Johnston Mother Claims In Viral FB Post That Chinese Restaurant Put Maggots In Her Food That Look A Lot Like Rice

Jennifer Pelletier is a Johnston, RI woman who describes herself as “best friends” with her daughter Talia.
Studies have shown that referring to your daughter as “my best friend,” drastically increase the odds of appearing on TB. Just ask Jennifer Poor.
Jennifer and Talia recently ordered Chinese food from the Red Ginger Restaurant, which they claim came with a side of maggots.
The Facebook post has hundreds of comments and over 1,700 shares, so let’s take a look at the evidence.
Is this a maggot?
Hard to tell. But you’ll notice that the beef is surrounded by and covered in rice, and the alleged maggot happens to be the same size and shape as the rice. It’s also a maggot with a strong will to survive since it somehow beat the deep frier.
Either way, you can’t tell just by looking at those pictures if it’s a maggot, nor do we have any way of knowing if it came like that. A normal person sees that and asks questions, but a Facebook mob reacts differently.
It obviously must be a sneak attack by the Red Chinese. Don’t tell AOC.
Be warned – if this man finds a maggot in his Chinese food, you won’t like the outcome.
A witness showed up, and it didn’t work out the way the maggot whisperer planned.
Did she speak to management about it?
No, but she did post about it on Facebook and will be filing a complaint with the board of health. That counts, right?
Jennifer seems very trustworthy, so there’s no reason to question her story. After all, it’s not like she’s ever been brought to small claims court by a hospital and forced to pay a judgment of over $1,600.
Or been brought to small claims by Capital One Bank.
Or been brought to court by the Department of Environmental Management.
Or been forced to pay $718.30 to a credit card debt collecting agency.
Or been brought to eviction court for not paying rent.
Or been charged with violation of a protection order and cyberstalking, failed to show up at court dates, and then had bench warrants issued against her.
No way Jose! She would never lie about anything like this. Plus, she hid in her home from a virus, as can be seen by her Facebook filter.
She’s an American hero, and the Red Chinese clearly want to silence her. But unfortunately for them they underestimated the power of Facebook.
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