I Spoke At A Biker Rally With Jeff Kuhner At The Statehouse To Demand Governor Baker Fire DOT Secretary Stephanie Pollack

Jeff Kuhner invited me to speak at the rally today to support the 7 bikers killed by a drug addicted truck driver and convicted drunk driver, and lobby the governor to fire Transportation Secretary Stephanie Pollack. I start speaking around the 18:30 mark after Geoff Diehl.
Just about no media was there. Probably because it was a bunch of peaceful people lobbying the government in a respectful manner. They have no interest in covering that, but if 8 losers in MAGA hats start chanting white power it’s international news in five seconds.
For those of you unfamiliar with this woman, read Kuhner’s Report or the Boston Herald’s op-ed demanding her resignation. She is the definition of a government hack. She makes over $160,000 a year, and oversees one devastating scandal after another. Most recently it was discovered that 53 bins containing information from out of state DMV’s, about licensed drivers in Massachusetts, was sitting in a room in Quincy.
As the Herald’s Mary Markos and Sean Philip Cotter reported, the RMV let tens of thousands of alerts on Massachusetts drivers’ violations in other states accumulate for more than a year, unprocessed, in 53 bins. During a press conference Monday, Gov. Charlie Baker and Transportation Secretary Stephanie Pollack revealed the registry’s failures, including the fact that no one at the RMV was doing the required manual checks on license infractions from out of state — a backlog dating to March 2018.
Had her agency done its job they would’ve suspended Volodymyr Zhukovskyy’s license after a May 2019 DUI in Connecticut. Instead they ignored it and seven people are dead because of her organization’s gross incompetence. It doesn’t matter that it wasn’t her job to oversee every RMV office in the state. She’s the captain of the ship. And when seven innocent people are killed under your watch, the captain of the ship takes the blame.
Let’s not forget that this woman has been embroiled in many scandals. Like the $100,000 bathroom she approved at DOT headquarters, that came with a mini-fridge and kitchenette. Because these people take golden poops, don’t ya know.
Charlie Baker and his corrupt administration cannot admit when people he hired did something wrong. That’s why he immediately stated that Public Safety Director Dan Bennett was “incontrovertibly innocent” after we exposed his involvement in the coverup of a judge’s daughter’s arrest report. No investigation was necessary, because Charlie’s people can do no wrong.
He said he was going to reform DCF, but yet children in need continue to be allowed to stay in horrible living situations. He said he was going to fix the MBTA, but hasn’t taken any actions against Stephanie Pollack. He promised reform of the State Police, yet no one was disciplined for their role in hiring drug dealing trooper Leigha Genduso.
Charlie Baker reacts to problems instead of being proactive before the problem happens. And even then he takes way too long to act. With Troopergate he ignored that story until the MSM picked up on it, because he thinks Turtleboy is below him. He was in London when the 7 bikers were killed, and he couldn’t be bothered to jump on a plane and address this because he was too busy going to meetings about wind turbines and watching the Red Sox.
Don’t worry though, he’ll be the first to run to the woke media and condemn Judge Kavanaugh or a free speech rally on the Boston Common. Anything to show the media that he’s one of the “good republicans.” Anything to advance his own political career. Because people like Charlie Baker really only care about people like Charlie Baker.
P.S. I met a whole bunch of awesome people today, many of who took pics with me, and it really fueled my desire to never, ever stop doing this. It means too much to too many people.
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So like 3 people showed up?