Law and Order

Pembroke Drunk Driver Had Documented His Own Long History Of Drunken Car Crashes On Social Media

There’s been a lot of speculation and rumors surrounding the events leading up to the horrific crash in Pembroke that left a 13 year old girl dead and two other people clinging to life, after this useless sack of flesh decided to drown himself in whiskey, beer and cocaine and get behind the wheel of his company vehicle, completely inebriated at 7am.

Although I do understand the public outrage aimed at the company this man worked for, as it was their company Christmas party he was leaving, as of now I cannot substantiate any of the rumors going around. Social host liability laws very well may end up applying here, but in the interim, this is a company which employs approximately 200 other people who did not decide to get more wasted than a college intern at spring break without the common sense to call an Uber or at least sleep it off in the driveway. Approximately 200 people who depend on the paychecks, even if they are signed by a company would couldn’t be bothered to look into the background of a guy who was hired to contribute to highway public safety. So, let’s not get distracted from where the blame squarely lies here. Gregory Goodsell, his pubestache, and his wanton disregard for public are solely responsible for this tragic loss of life. Although Goodsell’s father told reporters:

“He’s a good kid, he just screwed up, he knows it. This was a company Christmas party that obviously got out of hand. I assure you my son feels terrible.”

Gregory Goodsell is not a kid. He’s 31 years old. And I, for one, am not buying the narrative that the brunt of the blame should get passed off to the company that dad’s trying to sell. This is not Greg’s first time wrecking a car because he doesn’t know when enough is enough or how to call for a ride. His driving record includes three prior suspensions. And he’s thoroughly documented his own shitty judgement through social media.

So much for “definitely a life changer”. In 2008 he hit a tree being “young and immature”, but vowed he was done with that. But that was determined to be a lie, because in 2009….


A picture of another smashed-up car. Because apparently this kid is too fucking dumb to figure out the proper way to operate a two-ton speeding bullet safely on public roadways, in 2010 he got back online to celebrate a lighter license suspension than he was anticipating.


He shouldn’t have gotten that license back at all. Because as recently as 2018, he was charged with even more reckless driving offenses after being involved in yet another accident that sounds pretty consistent with driving under the influence to me.


In fact, it would seem that his reputation for terrible decision making has preceded him for quite some time now.


This guy shouldn’t have been allowed to drive at all – his license should have been revoked a long time ago. He shouldn’t have been hired by a company called “Hi-Way Safety Systems”, because his entire driving record appears to be the complete polar opposite. But most importantly, at 31 years old with all these experiences already sitting clearly in his rear view, he should have known better.  The Registry of Motor vehicles should have taken away his license, but that doesn’t guarantee an unsafe driver will no longer drive, nor did allowing him to keep a license force him to drive in the condition he did. Hi-Way Safety Systems should have checked his driving record and social media and immediately declined him a job, but he clearly had a pattern of driving drunk before his employment with the company. Someone should have taken his keys, called him a ride, or driven him home themselves – but nobody held him at gunpoint and made him get behind the wheel of that car. It’s so natural and expected for us as a society to lash out and try to pin the blame everywhere and anywhere we can – Lord knows so many parts of this story were entirely preventable. But that doesn’t change the outcome, unfortunately. Shifting the blame around doesn’t change the fact that one person and one person only got behind the wheel of that Ford truck, blew a red light at 70mph and shattered the lives of an entire community.  At the end of the day, that’s where the accountability ultimately lies. And most critically, because he didn’t, a child is now dead, another one clings to life, and if her mother survives this ordeal, her life will be irreparably broken. No, he’s not a “good kid”, I don’t care how terribly he feels, and at the end of the line it was his decisions, and his only, that caused all of this damage and tragedy.

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  1. Did you do your “fact checking” on the 200 people who chose to be responsible. I’m willing to bet many, in fact, were not responsible but didn’t get caught.

  2. Please read this comment very careful, two years ago, i was in brockton mass(my home town) i saw a dump truck was trying to make a turn and someone with bad intention cause the accident just to get some insurance money.

    As a eyes witness i called highway safety right the way and that owner(katy or what ever her name is) she picked up the phone, and i gave her all the infos and i told her what was going on. I even gave to her my personal phone number in case she need more info.( i did all of this expecting nothing in return
    , but yes because i am a truck driver( cdl class A) and i know how pain is it to get into accidents just because someone wants to make money from a insurance scam.

    Few days after i spoke with her, paul and Ron from her office called me, and they wanted to meet with me so i can give them my version of story, i took some time off work(without pay) i left early and i drove all the way to rockland, and sat down with them and i told them everything that i knew. And because of what i did, they were pleased with me and they offered me a Job to go work for them and that they will pay me 50 dollars per hours( being that i am a cdl class A) they said for me to think about it, and when ever i am ready that i can go there and that they will give me Job.

    Few days later, i had some investigator from their insurance company came to my house on my personal time, and i sat down with him for long hours and he recorded me, and i told him everything that i knew.

    I did all of this with good heart because as a truck driver, i know that because of one accident it can ruin your license

    So last year on the beginning of the year, )2019)i called over to highway safety and she said that she is hiring and for me to go there ASAP so i can go do a application, i did went right the way, on that day it was only her(katy) and her husband there.

    She interviewed me and she gave me the Job( my licence looked pretty good. And she did recognized me. And she gave me the Job right the way, and she said that around march that she will call me because she will do a big meeting where all drivers and crew members will be present. She loved me so much that she said that she will give me a Job so i can become a foreman, and that she is looking for someone just like me to because a foreman

    I was very happy and at the end i asked her if they work on Saturday’s she said that sometimes they do work on saturday, so i told her that i am a seven day adventist and do to my religion i cannot work on Saturday’s, but i can do work during all of those others days but Saturday.

    As soon as i said that to her, she soon say; well sorry but i connot hire you. I was like why? And she said because of your religion you cannot work on saturday, and that she will need me to work on Saturday’s if it rain during the week days. At the end i was very stunned because she was very ungrateful.

    And soon she ended the interview and she said that when i quit my church than i can go work for her( when you change your mind than you can come work for me) from there i left the office.
    And i did post a review about this on google.

    After seen that life of 14 years old was taking because of the poor choice of her and her driver, this make me feel terrible sad

  3. Don’t be a bunch of idiots TB…. the company is very much to blame for this. Company Xmas party which went to the bosses house while he was driving a company truck where the boss got cocaine for the employees. The company turned a blind eye to all of it. Another employee WAS arrested by Hanover PD for OUI after leaving the same party and again another employee DID die after leaving the same party. Likely from an overdose.

    Do NOT protect the company, the good employees (which I’m sure there are many) will find employment elsewhere. The company and the owner deserve to be thrown into non-existence.

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