TB Investigates

Monica Cannon-Grant Announces Bruins Are Honoring Her As Social Justice Hero Despite Racist, Threatening Video Directed At Congressional Candidate 


Three hours ago Bruins President Cam Neely issued an apology after VP of Marketing Matt Chmura allegedly photoshopped a Bruins logo off of Charlie Coyle’s shirt in an IG and Twitter post.

However, while they were doing this well known racist Monica Cannon-Grant was posting on her Violence in Boston INC Facebook page that she was being honored by the Bruins.

According to her the Bruins asked her to record herself waving their flag outside of the statehouse in lieu of being honored as “Social Justice Hero” at a Bruins game. This wouldn’t be surprising considering the Celtics honored her for the same thing in June.

It also wouldn’t be surprising because the Bruins might not know about what a racist bigot Monica Cannon-Grant is. This is what happens when the Boston Globe, which has elevated MCG up as a civil rights hero and leader of black lives matter in Boston, doesn’t report on this racist, violent, threatening video MCG posted. In the video she calls black congressional candidate Rayla Campbell racial slurs, accuses her of “riding white penis” because her husband is white, and suggests that Campbell’s supporters should have their heads blown off.

These quotes will no doubt go down in history with “I have a dream.”

“I’ll be damned if I let this melanin adjacent woman, whose proximity to white supremacy is so disgusting, be disrespectful to our congresswoman because white folks have convinced her that she was better. She’s an exceptional negro? Is that what it is?”

“Malcom X would’ve blown somebody’s head off.”

“I get it, you’ve been riding white penis for a while. I don’t give a shit. You and Tom, Chad, and Bill can get it.”

“Then you had the house negro who was so excited about being in the mother fucking house, that every time master got sick they was like ‘we sick master.’ That’s what this woman is.”

Here’s some more of her greatest hits that the Bruins should probably watch before honoring her as a social justice hero and paying her to be their brand ambassador.

“I’m anti-coonery. There is a situation in this city of house negroes and field negroes that nobody wants to talk about. And the house negroes will always bow to the oppressor.”

The Bruins did this in spite of the fact that their players proudly were wearing Boston Police hats all the time at press conferences prior to George Floyd being killed.

They are ashamed to be associated with the Boston Police but proudly associate themselves with Monica Cannon-Grant, and the local newspaper hasn’t said a word about either story. This is the world we are living in.

I have to assume that Cam Neely doesn’t know about Monica “can i get that” Grant. So let’s make sure he knows. Everyone who is concerned with the Bruins chosen association with this woman should write a respectfully worded to them at [email protected]. Make sure to link TB Daily News with the video.


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