol. This is hilarious!

  26. Wow there is A LOT of hostility on this article. It’s simple physics on this, the car was totally destroyed. Going 40 mph would’ve done damage but not to that extent. He was speeding in a residential area and the car crossed the double yellow line (see pictures). No where in the article does it say that the dad created the GoFundMe page.
    Thankfully he didn’t hurt anyone or worse kill someone.

    1. I for one know the kid and know 10000% he wasn’t speeding, when 2 cars hit each other at let’s say 40 and 35 going opposite ways it’s basically hitting a wall at 75 and which would 100% do that type of damage, you seriously don’t know shit and should keep your mouth shut

      1. Were you there Hitler? I highly doubt it. If your comments are ok to be unintelligent then why can’t anyone else’s? That vette was destroyed to the extent of going faster then 40 into a bus. Vehicles are designed and built to withstand these impacts. Plus witnesses who were actually at the scene have said that they heard the car racing their engine (which usually means that they were going fast). Keep up with the pace of the class or keep your hand down.

    1. he likes publicity, that’s his life, just how he fucked a minor in front of everyone in a baseball stadium

      1. sorry that original info, was from the source “trust me bro”, should sound familiar… new intel thoroughly informed me that it was a regular women at pats vs bills game that he raped, mb

  27. Still waiting for clarification on this one. I see pothole and ice. Nothing about him speeding. NO NO NO not Sam. Sam does NOT speed. Ever. Not even once in his life.


    1. Put a cork in it you sound like a baby, you posted this twice because nobody responded, obviously nobody cares enough about you trying to interject yourself into this without any knowledge on the situation

      1. Just looking for answers seeing as how he definitely wasn’t speeding.

  28. I will be donating a 10% off coupon from The Cambridge Cheese Company to Sam. I always look out for the little people. I always put others above self.

  29. When will the gullible and naieve finally wake up and understand that in Massachusetts, EVERYBODY gets health care paid for either through health insurance or on the house if you’re a broke joke? These Gofundme sales pitches are the funniest reads out there

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