Poor Behavior

Grown Woman Causes Mass Panic With Obvious Lie About Sex Traffickers Zip-Tying Shopping Carts To Niece’s Car Door In Smithfield 


The Pumpkin Spice Mafia kicked it up a notch this weekend in Smithfield, RI, alleging that one of their members was nearly kidnapped by a man in a truck who ziptied a shopping cart to her vehicle in the Target parking lot.

Of course her name is Becky. Because, of course it is.

She’s involved in the pyramid scheme known as Herbalife, which tells me everything I need to know about her judgement skills and overall level of gullibility.

And according to Becky, her niece Rachel Gervasio and her boyfriend Jason Torrey were nearly sex trafficked.

A grown up in a situation like this would call their niece, find out what happened, and report it to the police if necessary. If this were my niece I’d call her up, explain to her that she was mistaken, and urge her to take it down before she ended up on TB Daily News. But Becky decided to take her niece’s story at face value and urge other people to share it without verification from police.

This completely ridiculous, unbelievable story was immediately shared by the Pumpkin Spice Mafia in large amounts, and they were terrified!

Thots and shares!

“I’ve seen people say this before. I guess its to get you to go to the other side of the car where they park and throw you into a vehicle.”

And that is why women couldn’t vote until 1920. To be so naive that your entire thought process comes from something “I’ve seen people say before,” should disqualify you from choosing who the President is. I for one believe that people should be able to vote, regardless of how stupid they are. But this was literally an argument against women’s suffrage, so good job disgracing Susan B. Anthony ladies.

As someone pointed out, this is an old trick that people do to other people who park like twinkies.

But Becky wasn’t trying to hear that, and she certainly wasn’t going to take her post down, even though her niece had already done so by this point.

“Prank or no prank, it’s happening.”

No it’s not. There is no epidemic of white women being kidnapped in Target parking lots by men who zip tie shopping carts to your car. In the vary rare occasion where a kidnapping does happen the kidnapper attempts to be inconspicuous because they’d rather not get caught. I couldn’t think of something that could draw more attention to a kidnapping than tying a shopping cart to a car’s front door. They also wouldn’t do it to a woman who was with her boyfriend. And if it did happen, it would be extremely easy to solve since there are cameras everywhere and the police could trace the license plate rather quickly.

But her niece shared it, therefore she did the right thing by blindly stoking fear in the public.

I’m starting to think some of these people actually want to be sex trafficked just so they can post about it on Facebook.

Kansascity.com did a story on this two months ago, explaining how unbelievably fake news these posts are.

Human trafficking experts and police are all in agreement – you are a dumb person if you share a post like this.

“It’s essentially like an urban legend or a scare-lore. The whole idea of the intent is just to scare people,” Lt. Brian Oleksyk told WILX, adding that sex traffickers use drastically different tactics.

“Most of the time for traffickers they are using a computer online or it’s somebody they already know from a previous relationship or a peer to peer. Very rare is it for them to prey on a stranger,” Oleksyk said, according to the outlet.

Celia Williamson, director of the Human Trafficking and Social Justice Institute at the University of Toledo in Ohio, echoed Oleksyk’s statement, calling the claims “ridiculous,” the Toledo Blade reported.

“It’s not about stranger danger, it’s more about people befriending you and over time they get you into situations where you can be trafficked,” Williamson told the outlet. “If you manipulate a kid into thinking that you’re her boyfriend, then they will participate in their own victimization, then I can traffic you for months or years.”

A few months ago some other genius’ post was shared almost 10,000 times before PolitiFact and Facebook warned people that it was fake news.

The Smithfield Police were distracted from doing real police work because Becky and Boomer Patrol caused mass panic in town, prompting them to politely remind these people how stupid they are.

Oh look, it happened to someone else too. Almost like it’s a prank.

Becky and the Boomers still were convinced and basically called the police liars.

Good point Natasha. Let’s accuse the police of lying. It’s been “PROVEN” to be a sex trafficking scheme, even though it’s actually been proven to be the exact opposite. Your choice of t-shirt speaks volumes.

Nuff said.

“I heard this is absolutely not true.”

Loretta, it doesn’t matter what you heard from Blanche and Ethel at the bridge game. Those crazy old bats all have dementia anyway.

The bottom line is, if you’ve ever shared a story like this then I’m embarrassed for you. It’s one thing if an attention starved 20 year old makes up a lie like this. It’s a completely different thing when her grown adult aunt sees it and spreads this misinformation.


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