Here Is An Accounting Of The $30,000 In Legal Bills We’ve Paid With Your Generous Donations

Over the last 24 hours a lot of turtle riders have flooded our Facebook pages and demanded an accounting of where every dollar in donated money has gone. Many long time “supporters” are accusing me of living lavishly while crying poverty and asking for handouts.
I will be doing a segment on the Live show tonight entitled, “Turtleboy Confessions,” in which I tell you all about the family vacation I took with the kids this year, and my glamorous exotic trip to Ohio in December. After all, someone donated $5 one time so I owe them this.
Unfortunately for the people asking bad faith questions like this, you’re going to be surprised when you see that you’ve been misled about the state of my finances. Contrary to popular belief I do not make $100,000 a year, nor do I take your donations and directly blow them on luxuries. Although I don’t owe any donor anything in regards to accounting, I am going to do an in depth analysis of all Turtleboy revenue because owning the haters is more important to me than anything. After that I will be done from this topic and back to exposing corruption and criminality like we always have. Here’s a quick preview. .
I’m currently being sued by 6 people – Jamie Genereux, Jennifer Azadnia, Kathryn Narcissi, Marc Aldana, Anthony Branche, and Rian Waters appeal of his previous defeat. The only way that’s free is the Narcissi case because the Rhode Island ACLU took up my defense, and I can’t thank them enough for that. The most expensive lawsuit has been the Azadnia affair. She’s very wealthy and can afford an aggressive attorney who has done everything in his power to drive up my legal fees. I’m being represented by a very sharp, young, bright, capable litigation attorney named Haley Byron from the Marcus, Errico, Emmer & Brooks firm. The following is an accounting of services I’ve been invoiced for by them.
First was the $5,000 retainers.
That was used up pretty quickly and for June, July, and August I owed another $8,892.
Total – $13,892.
September was only $137.
Total – $14,029.
October was $752.
Total – $14,781.
November was $4,576.
Total – $19,357.
December was $2,800, including a $32 for a 5 minute phone call.
Total – $22,157.
January’s invoice was $2,145.
Total so far = $24,302.
KC Law in Westfield (Rian Waters case) luckily is cheaper. I paid him $3,145 to help me out with that case.
Total = $27,447.
For the Generuex case I paid $2,000 to have an attorney file a motion to dismiss for me in Middlesex Superior Court.
Total – $29,447.
In December I paid another attorney $250 for an hour long meeting about how I can restructure the business to limit my legal fees.
Total – $29,697.
Margaret Melican represented me in the Gaffney case pro bono and did a great job. The only thing I had to pay for with that was the transcript of the hilarious deposition I did.
Total – $30,297. Although the transcript alone was arguably worth the $600.
If our motion for summary judgement in the Azadnia case fails and we have to go to trial it will get much more expensive. If the Generuex motion to dismiss fails it will get much more expensive. Rian Waters is appealing and I’ll have to pay for that again. And this isn’t even counting the Aldana and and Branche lawsuits.
I don’t spend a lot of money on personal things. I am one of the cheapest people you have ever met. I cut corners whenever and wherever I can.
I haven’t bought a new pair of shoes or pants since 2018.
Three months worth of contact lenses last me an entire year because I throw them out every 2 months instead of every 2 weeks.
I pay $10 for a membership to Planet Fitness, which is depressing because I’m a hobbled and injured runner who would much rather be out on the road.
I drive a 2010 Honda CRV with 130,000 miles with the payments paid off.
I was responsible and went to state school so I paid off my loans a while back after doubling them up every month to avoid interest.
We don’t go out to dinner much, but when I do I tip 25% because wait staff deserve that. I apologize if you think this is too much, and next time I’ll make sure it’s OK with everyone who’s demanding an accounting.
I don’t drink alcohol except on Super Bowl Sunday, or the rare time I can get away from my family and work responsibilities and hang out with friends.
Holden Pizza has $3.50 cheese pizzas on Monday, and $6 large Chicken Parms on Thursdays. Those are the only days I’ll ever purchase those on the rare occasion I don’t make a $1 hot pocket at home.
I pay $8 worth of tolls and use $15-20 worth of gas every Thursday to drive to Boston to do the Gerry Callahan podcast.
We shop at Market Basket and Walmart 15 miles away in Leominster, even though we have a more expensive Big Y three miles from our house, and I get Great Value Brand whenever possible.
I set aside $100 a month for each of my kids in case they want got to college when they’re older.
We bought Christmas presents for my children this year. I am very sorry about that.
I travel to see the Patriots once a year because I love sportball and God loves us more. We tend to pick cheap cities with cheap game tickets like Cincinnati and Jacksonville, and shop around for the cheapest flight and tickets.
My wife makes a teachers salary, so she makes more than me. I gave up a teacher’s salary to do this and I don’t regret it at all because what I do is very fulfilling.
Every dollar we get from donations goes back into the blog. I then pay myself enough money (by transferring money from business to checking account) to cover my mortgage and bills. We live in a house that cost $395,000. The opportunity to save money right now isn’t possible.
I go on one family vacation a year and I won’t apologize for that. If I told my wife that I had to stay home while she and the kids went somewhere because I’m being sued by 6 assholes, then she’d tell me to pick one – family or blog. And I’d choose family. So when you donate to Turtleboy, that’s what you’re donating to – the continued existence of the blog.
The Boston Globe has a Paywall to read their content. Barstool Sports doesn’t let you comment or get certain content unless you pay for Barstool Gold. We don’t have anything like that. Turtleboy has always been free and always will be, but if you think it’s something worth keeping alive you’re more than welcome to donate. If not, that’s cool too. I’m still here to give you news and entertainment every day that you can’t get anywhere else.
I love you all and I’ll see you tonight for Turtleboy Confessions on the Live show.
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Hello Turtle Riders. As you know if you follow Turtleboy we are constantly getting censored and banned by Facebook for what are clearly not violations of their terms of service. Twitter has done the same, and trolls mass reported our blog to Google AdSense thousands of times, leading to demonitization. We can get by and survive, but we could really use your help. Please consider donating by hitting the PayPal button above if you’d like support free speech and what we do in the face of Silicon Valley censorship. Or just buy our award winning book about the dangers of censorship and rise of Turtleboy: