Maine Middle School Principal Apologizes After Threatening Trump Supporters On Facebook, Mocking Genital Size

Bill Gifford is the principal of Oceanside Middle School Principal in Rockland, Maine.
He’s a former hippie and Dead Head who doesn’t understand that you can’t just write whatever pops into your head on Facebook in this day and age, which is why he has elected to write incendiary posts about how Donald Trump is not his President, that he had been reported to the superintendent for his incendiary posts, and that the people who had an issue with this were “asswipes.”
He accused Trump supporters of being poorly endowed.
And over the summer he called Trump supporters “monkeys,” “ignorant f***ers,” and “goon squads,” while warning them that the gloves were off if they fucked with him (whatever that means).
Rockland and Rockport Maine are about 40% Trump supporters, so a number of kids under his care are likely to be lumped in with the “goon squads,” “asswipes,” “ignorant f***ers,” and “small dicks.” But it’s OK because after some uproar he issued an apology and all is forgiven.
“My mistake was to include profanity.”
No moron, your mistake was showing the people you serve that you hate and look down upon them because they don’t subscribe to your political ideology. That’s the real problem here. The language you were dumb enough to use on social media is just disqualifying for use an educator.
Now imagine if he had said those sorts of things about Obama or Kamala Harris. Would this apology be enough? Probably not. But that’s because it’s OK to call people little dicked monkeys, as long as you’re doing so in the name of woke politics.
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