Poor Behavior

Peabody Politician Tells Black Woman She Is A “Disgrace To Your Race” Who Puts Her Kids In Danger For Supporting Trump After Debate


This is Bob Croce from Peabody.

White Bread Forman has run for political office and failed many times as a democrat.

This is Bukia Chalvire, another Peabody resident who happens to be a conservative Haitian immigrant and a black woman.

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Bukia is voting for Donald Trump and watched last night’s circus of a debate. I watched it too, and if you want to watch my play by play analysis subscribe to our YouTube channel by clicking here

The only thing people are talking about today is how Trump allegedly refused to condemn white supremacy and endorsed a white supremacist group called the Proud Boys. The Proud Boys are a group of vigilantes who show up to counter Antifa and occasionally brawl with them. Their leader is a black guy named Enrique.

Unless you’re in Antifa or attend riots, they are harmless and you can go your entire life without knowing they exist.

Trump has condemned white supremacists a million times before and is under no obligation to keep doing so for bad faith journalists who demand that he does it every time he speaks. But as you can see from the transcript, his response when asked to condemn white supremacy was “sure.”

He said it twice. He said he wanted to see peace. That was him “doing it sir.”

Trump then asked them for a name of a specific organization he could condemn and Wallace couldn’t name one because white nationalists are a bogeyman with no influence, power, or numbers.

Specifically Wallace asked if Trump would tell “militia” like Kyle Rittenhouse to “stand down,” instead of getting into street battles. Trump affirmatively responded by saying that he would ask the Proud Boys to “stand down, and stand by.” In other words, let the cops handle it and don’t jump in if you insist on showing up to riots. He neither condemned them, nor supported them. He just asked them to stand back.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden literally said that Antifa does not exist. They are just an idea. He received no pushback from Wallace, just like he didn’t get any pushback on why he couldn’t answer if he was going to pack the Supreme Court. Antifa and black lives matter have caused significantly more destruction and hurt many more people than the Proud Boys could ever dream of. Anyone pretending that Trump refused to condemn white supremacists, or isn’t upset with Biden’s response about Antifa, is not a serious person and you should laugh at and mock them relentlessly.

Meanwhile the leader of the Proud Boys said he didn’t think it was an endorsement and denied that he as a black man was a white supremacist.


Bukia posted this about Joe Biden’s derogatory previous complaints about black people, and why they weren’t black if they didn’t vote for him.

Bob showed up and decided to demean her “lack of character as a woman of color” for supporting a guy who literally just denounced white supremacy and has done so before. But he didn’t stop there.

He feels bad for HER kids. How do you think his daughters feel about the fact that their father embarrasses them on the Internet constantly and can can fit an iPad on his forehead?

Bob was just getting warmed up though. He also called her a disgrace to her race.

He claimed that she was putting her kids in danger because she had the audacity to run away from the Democratic plantation that racist white liberals like Bob think all black people must stay on.

He even went on to accuse another person of color for taking the same position that Bukia did.

It’s not the first time he’s done this either. I entered his name on the Facebook machine and it turns out he did the same thing to a woman two years ago during the Kavanaugh hearings.

“Get off my wall you nasty, self hating witch before I drop a house on you.”

“You’re a disgrace to womanhood.”

“I’ve never disrespected a woman, just pigs like you.”

“Your complicity is the reason women get sexually assaulted.”

So not only does he get to decide who is and isn’t sufficiently black, he also gets to decide who’s a woman, which in fairness can be very confusing when you’re a democrat.

In classic Bob Croce style he also brought up that woman’s children as well.

It simply doesn’t get any scummier than this degenerate.

I’m blown away that a man who’s run for office and seems to have a legitimate job working as an executive publisher/general manager at The Dark Intelligence Group and wears a suit to work would publicly say the things he says.

He tells everyone he disagrees with on political topics that he’s going to drop houses on them, calls them pigs,  strips them of their racial and sexual identity, and accuses them of being bad parents. He is quite possibly the most racist and sexist person I’ve ever profiled, and he thinks he’s the good guy here because he’s not voting for Trump.

Bob, the only disgrace here is you. For the sake of your wife, daughters, and friends, please kindly delete your account and remove yourself from the Interwebz forever.



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