Law and Order

Mattapan Man Crashes Car While While Evading Malden PD Days After FB Stating Cops Would Never Catch Him, Posts Videos Of Unrestrained Daughter In Backseat 


A Boston man led Malden police on a high speed chase that could’ve ended deadly yesterday after he was caught trying to utter fraudulent checks and didn’t feel like pulling over.

Literally 10 days before.

In fairness, he said “good luck catching my car AFTER curfew.” Ratchets don’t do well in the daylight. He also couldn’t stop for the police because he didn’t have his “I got stopped by the POLICE” crew with him.

A normal human being would lay low out of pure shame and embarrassment, but ratchets have no shame. Instead he’s been posting on Facebook to clarify the most important thing that the cops got wrong – his age.

Oh good, he reproduced.

And he cares about her a lot, which is why he records himself driving with her in the backseat unrestrained.

Great Dad. Great role model. Obviously going places in life since he’s a Harvard grad.

Tapered sweatpants. Ballin.

Now he’s just gotta work on getting that credit score up so he won’t have to try to utter fraudulent checks.

The good news for Aaron Curry is that this is Massachusetts, a magical land where horrible Dads can still see their crotch fruits and you don’t go to jail for larceny or leading the cops on chases that end with you crashing into stone walls.


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