Influencer TikToker Marc Lewis Responds To Blog About Him

Marc Lewis, the proclaimed TikToker and bootleg Dave Portnoy responded to the blog we published about him earlier in the week with 2 Tik Tok videos, and it’s hilarious. I discussed this story on the Weekend Live Show (29:30). Click here to subscribe to our YouTube channel.
@marclewisiscool #boston #bostontiktok #bostoncheck #massachusetts #massachusettstiktok #massachusettscheck
@marclewisiscool What a fucking joke #massachusetts #massachusettstiktok #massachusettscheck #boston #bostontiktok #bostoncheck
Read the comments on his post if you wanna have a good laugh.
Anyway, he does seem to have some supporters and people have suggested that this blog was unwarranted. I agree that it’s not groundbreaking content or anything, but in my opinion he just reeks of douchebag. He’s been posting this everywhere in local town groups:
“I’m an influencer.”
No. Just no.
Prior to his posts about Frankie’s pizza he went on that same Worcester food group and made a post about how important and successful he was, and how he needed a guide around town. Does that make him a ratchet criminal scumbag? No. Is he a self-important twat? Yes.
He also does a lot of dating advice for cougars, which as a commenter pointed out is a little bit creepy:
These younger than 80 men go after the 50+ single woman. The guys are younger so anything looks good to these woman. They are broken, lonely and desperate. They feel validated and like this guy would date them and understands them. It’s a whole thing I’m seeing. They target this age group of woman intentionally. He is gross. Any guy that age that does that is gross.
Also, if you’re making videos about how to pick up chicks, you should probably clean your bathroom and towel.
You should also have your own place instead of being a man in his 30’s with a roommate. But yea, you’re a real catch dude.